Where pricks are french

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"I actually hate you. Did you know?" I glare at the Monegasque standing in my room. It's currently 10:00 in the morning in Australia and I'm very much rethinking my life decisions. "Sure you do ma belle. You should be glad I posted on my private story." See, I'm not entirely sure if he's kidding or not. "It's too earlyyyyy..." I turn around in my bed, trying to block the light by pulling my covers over me again. "Then why are you awake?" I feel the mattress next to me sink in. "Because." I move the cover off my head to face him "My parents left for the airport at 6.30 in the morning and they wanted to let me know. Also I told them I'd be flying with you so you're kinda stuck with me." I rearrange my pillow, ready to go back to sleep. 

"If you're flying with me, mon coeur, you need to pack." I look up confused. "What do you mean? You're leaving at like three in the afternoon? That's five hours from now?" More than enough time for a nap. "You need at least half an hour to pack, its a twenty minute ride to the airport with no traffic and we need to get trough security." Oh my god. "You are an airport dad." I say it more like a matter of fact, getting a pointed look from Charles in return. "Char we are not going to the airport five hours in advance. That's insane." He takes it as a challenge. Of course he does. It's Charles. "Fine, I'll start packing for you. Where are your clothes.." Well that got me out of bed. "Nono, I'll do it." It's just something about him going through my underwear that's weird to me. 

"Alright." He knew exactly what he was doing. "You are such an ass sometimes." I turn around, only to find his eyes on me already. Right, I'm wearing just a top and pajama shorts.. "You. Are so beautiful." I smile at him. "You might just be the death of me." Well that feeling is mutual Char. 

Now, there are two things I could do. Keep the peace going, or choose violence. I'm not going to pick the first option. "Hey Char, have you seen my sunglasses?" Now I know damn well my sunglasses are on my nightstand, but honestly, this is just part one of the 'revenge'. "They are here ma belle." He doesn't look up from his phone when I walk over to the side of the bed where he's sitting. At least not until i bent over him to reach my nightstand on the other side. Karma is a bitch Leclerc, and so am I. 

"Such a tease." I turn around, looking innocently at him. "What?" Why is he smirking. He shouldn't be smirking. "Don't act all innocent now ma belle. You know exactly what I'm talking about." I'm not giving in. "I have no idea what you mean. You're imagining things." The Monegasque chuckles. "Oh I most certainly am." I just know the motherfucker is proud of himself for that one. I'm making my way over to the bathroom to change when my phone rings. "Charles could you pick up please?" It's quiet for a bit until I hear Pierre's voice saying something. Not sure what. "Oui elle est dans la salle de bain, pourquoi? Nous partons à l'aéroport dans quinze minutes." Just because I'm petty, and partially because I want to know what they're saying I walk back into the room, wearing only joggings and a bra. The second I step out of the bathroom, I feel Charles' eyes on me. "Charles? Chaaarles? Leclerc! Mais putain, CHARLES?" I'm rummaging through the closet as if I'm looking for something, I'm not. I finished packing about five minutes ago, well, save for a top from last night but that's a detail. 

At the same time Charles is completely ignoring Pierre, his eyes completely fixated on me, following my every step. 

"Pierre mon pote, je te rapelle dans quelques minutes." With those words Charles hangs up, leaving Pierre laughing at the other side of the line. "Are you looking for something mon coeur?" I look up, turning to Charles who's still sitting on the bed. "The dress I wore last night." His eyes narrow while I walk over to the chair next to Charles' side of the bed, where my top lays. "You didn't wear a dress last night." I turn around, acting stupid. "What do you mean I didn't wear a dress last night? Yes I did." I cross my arms, looking the Monegasque straight in his eyes. He's catching up now. "No you did not. Because I very vividly remember helping you out of that top right there when you were struggling to get it off last night." 

"Oh.. well, I'll just finish packing then." I can't keep the smirk off my face and Charles seem to have noticed that. "Like hell you are." I don't get the chance to run because I'm lifted of my feet and thrown onto the bed with Charles hovering over me. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" I can't help but laugh at his face. The man is fighting for his LIFE not to give in right now. "Parading through the room with your little attitude, acting all innocent once you're caught." This is kinda hot. Charles when he's all worked up? He has me in the palm of his hand. "Maybe you should do something about it then." I can't hide the slight change in my voice. I need this game to end just as much as he does. "You'd like that huh. Me doing something about that brattiness you love so much." My lungs are non functional. My heart is beating out of my chest and the blood is rushing to my cheeks. I can feel him kissing my face on quite literally every single spot but my lips. "Can you not?" The Monegasque grins at my slight annoyance of his actions. "Patience ma belle." I roll my eyes at his words, resulting in Charles smirking. He's closing the distance painfully slowly and the second I'm about feel his lips on mine, Pierre bangs on the door, making both of us jump up.

"Chaaaarlieee, Booooob" The French prick singsongs from the other side of the door, getting a swat on his arm from presumably Kika. "What do you want Gasly?" Charles hands me my top to put on while he's sounding pretty pissed at Pierre. "We're coming in." The blonde sounds too happy to my liking. "Why so pissed Charles? Were you doing inappropriate things maybe?" That's it. I'm bringing the receding hairline picture back. "What do you want?" The Frenchman puts his hands in the air in defense. "You said 'we leave for the airport in fifteen minutes'. We are fifteen minutes later." I bet he's regretting being an airport dad now. 

Oh how I love being right. "Fair enough. But Charles needs to get his things first. You know what, you two go and get his things. Kika and I will meet the two of you in the lobby in five minutes. Sound good?" Pierre nods, shoving Charles out of the room before he can complain. 

"Now. Do you want to tell me what was going on in here?" The brunette next to me asks with a smirk all over her face. "Your boyfriend is a cockblock." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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