Where pierre talks shit behind my back

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"Hello, this is the funnest person in the world speaking?" I say, accepting my best friend's call. "I must have the wrong person then. Are you sure you didn't mean most annoying person? Because in that case you'd be right." The man at the other side of both the line and the world answers. "Very funny Sainz. Incredibly even." I roll my eyes at the Spaniard, whom I call my best friend. "This is the exact reason why your dad is the better Carlos. He's actually funny, you're not." "Don't talk shit Bo. We both know you love me, otherwise, how would you ever get premium paddock tickets? Huh?" The driver cockily says, forgetting one key detail. "Oh I don't know, maybe ask my dad? Perks of being the Mercedes CEO's daughter I guess?" I remind him, smirking to myself.

1-0 Bo.

"Should've seen that one coming." He mutters. "Yes indeed you should've." I smile as I see his face pop up after accepting the FaceTime request. "So tell me Chili, how is life in Italy?" I ask, plopping down on the couch. It is a cold, cloudy Wednesday afternoon, the exact opposite of the sunny and seemingly warm evening in Italy.

"Life here is quite good, racing season is about to start again so I'm pretty excited for that, uhh.." He frowns, trying to find other things to update me on. "Still no girl?" I smile at him teasingly. "No, and honestly, I don't think I'm looking for applications at the moment." The man who is like a brother to me grins. "Shame, I was about to hook you up with Hailey Baldwin." I smirk, laughing when I see his uncomfortable face.

Hailey has made it rather clear that she's interested in the Spanish driver. Tagging him in pictures, declaring her love for him in messages, talking about 'them' in live streams. It's hilarious.

"Not funny." He pouts looking at me. "A bit funny." I say, making him roll his eyes. "Anyway, I know your answer already but is there any chance you're coming to the opening race in Silverstone this year? Or any race in general?" He pleads, knowing my answer would most likely be no. I sigh. "Chili.." I begin. "Yeah yeah I know but think about it, he's gone, there's no one stopping you from coming to the paddock again? Plus I know you love it so there really are no cons." He interrupts me before I can give him any reason why I shouldn't be able to come. "And you can see your parents again?" He adds. "I saw them last week?" I chuckle. "Still, it'd be fun. Admit it."

He's got a point there. "I can see your brain working. Come on Bo, it'd be just like the old times you know. Plus this time there's no whining Oliver. That dude was a fucking pain." Another fair argument.

Oliver is my ex. And not a fun ex, no he was the type to constantly tell me I couldn't do this, or that. Restricting my life. Being a bitch in general and gaslighting me whenever. However all that I could live with, the big problem was that he didn't trust me around any men. Including Carlos and the other drivers, which drove them up the wall the one time I took him with me to the paddock. Ultimately we broke up because not I, but he cheated. Funny how the tables turn isn't it?

"You know what, why not?" I give in. "Really? Oh wow that was easy, I didn't even need to use the puppy eyes." He smiles widely, moving his hair to the side. "You still need to tell me your hair secret though. Also, puppy eyes? I've got to see that." I chuckle at the thought. "I will never in my life tell you my hair secret. But the puppy eyes, that I can do." When I tell you this man mastered those puppy eyes, I'm not even exaggerating. "Look at you being cute!" I exclaim, taking a screenshot of the FaceTime.

"Did you just take a screenshot?" His eyes widen, realising what I just did. "Yes I did?" I look at him innocently. "Don't you dare post that one Bo." He glares at me. "We'll see. Depends on how annoying you plan to be in silverstone." I smirk as he sighs deeply. "At least you're coming.. I expect you in full Ferrari merch all weekend." He quickly adds. "That I can't promise.. gotta stay true to my no 1 team." I smile sweetly. "Why did you have to be toto's daughter for fucks sake." The brunette whines. "Tough luck Sainz. Be glad I'm coming." I add, reminding him again. "Fair enough, fair enough, anyway I am very much not sorry but I've got to go so I'll see you? Next time?" He questions unsure. I nod. "See ya Chili! Don't crash into a wall or do anything else stupid you'd do." I grin as I give him a wave. "Yeah yeah, see you Bobo!" He ends the call, leaving me bored in my flat. Louise, my best friend and flatmate, is currently at I don't know what so I'm home alone with nothing to do but annoy my friends.

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