Chap 31- The Compensation!

Start from the beginning

The sun was in the middle of the sky and it was daytime, having nothing to do I decided to venture into the woods. I had just wore my jooti's when the soldiers stopped me,

"Yuvraj's orders, we cannot let you venture somewhere alone, forgive us for the daring intrusion."

My shoulders drooped upon hearing that and I returned into the tent. I had the lunch in a dejected manner and decided to take a nap.

Waking up, it was already dusk. The war conches were audible to the tent, announcing, the end of todays bloodshed. My heartbeats rose upon thinking about him. Will he be alright? How many wounds will he have in his body? I needed answers to my questions.

Waiting in front of the tent I saw Surya walking towards it. I dashed towards to expecting to see him but, he was not there. I was scared and I looked at Surya.

Surya bowed and said,

"Don't worry princess, Yuvraj is completely fine, he said he has some unfinished business and went towards the woods with his horse.."


Surya looked visibly scared and I was surprised at my own pitch. I was almost going to cry out of fear when I heard him from behind me,

"I am fine.. Why shout at the poor soul obeying me?"

I turned around and jumped at him immediately. I wrapped my hands around him tight and let the tears flow .

"I wa..s so worri..ed about y..ou.."

I said in a croaked voice. He chuckled listening to me and I left him.

"You are laughing.. how dare you..."

He laughed harder and suddenly held my waist. Stooping his body lower he slung my body over his shoulders.

"Aaaahhhh! Yuvraj..put me down..they are watching..Yuvraj.."

He walked with me across his shoulder and walked back to the tent. Putting me down in front of the mirror, I looked at him angrily.

"My dear is angry at me now.. fine then I will go back to the batt.."

"NO NO NO.. stop.....fine I am not angry anymore.. tell me why did you go to the woods alone?"

"To bring...this.."

He showed me a packet of banana leaves. There was something inside of it. I looked at him confused when he opened the packet. There were beautiful pink and white champa flowers inside. They smelled wonderful and I smiled at him. 

"Well you must be alone all day so to compensate that I brought you these flowers.. Turn around"

I turned around and her put a bunch of flowers on my hair above my braid. My braid was almost undone and he was adjourning it.

"The braid is messy.. Let me make another one.."

"I like all the mess of yours Noor.. you are beautiful the way you are.."

He slowly turned me around and gave a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and and then my eyes fell on a cut on his arm.

"You.. You are wounded!!"

"It's just a small.."

"Shut up.. why didn't  you tell me before?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and I held his wrist and pulled him to the bed. Opening the strings of the armour I looked at his uttariya. It was clean except his left arm completely soaked in blood. 

"Open it.."

I pointed at his upper and he obliged, opening it. I had seen him naked once but from far but this was the first time I was seeing a close up. He had many battle scars on his body and the wound added up. My mouth opened as my eyes went down landing on his well chiseled body.  I gulped and looked away simultaneously. I could feel him smirk and he said,

"Like what you see dear?"

I immediately blushed and told him,

"This is not the time for jokes.."

I clapped twice and the maids entered with a cloth a bowl of water and medicine as if they knew what I would ask for. I was thankful anyways and I sat down beside him to dress his wound. Dipping the cloth in water, I wiped the blood off his bicep, and cleaned his wound. He did not flinch at all. I looked into his eye and saw him smiling. I brought my gaze back to his wound and said,

"Why don't you grab onto something?"

I smirked as I repeated his lines he had said to me before. This certainly backfired as he grabbed onto my waist and pulled me a little closer whispering into my ear,

"As you say.. my queen.."

I couldn't help but blush and I pulled my self back. Smearing some paste on my fingers I applied it onto his wound, his eyes boring into mine. The eye contact did not break for a moment and I said,

"It's ...done..."


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