Chapter 6

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"Hey, Are you okay?"

"Yes I am, I was just admiring the grass"Anne said still lying on the ground.

"It doesn't seem so"

She stood up and dusted off the dirt on her knees. She looks up to find that the person she bumped into was   none other than Ashwatthama.

"What were you thinking about so deeply that you didn't even  noticed a person in front of you ?"He asked

"I was just thinking about the love of my life "she said

"I didn't knew you were married"He said

"I am not, Just leave the topic "

"So what you're doing here ?"Anne asked.

"I came  here to fetch some wood,I was heading  home now  " He replied

"Good, I came here to freshen up and I met some guys on the way. Can you like guard for me while I take a bath?"

" There's nothing to be afraid of  here.The nearest Village is miles away   so no one would be coming here but if you say so I will guard for you."he said

"Okay then  go and guard there by that tree"Anne said and he complied.

Good for her ,she found another neem tree there,she broke a twig to use it for brushing and went towards the river and  took off her clothes.

she made sure to not let anything happen to her last slice of bread and kept it on top of her clothes (Yes it still hasn't gone bad).

She didn't expected the bread to go this long without molding. As she went deeper and deeper into the river,She felt waves of pleasure  hitting her.It was pure bliss,Bathing after a long tiring journey does feel euphoric.

She washed her old clothes and tried wearing the long cloth which she had identified was a saree. She wrapped the cloth around her body just how she saw on Mata kripi and let her hair loose.

She went to call Ashwatthama  only to find him plucking flowers. It was Jasmine.

"Why are you plucking these flowers for ?  " She asked.

"I'm going to make a gajra out of it for Mata"He said focusing on plucking the flowers.

"Can you make one for me too?"Anne asked

He turned around  and found her right in front of his face,they were so close that they could feel each other's breath.

After a second or two of staring each other in the eye. He took the basket containing the jasmines and gave it to her for holding as he will be carrying a pile of wood.

"Okay, I'll make one for you"

"Thank's  dude"

"What's a dude ?"he asked her

"  it means ' a man' " She told him.

"You have an interesting vocabulary"he said

" I know right ?"

"You are looking different today "He said

"In a good way or a bad way?"

He took some time to think and answered her.

"The former one"

"What took you so long to answer?" She asked.

"Nothing" He said smiling upon the girl in front of him

They reached the hut after some walking and thankfully she didn't meet  those earlier dudes on the way.

Anne went inside to have breakfast with Mata kripi while Ashwatthama went to meet his homies.

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