where certain people are overprotective

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The interviews have been going on for a while now, questions varying from tires to the track conditions and preparation techniques. We all know personal questions are bound to be posed, we're just questioning which one will be the first.

"So Charles, this question is for you. You drove like a devil today, congratulations on pole by the way." One of the interviewers starts. I'm sitting in the press conference room with Kika. There is this place reserved for drivers family, behind the scenes, but we felt like being difficult and are located on one of the sides of the room, both with a cap on our head. Kika's cap is from McLaren, with Lando's number on it, and mine is a Mercedes cap with both driver numbers on it. "We can't help but notice that Bo Wolff is back in the paddock. Tell me, what's up with the two of you?" You're not serious. Really? I'm here one race, not even two days in and they're already involve me in their questions.

"I'm not sure what that has to do with the results of today but to answer your question, Bo Wolff indeed is at the paddock again. However I feel like Lewis and George are more fit to answer those questions since well, she is the daughter of Toto and not Mattia." Charles nods respectfully at the reporter asking the question. "As Charles said, she indeed is back at the paddock after quite some time and I believe we're going to be seeing her a lot more this season." Lewis answers the earlier asked question, leaving little to no space for rumours.

"Alright, Pierre the next question is for you. Your last few seasons have been going very well, can we expect you to change teams in the future?" Thank god we're back to professional questions again. "Obviously things can change in the future, but for now I'm very happy at Alpha Tauri." Empty answer, also sends a very clear message to the team. 'Get your shit together or lose one of the better drivers of the generation.'

"Again, about Bo Wolff, Lando, tell me. Who is she, what can we expect of you guys?" Back to personal questions I see. "Well, Bo is a lot of things. She's sweet and scary at the same time, very unpredictable which is why I won't be listing anymore of her qualities. She might just cut the curls off if I say bad things about her so, no thank you." Lando jokes, sending a wink in my direction. "Muppet." I scowl under my breath, causing Kika to laugh. "Then Lando, another girl that seems very close to you. Kika Gomes. Any relationship there?" Now it's my turn to grin. "Do you want me dead mate? Not a chance." The brit laughs it off without giving it much thought. His answer did silence reporters with other personal questions, seeing as the rest of the interviews went very professional.

"What a nightmare." I chuckle when Kika and I make our way outside. "Ki, believe me when I say they went easy on the boys." I smile at the few camera's noticing us. "And this is why the famous life isn't for me." A pushy pap shoves his camera into our faces, causing us to stumble backwards. "Bo Wolff. Any comment on the relationship rumours surrounding Charles Leclerc and yourself?" "Bo! Over here please!" "Kika! Any love story you can comment on?" "Over here ladies!" More and more paparazzi seem to smell a story and corner us. "Could you just let us through please?" I try to make a way through the multiple paparazzo but it's pointless. "Excuse me? Could you stop pushing us please." My efforts are vain, as the crowd seems to grow with time. "Kika, hold on to me okay? We're going to run." "Hey! Back up." Thank god for Kelly. The brunette is standing in the Red Bull garage with Penelope in her arms. Using the distraction to get out of the crowd, into the Red Bull quarters.

"What the hell was that all about?" The dark haired woman asks, putting her daughter on the ground. "They were probably waiting for the drivers after their media hour to try and get some juicy dating stories when they noticed us and tried to get them directly from the rumoured sources." Kika replies, shrugging at the thought. "Are they always this bad?" I nod at the question. "Sadly, yes. They have no feeling for boundaries or something of the sort. The thing is that the drivers really insist on keeping their private lives private, but tabloids believe they have this obligation towards their readers to spill every single detail about said private lives. I once found a paparazzo in Christian's garden while playing outside when I was ten. Needless to say he was absolutely furious." I recall the story as if it had happened yesterday. "Shocker." Kels mutters under her breath. "They get worse and worse with time. It's horrendous." I leave Kika and Kelly bitching about paparazzi for the little girl pulling at my trousers.

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