"We're opening in 2 minutes." John said walking thought the kitchen doors with a tray in hand. You nodded and sweeped up the last little bit. The you quickly wiped down the tables with a cloth.

You managed to get as much as you could done before John came thought a opened the shop.


The morning went smooth. It was now lunch time and you were due your lunch break. But the amount of people that came in made it very difficult for you to find time to just leave. There was only you, Cece and John. John was out back making pastires and you and Cece where taking turns in serving customers and making drinks. It was a lot, but you two got through it.

As Cece was serving what seemed to be the last one for the lunchtime rush you leaned close to her "I'm gonna take a break, when I get back you take one as well." She just nodded, handing the customer their change.

You walked out back thought the corridor and up to your apartment. You unlocked the door and walked to the sofa opening the left over bags. The teddy your brought being in one of them. You picked them up and took it into the bedroom and sat it on the center of the bed. You smiled at it then turned back to the living room.

All that was left was your butterfly knife and toiletries. You placed the butterfly knife on the coffee table then picked up the bag and took it to the bathroom.

In the bathroom there was a nice vanity sink, black marble. The rest of the bathroom was white. You didn't expect that.

There was a shelf on the right of the sink, you placed the toilet roll you had on there. The toilet being right next to it. Next you put the shampoo and conditioner on the side of the bathtub. Then all that's left was some moisturiser, toothbrush and toothpaste. You placed them next to the sink, planning on getting a cup for your toothbrush and toothpaste.

You walked back out of the bathroom and looked around the place. This was all yours and no one could stop you. You smiled at the place. Maybe you'll get some paint and customise it a bit more to your liking.

Then you remembered, the whole cafe might be yours someday.

You sat on the sofa for a second, just thinking. Anything and everything. Then The Radio Demon popped into your head. Your eyes went wide, why did he of all people pop in. You shook the thought away, looking over to the clock in the kitchen.

Realising you had been up here for 20 minutes, you got up and walked down stairs. Not locking the door as not many people are allowed back here.

You got to the front to see Cece leaning on the counter, looking at her phone. "Cece, you can go on break now~" you sung walking to her. "Thank you, things have calmed down a lot now." She walked past you into the kitchen.

You smiled looking out at the cafe, the familiar faces. You then turned to the radio to the right of you and turned it on, also turning it up a little. You begun humming along to the song, it was 'i feel like I'm drowning' by Two Feet.

You moved slightly to the song, wiping down the counter, sink and coffee machine. You were really feeling yourself right now.

Feeling it too much to not hear the door open and close, too much to notice the cafe go quite.


Startled you turned to the person, wide eyed. His red eyes stared back, smile wide. "Sorry, got a bit too into the music." You said turning the Radio down.

Alastor And The Barista (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن