Chapter 12

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"Devi Savitri?"

"H e l l o"

There was a long awkward pause before one of the guards holding Anne spoke up.

"Maharaj, there is a crime scene near Hansmukhi Lake. It's a couple. the man and the woman, they are both unconscious. The woman has her throat slit off,although she is alive. the cut wasn't deep enough. We sent both of them to the Vaidya." The guard on her left spoke.

Ashwatthama, who already had his brow tensed up let out a deep sigh. Knowing what it's all leading to.

"This lady right here was holding the woman, She has blood all over her clothes. One of the kids of the musicians community passing by saw her killing the woman. Maharaj, we have finally found the famous serial killer who have been killing couples recently." The guard continued.

' bruh, I should have just ignored them and went my way'

"What do you have to say in your defence,Devi?" The king spoke

"The Guard is making false assumptions" said Anne shrugging her shoulders.

"We are telling what we saw and heard from witnesses my lord" The guards spoke out in unison.

'why are they saying it like its scripted?'

enough with your internal monologues Anne!

"Wait a minute who said that?, Is it the mushrooms I ate? " Anne murmured in shock.

Ashwatthama shifted his position and looked at Anne in the eye. The two guards, each holding her arms in a tight grip as if she's gonna run away. Everyone in the court was waiting for his response. His eyebrows were relaxed now , heaving a sigh he presented his decision to the Royal court.

"Call the witnesses and let's get to the root of this case. The victims are to be summoned here too once they've recovered so we can confirm the truth of these allegations upon this Devi"

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 :

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥.

In the opulent royal court, the accused girl, her composure a facade, faced the king's judgment. Despite her calm expression, turmoil churned within her as the child witness, eyes wide with innocence, recounted the details that accused her of murder. The weight of suspicion pressed heavily on her shoulders, revealing the silent storm beneath her poised exterior.The child's words echoed, and the courtroom held its breath. The girl, standing amidst the opulence of the royal court, felt the weight of judgment hanging in the air like a guillotine. The calm expression on her face belied the tempest of emotions raging beneath, a silent plea for justice in the face of a damning testimony.

"There is no one to account for your words,Devi." The king spoke unfazed and his voice stern.

As the tension in the royal court reached its peak, an unexpected twist unfolded. A messenger, breathless and urgent, burst into the grand chamber, bearing news that would shatter the accusations against the girl. The young couple, once gravely injured, had regained consciousness in the hospital and revealed the truth.

Their voices resonated through the hall, recounting a tale of bandits, robbery, and an unexpected savior-the very girl standing accused.

The misunderstanding that led to her false accusation became painfully clear as the couple clarified that she had bravely intervened to save them from harm.

The revelation hung in the air, and the court was swept with a profound sense of disbelief. The king's stern countenance softened, and the weight of judgment lifted from the accused girl. In an unexpected turn of events, justice emerged, not as a verdict but as a revelation that untangled the web of confusion and deceit that had ensnared her.

A wave of relief swept through the royal court as the truth unfolded. The accusatory whispers gave way to murmurs of disbelief, and then, as the realization sank in, the court erupted into cheers. The once-condemned girl, now exonerated, stood at the center of the jubilation.

The cheers reverberated through the ornate hall, echoing the court's collective joy at the unexpected turn of events. The king, acknowledging the gravity of the revelation, nodded with approval. The girl, her calm facade now replaced by a mix of gratitude and astonishment, received the newfound support with humility.

The royal court, a witness to both accusation and exoneration, transformed into a scene of celebration. The cheers echoed not only for the girl's innocence but also for the resilience of justice in the face of misunderstandings. It was a moment of collective relief, a shared acknowledgment that truth had prevailed, and the falsely accused had been vindicated.

With the royal court still echoing with cheers, Ashwatthama rose from his throne, his demeanor shifting from stern judgment to a gracious acknowledgment. "In the face of adversity, this brave soul has shown both courage and compassion," he proclaimed, praising the wrongly accused girl.

Turning to his attendants, the king instructed them to escort her to the guest chambers, a gesture of respect and hospitality. The once-accused girl, now honored by the king, left the courtroom under the escort of the royal servants, the cheers of the court still ringing in her ears.

Addressing the soldiers with a commanding tone, the king ordered a thorough investigation into the case. "Find those responsible for this injustice," he declared, determined to uncover the truth behind the bandit attack and bring them to justice. The royal court, once a scene of tension, now buzzed with a newfound purpose as the soldiers prepared to delve into the mystery surrounding the falsely accused girl and the bandits who had sown confusion in the court's halls.


Guys,Vote and comment.It means a lot to me. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

I changed the cover and the the description.

Next update : tomorrow (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

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