I Don't Want To Marry You

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The wedding hall is ready for my marriage with my beloved Evan. I never wanted to marry, yet I fell for that man so deeply and madly. My family accepted our love and this should be the moment I cherish but my heart is now not ready to marry Evan.

Is he a bad person?


Did he hurt me? Evan couldn't do that even in dreams.

But something changed me and our love story. I sat on the mandap beside Evan. Within a few minutes, Evan would tie a knot making me his wife. But I am unsure whether I am ready for it or not. The muhurth approached, my heart raced with tension and uncertainty. Evan took the nuptial chain to tie and I stopped him, much to everyone's shock.

"I don't want to marry you," I said and Evan looked at me shockingly.

"Aura, what are you talking? It's you who said you love him but now what is this?" My dad said.

"Aura, this is not right. If you are not ready, you should've informed us before but now it's too late," my brother said.

"It's okay, uncle. I can't force her to marry me when she's not ready. It's her life and should be her choice," Evan said, dropping the mangalsutr down and walking away from the mandap.

Seeing him leaving, I fell on my knees remembering the past with tears in my eyes while the guests passed their comments as they wished. My excitement on the engagement day and my heartbreaking no today - there's a lot that happened between both.

Awakened by the melodious tune of my alarm, I shrugged off my comforter and silenced the alarm on my phone. That day was no ordinary day; it was the day I was to be engaged to my beloved, Evan.

Rising from my bed, I made my way to the shower. The restroom was filled with the invigorating scent of lavender essential oil and lemongrass bath salt. I slipped into the bathtub, the bubbles infused with rose petals, orange peels, and mint leaves caressing my skin. This aromatic bubble bath, a personal favourite of mine, had a way of relaxing my muscles and rejuvenating my spirit, preparing me for the exciting day ahead.

After the refreshing shower, I donned a specially designed frock, coloured white and sky blue, adorned with roses. The simple yet elegant platinum necklace I wore added a glow to my appearance. Despite being a fashion designer, I've always preferred minimal makeup. However, today was different. My mother had sent over my best friend, who also happens to be a beautician, to do my makeup. She applied a light foundation, accentuated my eyelashes, and shaped my eyebrows. A touch of pink matte lipstick completed my look.

Accompanied by my beautician friend Erica and my sister Idika, I descended the stairs to where the engagement ceremony was about to commence. My eyes met Evan's, and for a moment, I forgot to blink. Dressed in a cream-coloured suit, his sharp brown eyes and charming demeanor took my breath away. The realization that this most handsome man was to be mine for a lifetime filled me with an indescribable joy, a joy that made my heart flutter every time I looked at him.

"Aura, if you could tear yourself away from Evan's magic for a moment, we can commence the ring ceremony," my brother Ahnay teased, causing Evan to arch an eyebrow in amusement. Within moments, the ceremony began, and we exchanged rings, officially announcing to the world that we had given each other our hearts.

Following the ceremony, our friends and relatives took to the dance floor, their movements in sync with the romantic rhythm of the music, amplifying the joyous atmosphere. Evan extended his hand, inviting me to join him for a dance on the dais. As we swayed to the music, I found myself lost in his expressive brown eyes, which conveyed more than words ever could. As our dance came to an end, Evan caught me off guard with a kiss on my cheek, eliciting blushes and cheers from the crowd.

"I love you. You've brought so much happiness into my life, and I can't imagine a day without you. Thank you for choosing me as your partner," Evan declared, his heartfelt words met with applause and a shower of rose petals.

The ceremony concluded on a note of joy, love, and anticipation for our shared future. Evan was the man of my dreams. I had never considered marriage until I met him through my work. Initially, I mistook him for one of those men who belittle women and dismiss their ideas.

When I presented him with costume designs for his actors, I observed his domineering attitude, which I found off-putting. However, the importance of the project compelled me to put my reservations aside. Evan appreciated my designs, which were a fusion of modern and traditional Indian aesthetics, perfectly suited for his film about an Indian family living abroad.

Our professional interactions gradually evolved into a strong friendship. As our bond deepened, Evan opened up about his personal life. He had lost his parents and had chosen to distance himself from his relatives, who were driven by greed for his wealth. Exhausted by their relentless scheming, he severed all ties with them. His friends became his chosen family, and he cherished them deeply. Witnessing Evan's personal conduct, which contrasted starkly with his professional persona, left a profound impression on me. I found myself drawn to this dichotomy in his character.

His respect for his friends, who were like family to him, and his resilience in the face of adversity impressed me.

Evan proposed to me on my birthday, catching me completely off guard. Although I was initially confused, as I had always seen Evan as a friend, we decided to date for a year to better understand each other. In that time, he won my heart, and my family readily accepted our decision to marry.

Lost in my thoughts, I was admiring my engagement ring when Evan rushed towards me. It was then that I noticed the hem of my dress had caught fire from a fallen diya near the statue of Lord Krishna. Evan and Ahnay quickly extinguished the fire with water and a blanket. The incident left everyone in shock, as it occurred right after the engagement, casting a shadow of inauspiciousness over the event.

Hi readers, This is my new story "Sahasra" - a modern tale of Indian Warrior Princess with many turns, twists and magic. This story gives you a different experience and makes you enjoy the fiction completely. Wait to read who is Sahasra and how she effects the sweet love tale of Aura and Evan. Thank you.

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