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In the bustling second day of planning, Yuna found herself working alongside Rebecca, the leader of the managing team

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In the bustling second day of planning, Yuna found herself working alongside Rebecca, the leader of the managing team.

As they arranged items in the venue, Yuna pointed out, "If the projector is placed here, the space looks a bit empty."

Rebecca agreed, "Yeah, you're right." Yuna suggested, "Maybe we could get a motivational quote frame or something. What do you think?"

The older girl's eyes lit up, "Oh! There's a perfect one in the storeroom. I'll go get it." However, just as she finished speaking, someone called for Rebecca, diverting her attention.

"It's okay, I'll get it," Yuna offered. Rebecca hesitated, "Are you sure?" Yuna nodded, "Yeah. Where's the room?"

Rebecca provided directions, cautioning, "Be careful with the boxes." The princess assured her with a nod and made her way to the storeroom.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong focused on discussions with his colleague about event timing. Yuna disappeared into the back hall, catching his peripheral vision.

Yuna entered the storeroom, turning on the light. She looked around and spotted the frame on top of a stack of boxes.

Determined, she tried to reach it on her tiptoes, then jumped softly, but it remained out of reach. With a pout, she muttered to herself, "Perks of being 5'2."

Taking a deep breath, she jumped a bit higher, finally grasping the frame. However, her success came at a cost – the boxes beneath her started shaking.

"Oh, fuck," Yuna muttered, closing her eyes, preparing for the impact. But instead, the boxes fell, and silence followed.

Slowly, she opened her eyes to find Hongjoong standing right in front of her, way too close. Her heart fluttered, the proximity and intense eye contact leaving her momentarily speechless.

As Yuna stood there, holding the frame, she found herself face to face with Hongjoong. The unexpected closeness made her heart race, and for a moment, all she could do was stare into his eyes.

Hongjoong, catching onto the unexpected situation, flashed a crooked smile. "Well, that was close," he remarked, glancing down at the fallen boxes.

Yuna, still a bit flustered, managed a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I didn't expect the boxes to be so... rebellious."

Hongjoong chuckled, crouching down to help pick up the fallen items. "Guess we both underestimated their enthusiasm."

Yuna joined in, and they quickly started putting the boxes back in order. As they worked, Hongjoong glanced at the frame in Yuna's hands. "Motivational quote, huh? Planning to inspire the whole event?"

Yuna rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, a little motivation never hurt anyone."

Hongjoong grinned, "True. So, what's the chosen quote for our grand event?"

Yuna looked at the frame in her hand before speaking, "It's 'The best way to predict the future is to create it.' What do you think?"

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Ambitious. I like it."

With the boxes back in place, they both stood up, and Yuna held the frame with the chosen quote. "Let's make this event something people will remember."

Hongjoong nodded, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Agreed. We'll make it unforgettable."

And with that shared commitment, they left the storeroom, ready to continue their planning for an event that held the promise of both challenge and success.

As the two exited the storeroom, the lingering proximity with Hongjoong played on Yuna's mind.

She couldn't shake off the unexpected rush of emotions that swept over her. Trying to regain her composure, she took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong, who followed her out, couldn't help but feel a subtle warmth from the encounter. The shared moment in the confined space left an impression on him, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he continued working.

 The shared moment in the confined space left an impression on him, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he continued working

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omg cutus 🙈

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