Start from the beginning

"He was just following orders......MY ORDERS!!!.....I did all of this okay?.....I killed your son!!! I took the goods from was all me!!!........You wanted the boss right?....I'm here so let him go." She screamed.

"No Anneth don't do this......please......Why are you doing this?!! Don't do this!!!" I yelled.

"shut up Norman!!....let me make this right" She replied back for the first time.                                      "No you are not doing this....I won't let you.....I don't have anyone else except you and my uncle in this world.....please don't do this.....I promise I will save you both......but please don't do this....I will die without you please." I yelled again.

"Your uncle is dead.....For gods sake let me save you please!!!!" She looked at me with teary eyes while I froze at her words. My Uncle is dead?!....No it can't be.....he can't leave me like this.

"you are joking right?.....yes you are......No it can't be.....have you gone mad Anneth!!! can he die I just saw him.....he just fainted but I'll save him......don't talk like that" I said breathing nervously.

"Why would I lie to you Norman..........I saw it with my own eyes....he injected him with cyanide then blew him off with a powder kegs......I'm sorry I tried but I couldn't save him......he is being fooling you all along......I know I don't have the right to say this but please for me stay quiet and I promise I will set things right." She said coming closer.

"uh-uh!!! love birds.....don't act smart.....its for me to decide who gets out from here!!! stay away!!!!!" He said pulling her away.

"Johnny don't you dare hurt him?!!!.....let him go" she said trying to get away from his grip. While I tried to Anticipate what is happening around me.

"Me?....let go of him?....Not in this life.....Do I look like a fool to you?.......He? is not involved in this?........what do you take me for huh?!.....Let's assume for once that he was following your orders but still he dared to go against me.....HE BETRAYED ME!!! he is no exception.!!!" He said while she sighed in annoyance......I can feel her nervousness growing.

"BETRAYAL?!!.....You are talking about betrayal?.......the greatest betrayer alive on earth is talking about getting betrayed?! can't get more funnier than this.....if what they did was betrayal then what about you huh?....Can you justify what you did to me and my family.....was it fair? it wasn' don't have any let him go and talk to me." She said angrily.

"Oh don't you give me a lecture about are no saint......Didn't you hide your real identity from this man ?!!" She froze for a moment. ".........Did you tell him who you really are?!!!......Did you tell him that you are The Young mistress of the house Evanie!!!!......that you're a princess.......did you?.......Lecture me after being completely honest about your intentions...... Didn't you use him for your own purpose?.......Huh?.....tell me?....Tell me Norman did you know who she was?" He looked at me and I looked at her........Anneth?......Young Mistress? is this possible?......what on earth is he talking about?......And even if its true why did she hide it from me?.....Too many questions were rumbling in my head but i ignored them and focused on her again.

"Did you know who she was.....did you know she used you for her revenge.....wake up Rockwell!!!....Fine I admit I killed your uncle but do you think that she has been honest with you?" I looked at her with confusion.

"Johnny stop it!!!" She stopped him but he didn't listen to  her.                                                                       "Ask her....didn't she?" 

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