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Halloween fun 😈

Y/n- reader
H/n- his name (imagine a name you like or have a crush on...or someone you just met but start to have feelings for) (bold letters when they speak)

The scene starts at a Halloween party. Y/n meets a girl there and thinks her vampire costume is fake. Let it play on from there.


Crushes/strangers POV:

I get ready to go to a Halloween party that my friend is throwing as I put on my costume 'is it really a costume?' I think to myself as I continue getting ready. I finish getting ready and head over there. When I get to the party I was already irritated by the amount of people making my cravings go crazy. I start to walk around the house before heading to the kitchen avoiding any kind of interaction with everyone and grabbing a bottle of bourbon. I open my bottle as I glance around the room. I stop to glance at this girl. I notice that she is wearing a slutty devils costume. I watch her wave at me as I take a sip out of the bottle and take off upstairs finding an empty room, walking in and closing the door. I sit down on the bed and take another sip out of the bottle as thoughts of the breakup I just went through weeks ago take over my mind. I continue to sip on the bottle before I lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. I use my vamp hearing, listening to everyone in the party below me. I get up from the bed getting up walking over to the bookshelf before grabbing a book. I hear the door open and close before I look over at it "you lost?" I ask the person who entered the room.

Readers POV:

I had gotten an invite to go to a Halloween party from a friend of mine a few weeks ago and tonight was the night of the party. I put on my costume and did my makeup before looking in the mirror and taking a few pictures and videos. I call a taxi knowing I'll be drinking and made my way to the address. I pay the taxi driver and get out of the taxi and fix my costume before looking around and then making my way inside seeing if I recognize anyone. I see a friend of mine as I call her name and walk over to her. She looks at me and says that she loves my outfit and that it's very revealing. I continue talking to my friend when I start to feel like I'm being watched. I see someone looking at me and I get confused but smile and wave at her a little. I watch as she walks away which really confused me. I tell my friend that I'm going to get a drink. I make my way into what I think is the kitchen and get a drink before looking around yet again. I had told myself that I wanted to drink and forget everything from my break up to my parents leaving so I downed everything in the cup before grabbing another and walking to find my friend. Not being able to find her I start to wander the house admiring it, continuously taking sips of my drink before looking upstairs seeing people making out everywhere. I slowly make my way upstairs moving past the people making out as I mutter gross and get a room to them all. Some of them just look at me rudely some don't even care to listen and some actually tried to start a fight. Before two people could fight me I turned around and quickly went into the first room that was unlocked as I shut the door behind me with my back against it and closed my eyes. I try to calm my breathing down as I hear a voice "you lost?" the voice asks. I open my eyes in shock not expecting to hear another voice in this room "umm I don't know maybe" I say looking around. She smirks closing the book putting it back on the shelf "you look lost" she says sipping on the bourbon. "Well I was about to be in a fight and I ran into the first room that was unlocked" I say in a rush as I watch her drink. "yeah these parties aren't for people like you" she says staring me up and down. I cross my arms with my drink still in hand watching her check me out "what do you mean by that?" I ask sipping my drink. "meaning you're so shy and out of place, you're a good girl per se; parties like this aren't really your style" she says. "How would you know my style? I'm not shy or out of place" I say raising my voice as I get irritated. She smirks "oh yeah? So what you're a bad girl?" she asks sitting on the bed placing the bottle she was holding on the floor. I point to my devil horns and to the rest of my costume "this doesn't speak for itself?" I ask. "eh it's just a costume" she said smiling. "Just a costume? What are you supposed to be?" I ask. She smirks "a vampire" she said reaching down and taking another drink out of the bottle. "Yeah okay. It doesn't look like it" I say. "well maybe because when you're a real one there's no need for a costume" she says smirking. I laugh a bit "A real vampire? Nah that's not possible" I say walking around the room. "if you say so" she said under her breath. "I do say so because they aren't real" I shrug. She rolls her eyes at me sipping his drink. "You know there is a lot of people dressed as vampires maybe you should go and talk with them" I say to her. "I don't do the whole social thing I'm only here because my friend throwing this party did me a favor so I showed up for him" she says. I look at her confused "Did you a favor? What favor?" I ask her. "why would I tell you, you're just a stranger" she says getting up. "I'm just a stranger but yet you told me you're a 'vampire'..." I say using air quotes. "yeah but you even said yourself you don't believe it" she says walking closer to me. "I don't believe it. Like I said there's 20 other vampires downstairs. Should I go ask them if they are real too?" I say laughing slightly. "fine don't believe me but I am out of here" she says smirking. I look at her confused "no wait" I say trying to stop her. "what?" she asked turning around. "Look I don't believe you're a vampire so why don't you show me if you really are one" I say. She smiles setting the bottle down on the bookshelf. She walks up to me taking a deep breath, flashing me her fangs as her eyes turn red. I look at her thinking to myself "well the fangs could be fake and your red eyes could be contacts" I say taking a sip of my drink. I notice that she gets irritated as she grabs me, throwing me onto the bed. She speeds on top of me "still think it's fake?" she asks. I look up at her and get mad but I smirk "you made me spill my drink and yes I think it's fake because you could just be good with speed and strength" I say. She grips my wrists tightly then release me trying to calm herself down. "Yeah you're definitely not a vampire" I say. "why do you think that?" she asked getting off me. "Just because. You're too much of a chicken to do anything or prove me wrong" I say. She gets up off me "whatever I'm out of here" she says. I lean up on my elbows watching her get up and walk away "pussy ass blood sucker" I say smirking. She turns around "you're really testing me!" She yells. I get up and walk towards him "awe hunny it's a devils job to test people" I say in a mocking tone. I notice her taking deep breaths. "Damn what's got you all breathing like that hmm?" I ask. She turns around towards the door. "Leaving again so soon that's sad oh well blood suckers aren't real anyways" I say moving past her to go to the door. She grabs me by my arm pinning me against the wall. I look at her shocked. "keep thinking I'm playing" she said gripping my wrists tightly. I smirk "Oh I will want to know why? Vampires aren't real" I say trying to get out of her grip. She grips tighter "keep testing me and so help me I'll dig my fangs into your neck" she said in a threatening tone. "I will do what I want because I listen to no one" I say continuing to try to move. She rolls her eyes "you're such a brat" she said. "Nope the devil listens to no one now either prove to me you're a vampire or move out of the way" I say. She finally lets go of my arms "I don't have time to entertain this" she say.s I wait for her to let me go before I move, going to the door and opening it before I go out. I turn around "just so you know your secret is being told" I say winking as I rush downstairs. "go ahead everyone will think you're crazy!!" She yells at me. "Not when I have a picture proving it" I yell back over the music. "what picture?" she asks running down the stairs after me. I try and hide so he won't find me. After a few minutes I check if the coast is clear. I didn't realize that she was watching me from a distance. I quickly look around for my friend and once I find her I run up to her clearly in a hurry. The so called 'vampire' casually walks over to me and my friend smiling. I look over realizing who it was. "hi" she said with a smile on her face. "Hi? Why are you here? Thought you wanted to leave" I say. "oh I am just wanted to say hi to your friend" she says slowly having her eyes go red. "I don't think so" I say shooing her away. "hey, hey don't be mean now" he says. I pull her over to the side a bit "look I don't know why you're lying about being a real vampire but it's not cool" I say quietly. "who said I'm lying about it?" she asks winking. "Well you're not proving it so therefore lies" I say going back to my friend saying that I need to talk to her. "I'm out of here" I hear her say as I watch her leave. I start to feel bad and told my friend I'd be back as I follow her outside "wait vampire" I say. "what do you want?" she asks turning around. "Look I'm sorry. I don't have a picture of anything. I wanted to talk to my friend about something else" I say catching up. "look I get it you're here for your friends. I came here as a favour. We're not the same you should stay clear of me" she says. "I dont know your name even and now I'm even more curious. I know we are strangers but what kind of favor? And I don't know if I will stay clear because I find you interesting" I say. "My name is (h/n) and trust me you should stay clear of me" she said as she sped off. I look around confused on where she had went 'hmm (h/n).... I should ask my friend if she knows who she is' I think to myself as I hesitate but go back to find my friend. I find my friend and pull her aside to an area where her and I can talk "I have a question and I don't want you to freak out but do you know someone named (h/n)?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. I stay confused and not sure what to do. I decide to keep what she told me about her being a vampire to myself as I go get one more drink. I chug my drink before going outside, taking a long walk deciding that I should try to make my way home. I start to walk home as thoughts of my ex start to surface my mind. I tear up a bit and before I know it I feel uneasy. To make it worse I am not covered up and I felt like I was being followed. I continue to walk a bit quicker regretting not leaving sooner as I hear footsteps behind me. I turn down a random street not knowing where I was. I start to get scared as I keep speed walking trying to get away from the person following me. I look behind me and then turn into a dark alley hoping the person never seen me. Someone appears in front of me. I scream not knowing who it was, hitting the persons chest as hard as I could as self defence. "owwww" the person says as they grab my arms. I stop screaming as they grab me. "relax relax Jesus" they say. "How- what- there was someone chasing me" I say panicking realizing that it was the person from the party. "I know it was another vampire once he smelled me he took off" she says releasing my arms. "A-another vampire? How..." I start to think. "we're everywhere but when they see you walking in the woods alone of course they're gonna look at you like you're a meal" she says. "I didn't mean to be walking alone. I just couldn't find my friend and I wanted to go home" I say. "well you could go home and possibly wait for that vampire to find you or you could stay with me for the night and be safe" she offers. "Well first my name is y/n since I never introduced myself. I mean what exactly would happen if I went home? Would that vampire break in?" I ask. "he wouldn't dare cuz I'd kill him vampires know better than to break into other homes" she says. "Just tell me what would happen if he followed me home? Please" I ask. "he would torture you, bite you and drain you. It's basically fair game because you don't have another vampire protecting you" she said. "And if I went to your place? Then what?" I ask. "you would be safe" she says. "How?" I ask her. "relax I won't feed off you if that's what you're worried about" she says trying to reassure me. I roll my eyes "you're not a real vampire anyways" I say trying to move past her going in the way I thought was her house. "fine, get fed on and possibly killed...bye" she says walking the other way. "Wait that's the way to your place?" I say turning and following her. "yup" she shouts back. "Jeez didn't need to shout I'm not that far away" I say catching up. "well humans are deaf" she said walking. "You know what fuck you" I say. "nah" she said smirking. I roll my eyes continuing to follow her. "So I seen your fangs and your eyes.  Are they really real?" I ask. "yes they're real I have no reason to lie" she says. I think to myself for a bit "c-can I see again?" I ask shyly. "maybe later" she said. "What do you mean later?" I ask. "meaning later once I'm home" she says. "Oh right. How much longer by the way" I say feeling cold. "well we could get there quicker if you take my hand" she said stopping as she held her hand out. I look down then back up at her before taking her hand. She grabs my hand and speeds off. We get to the house within seconds. "Wow" I say shocked. "come on in" she says unlocking and opening the door. "Thanks" I say going in and looking around. She takes her jacket off tossing it on the couch. I fold my arms feeling under dressed and trying to warm up. I notice that she goes to the closet and tosses me a blanket. "Thank you" I say before wrapping myself in it. "no problem" she says as she goes to the kitchen and coming back with a bottle of bourbon. I stay where I was not sure what to do. "you can sit down you know" she says sitting on the couch. "I didn't know if I was allowed to. Do you always drink bourbon? I ask. "I do it helps with the cravings" she says. "What would happen if you let your cravings take over?" I ask. "obviously I would feed but I don't know if I would stop" she said. "Why did you run after the party?" I ask sitting down on the couch. "because there was too many people and my cravings kicked in hardcore" she said. I listen to what she said "hmm okay but like why did your cravings kick in?" I ask curiously. "just haven't fed in like a year" she says. "Why not?" I ask. "because I don't hunt. I don't treat humans like they're food" she said. "Oh? So like what do you do instead of feeding on them then?" I ask. "I usually use blood bags but they aren't as good as the real deal" she says sipping her bourbon. "Okay so then can I ask you a real question" I say gently grabbing the bottle and holding it. "go ahead" she says. "When we were in that room how bad were your cravings and how much did you want to bite me?" I ask putting the bottle of bourbon down. "a lot it was bad but I left to contain myself" she said reaching for the bottle. I stop her hand "and what about now?" I ask looking at her. She looks up at me as I see veins quickly connecting to her eyes then disappearing "what do you think?" she asks. "I don't know tell me or show" I say. I watch as she lets the veins reconnect to her eyes again slowly. She stares at me as she does so. I continue to look at her eyes admiring what was happening. She clears her throat "anyways" she says letting the veins disappear as she grabs the bottle. I look down at my lap shyly "sorry for that" I say covering myself more. "no it's fine, you're fine" she says getting up off the couch. I close my eyes and feel like I made a bad choice to ask all the questions. "can I show you where you're sleeping?" she asks. "Umm yeah that's fine" I say getting up off the couch. We go upstairs into her bedroom "we can sleep in the same bed or you can sleep on the couch. The choice is yours" she says. I follow behind her "I mean I don't mind where either it's just can you handle me in your bed or downstairs with your cravings" I say. "I can handle it trust me if not I would have dug my fangs in your neck by now" she says. I stop walking after she said that and look down not really sure what to do now. "relax I'm not going to hurt you" she says as she takes her shirt off. I admire her being built with tattoos on her chest. I realize what she did and that I was staring as I turn around quickly and hide my face. "sorry I'm not use to have company I'll go to the bathroom" she says. "No, no it's fine I'm just I'm not used to anyone being that confident with new people" I say. "sorry well I'm gonna go shower make yourself at home" she says walking into the bathroom that's connected to my room. "Wait...do you have something I could change into? I'm still wearing my costume" I say nervously after I turn around. "yeah" she says walking to her dresser. She tosses me a black oversized T-shirt. I catch it "thank you (h/n)" I say smiling slightly. "you're welcome y/n" she says smirking as she walks into the bathroom. I wait for her to close the door before I start changing. The shirt she gave me was big and if I stretched a certain way anyone could get a full view. I put my costume in a corner out of the way before I start to walk around her room. She takes about a 15 minute shower. I walk out of her room and go downstairs feeling a bit thirsty. I see her bottle of bourbon before I look upstairs and back at the bottle. I go and grab it taking a sip. I go from the livingroom to the kitchen wanting a glass for the bourbon. I look in the cupboards and find one. Just as I was reaching on my tippy toes for the glass I could feel someone behind me. "need help?" she asks whispering in my ear. "mhm" I mumble trying to not blush or say too much. She reaches over me grabbing two glasses as her chest is touching my back. I try to keep calm as I move my hand down gripping the counter. "Are you okay?" she asks grabbing the glasses. I nod closing my eyes tightly too afraid to speak. She slowly backs away from me smirking knowing what's happening. I feel her back away before I try to control my breathing "thank you" I whisper. "no problem" she said as she poured the bourbon into the glasses. I turn around slowly before hopping onto the counter and swinging my legs lightly. She slides my glass over to me. I catch it before it falls and take a sip looking at her. I move one of my hands onto the counter between my thighs to balance myself. "don't fall" she said smirking. I took another sip before I put my glass down "Oh I won't but just to be on the safe side" I say before moving both of my hands behind me leaning backwards, letting her shirt ride up my thighs as I smirk back. I notice that she looks away taking another sip of the bourbon knowing exactly what I'm getting at. I smile and lean my head back "what's wrong?" I ask her. "nothing, everything is fine" she says downing the bourbon. "Oh really" I say looking at her biting my lip as I attempt to be a tease. "I'm gonna go upstairs it's getting late" she said placing the glass down quite rough on the counter before she goes upstairs. I drank the last of the bourbon in the glass before waiting a few minutes. I hopped off the counter and grab the bottle taking sips before I go upstairs as well. I continue to sip the bottle as I go into his room seeing her lying on the bed. I put the bottle down on the side table and walk over to her side of the bed. I notice her hands are on her face. I quickly move to straddle her before smirking. She quickly pulls her hands away from her face "what are you doing??" she asks me. "Oh nothing" I say smiling. "why are you on top of me?" she asks. "Alcohol it does funny things. Do you not want me ontop of you?" I ask. "I think you had too much to drink and this might lead to something you'll regret" she says attempting to sit up. "No I definitely didn't and in fact I might have more to drink later" I say but I don't let her sit up. I push her back down with one of my hands as I kept it on her chest. She glances down at my hand before looking back up at me. "What?" I ask keeping it there. "you're playing a dangerous game y/n" she says. "And what game would that be?" I ask. "trying to fuck with a vampire" she said. "I mean if you wanted me off and if you didn't want to do this then you would have gotten me off" I say smirking. "maybe because I'm trying to be respectful" she says rolling her eyes. "So if I attempted to get off what would you do?" I ask. "go to bed" she says as if I was stupid for asking that. I roll my eyes "fine whatever" I say getting off and walking around to grab the bottle of bourbon before going downstairs again. "enough liquor" I hear her say before she gets off the bed. I smile "no" I say sipping on the bottle and unlocking the front door. She speeds downstairs slamming the door shut "enough!" she yells as I see veins reconnecting around her eyes again. "You know back doors are always an option too" I say smirking moving past her. She grabs my arm tightly "stop playing games! You want to go outside and get eaten by the vampire who's probably lurking around waiting for you, then be my guest" she says. I look at her "well clearly you don't want me to. It seems like you want to protect me" I say taking one more sip of the bottle before having it slip out of my hand. She quickly catches the bottle before it hits the floor. "Great reflexes" I say to her. "perks when you're dead" she says. I roll my eyes pulling my arm away and walking into the kitchen. She follows me "why are you acting like a brat?" she asks. I ignore her as I look around. She leans up against the wall watching me. I smirk wanting to test his patience. I go to where my glass is as I quickly push it off. She speeds to catch it "cut the shit" she says. "Make me" I say winking doing the same to her glass. She quickly grabs me "cut the shit!" she yells. She look at me not amused hearing the glass shatter on the floor. I watch as she rolls her eyes "You know everytime you roll your eyes at me I want to smack you" I say. "oh do you? You know every time you don't listen I want to bite you" she says. "The difference between you and I is that I can and will smack you. You won't bite me even if you wanted to" I say feeling something on my foot. "why won't I?" she asked confused. "Oh I won't hurt you don't worry" I say in a mocking tone. "you know just because I said it doesn't mean you should test me either" she says. "Well I will do what I want. You don't control me. I think theres bourbon or blood on my foot or leg from the glass dropping" I say looking down giggling. She glanced down seeing as I watch as her face goes pale. I look back up at her "i-it's fine I'll just..." I say moving back a bit.
I watch as veins start to reconnect to her eyes again "I-gotta go" she said speeding upstairs into the room. I start to look around for something to clean my foot "dammit" I say to myself. I find some paper towels and wet them and cleaned my foot. After it was clean I took a breath and went to the front door and quietly opened it before going out and getting some air. I hear h/n come downstairs "what are you doing?" she asks. "Getting air you said I wasn't allowed to drink anymore and you went upstairs so" I say. "I went upstairs to avoid tearing your throat out!" she yells at me. "Im not mad. You had your reasons I'm just a stranger remember" I say looking down moving away. She grabs me by my arm pulling me towards her and into the house "you're not a stranger" she says closing the door and locking it. I let her "What do you mean that I'm not a stranger. You said it yourself at the party" I say. "you literally have been in my house, we went from a party to you coming inside my house. You're not a stranger anymore" she says. I roll my eyes trying to pull my arm back. She grips tighter "don't act like a brat with me" she said smirking. "Or what? What will you do?" I ask. She grabs me slamming me down on the couch "stop fucking playing with me" she says. I look at her shocked "no now get off" I say trying to get out. She pins my arms to the couch as she leans down near my neck "what are you gonna do?" she asks whispering in my ear. I take a quick breath before moving my legs around. "you ain't going anywhere" she says. "Fuck you" I whisper. "aww someone mad? I bet you liked it earlier when you were on top of my lap" she says smirking. I move my leg up quickly and knee her chest so hard that it hurts to try to get her off. She lets out a groan as she hovers over me, her face buried in my neck "owww" she says. I giggle to myself "oh that hurts too bad" I say. She leans back to look at me angrily. "Why are you looking at me like that bloodsucker" I say smirking. She smirks back. I didn't notice her eyes go red and her fangs inch out. Once I realize I watch feeling slightly scared and nervous. She leans down towards my neck. I feel my heart starting to race as I close my eyes. "relax for me" she whispers in my ear coming back up. "I'm trying" I say quietly before looking at her. She slowly releases the grip on my arms. "What are you doing?" I ask. "letting you go because I can hear your heartbeat you're clearly nervous" she says. "Of course I'm nervous. I have an attractive vampire ontop of me whispering things into my ear" I say. "attractive?" she asks smirking. "Shit I shouldn't have said that" I say moving my head to the side and closing my eyes tightly. She releases her grip fully from my arms. I keep my eyes closed as I start muttering the word stupid to myself. She slowly leans down kissing my neck lightly. Once I feel her kiss my neck my eyes shoot open as I am shocked. I stop quickly and come back up "sorry" she says. "You didn't have to stop I was just shocked because earlier you wanted to tear my throat out" I say. "yeah well maybe I should stop because it might lead to that" she says. "Well maybe it can lead to something else then unless you don't want it to but if that's the case then get off so I can go drink more" I say pointing towards the kitchen. "I don't know if we should" she says smiling. "I don't give a shit I wanna feel anything" I say. "I don't think that's good idea" she says as my arms go around her neck. "Why not" I ask as I slowly pull her down. She lets me. "why do you think it's not a good idea" I say. "because I'm a vampire you're human do the math" she says. "Do you want this or not?" I ask. "woah wait hold up that was very blunt" she says shockingly. I sigh getting annoyed "yes or no h/n" I say rolling my eyes. "I can't I don't wanna hurt you" she says attempting to get off me. I unwrap my arms "okay" I say letting her. She gets off me "I'm gonna head to bed" she said getting ready to head upstairs. "Maybe I should just leave" I say quietly. "no I don't want you to leave" she said stopping. I sit up "what do you mean you don't want me to leave?" I ask. "There is a killer vampire after you and I don't want you to leave and get hurt" she says. "well it's obvious you don't want me here" I say getting up. "I do just because I didn't want sleep with you in fear that I'll hurt you doesn't mean I don't want you here. You're completely overlooking it" she says. I listen to what she says "can you get me that blanket?" I ask. "sure" she said giving me the blanket. I grab it as my hand touches hers. I look down "I-I'll sleep down here" I say. "I mean you can sleep upstairs I don't mind" she says. "Are you positive that you can handle me being up there?" I ask. "yes I have self control" she says. I roll my eyes "Sure whatever you say" I say as I push past her going upstairs. She follows me upstairs. "Is this a good idea?" I think to myself. She follows me upstairs as we walk into the room towards her bed. As I'm thinking I don't watch where I am going so I run into the wall "ouch" I say. "clumsy much" she says. I glare at her "shut up" I say. She rolls her eyes before getting into the bed. I throw the blanket on the floor before going to lay on it. "what are you doing?" she asks. "Oh nothing" I say. "you're a liar" she says. I roll my eyes getting up off the floor and going to lay beside her in bed. "why are you so stubborn?" she asks as she lays next to me. "Because I can be got a problem with it?" I ask. "nope no problem at all" she says getting comfortable. "You're not what I expected a vampire to be like" I say getting under the blanket. "what did you expect?" she asks. "I expected you to be a major flirt and have bled me dry already" I say. "I'm not that type of person I don't kill for fun" she says. "I still would have expected you to have bit me already" I say. "yeah well I'm not that type of person" she says. "You would have earlier if I didn't clean my blood or at the party" I say. "I have self control" she says. I turn to face her "do you though?" I ask. "what do you mean?" she asks. I get closer "do you have self control?" I ask again. "I do" she says a bit confused. "Prove it" I say. "how?" she asks turning towards me. "Okay then how about this. Bite me so I can see how you are when you don't have self control" I say. "ummm absolutely not are you crazy?" she asks. "Crazy? I mean yeah...you know what never mind I can just go get the other vampire to show me. Wasn't there one looking for me?" I say before I sit up. "here we go again" she says. "Well what? You're not gonna because you're not like that and you 'don't want to hurt me'" I say mocking her once again. She looks an me with anger and her eyes go red. I smirk "so mocking you gets to you does it" I say. "keep trying it and find out" she says smirking. "Keep trying and find out" I say smiling. She gets fed up. She grabs me and slams me down on the bed, climbing on top of me. I look at her shocked "do it" I say. "do what exactly?" she asks. I roll my eyes "Bite me, kiss me just do something h/n" I say. She kisses me risking it all. I smile but kiss her back. I move my arms to wrap around her neck. She lets me as she starts to kiss down my neck. I make sure to run one of my hands through her hair and pull before I move my face to the side a bit. She kisses me a bit rougher on my neck. I move my one spare hand down to my mouth trying to keep quiet. She kisses back up to my neck whispering in my ear "what's wrong?" she asks. "Nothing, don't stop please" I say. She continues as her hands glide up and down my body. I feel my heart start to race as it's been a while since I've been touched or kissed like that. She bites me lightly but not using her fangs. I moan lightly covering my mouth again. "stop covering your mouth" he said. "Make me" I say. She pins my arms down and moves back towards my neck kissing and lightly biting it. I can't help but moan as I go red. She smirks. I try to calm down my breathing but it was hard. She continues to kiss all over my neck before she suddenly pulls away. She lets go of my arms. I look up at her "what's wrong?" I ask softly. "I can't" she said trying to breathe. I move one of my hands to caress her face "calm down and breathe. You can but I won't force you" I say softly again. She looks down at me as her eyes are red, veins connecting to her eyes and with her fangs out. "I'm here just trust me" I say. She leans back down to kiss me. I close my eyes and kiss her back. She bites my lip while kissing. I make a little noise when she does that but kept kissing her anyways. She slowly slides her sweat pants off. She lets me move my hand to feel her body. I decide to take control as I flip us over as I straddle her not breaking the kiss. She lets me as her hands are on my waist, continuing to kiss me. I pull back to take my shirt off as I'm left in my bra and short shorts. She leans up taking her shirt off. I lean down a bit letting my hand and nails run down her chest before smirking and going back down to kiss her. She smiles and kisses me back. I felt her smile as I do it again but on his side this time. "you can do that down my back" she whispers in-between the kiss. I ignore what she said as I keep doing it. She speeds slamming me on the bed. I look up at her shocked but I smirk. She stands up as she slides off her boxers and throws them on the floor. She goes to her dresser and pulls out something and puts it on. I watch what she does as I bite my lip. "What is that?" I ask. "A strap" she says as I blush. I pull her back down onto me and kiss her. She was hesitant but proceeds to kiss me back anyways. I push my thoughts aside and just focus on her and I. As we are kissing I attempt to move my hands to her back. She slides my shorts off. I let her as I graze her back with my nails. She stops for a second and I watch her look around. I watch her "what's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask. "yeah everything is fine" she said as she kept kissing me. I pull back "Wait. Tell me what's wrong?" I ask. "it's not important" she says. "Okay fine it better not be" I say roughly pulling her back down to kiss me. She grinds herself against me as we're both naked. I gasp slightly but try to not let it bother me. "what's wrong?" she asks. "Nothin just not used to this. It's been a while" I say. "what do you mean?" she asks. "I mean it's been a while since I've been with someone like this" I say turning my head as I become shy. "oh so you're tight" she says smirking. I blush "y-yes" I say quietly. "that's hot" she says. "Is it r-really?" I ask. "yes" she said. "Then show me how hot it is h/n" I say smirking. She leans down kissing me. She lets me before she moves to pin me down again. She starts to kiss my neck again biting and marking it. I can't help but let out a moan "mmm" I hum. She kisses lightly then all of a sudden I feel her bite my neck. I try to make it seem like it didn't hurt. After a bit I got used to it and I started to become a bit weak. "H/n please..." I say weakly. She listens and pulls away and lets my arms go, leaning over me a bit as she licks her lips. "Hot" was all that went through my mind. I lean up on my elbows close enough to peck her lips. She smirks and leans down to my ear "I heard that baby girl" she says kissing my neck again. I was too stunned to speak "I said that out-loud" I say. "Yes you did" she says as she moves her hands all over my body to where I need them most. She spreads my lips and rubs my clit. I gasp lightly as she continues. She then inserts 2 fingers not letting me adjust. She leans down to kiss me and I moan into the kiss. She starts to move them faster and deeper. I pull her closer into the kiss trying not to moan too loud. She didn't seem to like that. She stopped, removing her fingers and pulled away from the kiss. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I want you to moan for me. Don't keep quiet. Got it?" she asks. "Yes h/n" I say. She smirks and grinds on me again this time her strap was inside me instead of her fingers. "Oh fuck me" I moan and throw my head back gently. "As you wish" she says smirking as I feel all of it. She doesn't let me get used to it. She is pulling out and slamming into me. I moan so loud that the neighbours were able to hear me. "Fuck don't stop. Keep going" I moan. She listens and keeps doing it but faster each time. She leans down and bites my neck again gently. I move my hand to her hair, gripping and pulling on it. She groans when I do that. "You're gonna make me cum h/n please" I moan to her. She pulls away from my neck to focus on making me cum. She rubs my clit with her fingers and that makes me feel so good. I cum without warning. She smirks watching me as she slows down. She pulls out and looks at me "how about we clean up" she says. I smile and use whatever energy I have to push her off me onto the other side of the bed. She looks at me confused "trust me" I say. She nods as I turn so my face is at her strap and my ass and pussy is at her face. "I'm gonna suck you clean" I say as I start sucking the strap tasting myself on it. She smiles and starts to eat me out, tasting me as well. "You taste so good baby girl" she says to me as she continues. I pull off her strap and moan lightly. She pulls away before I could cum again. I whine but move so I am lying on her chest. I look up and give her a kiss "you know fucking me wasn't even a plan that I had tonight" I say. She raises her eye brows "oh really? But you were being a major flirt and tease earlier" she said. "Yeah that's just how the devil is supposed to be" I say smirking. She rolled her eyes "go to sleep" she says closing her eyes. "Goodnight h/n" I say. "Goodnight y/n" she says.

(7480 words)

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Mar 17 ⏰

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