Archer's Broken Arrow

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"You can't beat yourself up. We can't do that to ourselves. It won't do her or us any good. We're here now, she's here with us, that's what matters."

I looked back at the steel door peeking out of the ground, even from here the sweet delicate scent of our mate lingered. I needed to calm down, I was more than eager to get back down there with her.

Both of us walked back inside after once again hiding the entrance. We stood outside her door, where even through the wooden barrier heard her soft, even breathings, her slow and steady heartbeat as she slept safe and sound under the covers.

More than anything I wanted to go into the room where she lay, wrapping my arms around her small body as I whispered promises of love and protection in her ear. I craved the feeling of the sparks that came from touching her soft, delicate skin. I wanted it all, but for right now that was out of the question.

"We need to give her time." Ace whispered, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl in the next room.

I pulled on the ends of my hair, the slight tinge of pain not nearly enough to tame the beast that threatened to escape. As I walked over to the couch in the next room, hearing a small crack in the wood where my hands were squeezing the frame, I realized just how hard the task would be. Removing my hand I saw that the wood from beneath had penetrated the cloth of the sofa, large splinters tuck out of my hand, bringing forth an absurd amount of irritation.

"How much time?" I questioned, my teeth gritting as the feeling of canines poked against my mouth.

My lupin form was about to surface. There was just too much emotion piling up inside me, too much that I was forcing back down.

"As much time as she needs." He replied. I nodded my head, already having drawn that conclusion from the very beginning, still for some untouched reason I was livid.

"Why don't you go for another run? I'll stay here with her. I think it'll do you some good." Ace had already begun putting away the food and dishes from earlier.

I looked back at the closed door, hearing the consistent rhythm of Rose's steady breathing. The last thing that I wanted to do was leave, but right now I was of no use to her.
"She'll be fine. I would never let anything happen to her." He didn't even bother looking back at me as proclaimed what I had already known.

With one last look in her direction, I bolted back up the stairs, quickly replacing the grassy camouflage that hid the door from the outside world.

No time was wasted as I felt my claws extending, fur protruding from my pores, as my bones began to break.

The sudden shift was painful, but I welcomed the agony, as it brought a sense of relief once the after burn subsided.

I felt a tug in my gut, reminding me not to stray too far. An invisible thread that bound me to my mate for eternity.

Remaining close to home, I stood under the full moon, the clouds above me opened up, causing an abundance of water droplets to soak into my thick black fur. The mid April air was cool and calm despite the rain showers ahead. Aside from the water bouncing off the ground the everyday sounds of the forest had been muted

In all her glory the moon shone bright and full in the sky. It felt as if someone was smiling down at me, knowing the precious gift that I had found.

Slowly, I shifted back into my human form, my bones cracking in the tranquil night as they repositioned. I held onto the pain. I needed it to ground myself.

I bowed my head, in respect and appreciation, thinking of the most precious gift I had ever received. My beautiful Rose.

"Thank you. Goddess, thank you." I commended.

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