"Have you come to an agreement yet brat?" asked Severus. "Are you going to help Draco and Blaise?"

"Oh yes you old bat," said Harry fondly. "I was just going over some finer details with Professor Dumbledore when you came in. I am actually glad you are here. I need a favor as it were."

"If it is within my power, all you have to do is ask," said Severus sitting down. "What is it you need?"

"I was just telling Professor Dumbledore that I need the Occlumency classes to resume," said Harry. "I also mentioned that if we were to help Draco and Blaise that I would need the help of Hermione, Luna, and Neville. I also mentioned that I heard some disconcerting information regarding the Weasleys."

"What did you find out about them?" asked Severus. "I am more than willing to continue with Occlumency lessons. I think it will be a good idea for the whole group to learn it. Draco has a basic understanding, but you are more advanced than he is."

"Professor Dumbledore, how many vaults does the Potter family have?" asked Harry. "I am not talking about my trust fund. I mean the actual Potter Family vaults."

"I honestly do not know," said Albus. "It was not something that your mother and father disclosed to me. I am neither your guardian nor am I your magical guardian. Therefore, I have not been privilege to that information. Sirius would have to ask. I am sure that he is your magical guardian. However if this is something that you trust me with, I can always find out. You just need to tell us what is going on."

"Three," said Severus quietly. "James Potter has three family vaults. Lily has two. The only reason I know is because Lily and I were friends. She told me. It was not my place to say anything as Sirius is your guardian. Lily found out while she was in school about the Evans vaults."

"I think something is wrong with my family vaults," said Harry. "I overheard something that doesn't sound right. It makes me think that someone is stealing money from my vaults. If this is true, we need to put a stop to it immediately. With Sirius in the hospital, it may be best of Professor Dumbledore handles this himself."

"What makes you say that?" asked Albus. "Does this have anything to do with the Weasleys and why you are not counting them as your friends any longer?"

"I overheard a conversation between Ron and Ginny yesterday," admitted Harry. "If you would allow me to use your pensieve, I can show you all the memory. This way, I do not get something wrong, and you can all give your opinions."

Albus went to his bookcase and tapped a certain book on the shelf. The wall opened up and a huge stone basin rolled out of the opening. Harry lifted his wand to his head and pulled out the memory. From there, he placed it in the bowl. Draco and Blaise were just as curious as Albus and Severus. Everyone surrounded the bowl. Draco and Blaise looked uncertainly at Harry.

"Please," Harry said. "I would like your opinions as well. I may be over reacting or something. I want to make sure I am not looking for trouble that doesn't exist. I have enough enemies as it is."

Albus tapped the bowl with his own wand and the images of Ronald and Ginny Weasley rose and began speaking.

"I am telling you Ginny that I have had enough," said Ron. "Mum is not giving us enough money to keep on being a part of this. These last few days were the worst. We could have been killed in the Department of Mysteries. As it is, I will be scarred for life."

"We still have to be careful," said Ginny. "If, Harry or Hermione, figures out what is going on, it could ruin everything. I will not lose my chance to get my hands on the Potter family fortune."

"Just remember our deal," said Ron. "I get a good cut of the takings. Mum says there is a fortune in those vaults. Hermione will be a problem. She is to smart and her bond to Harry is to strong. We have to figure out how to separate the two of them."

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