Ace's Armor

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***Ace Amarok***

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***Ace Amarok***

Ace's P.O.V

All of my senses were on high alert as I carried the unconscious form of my mate under the coverage of the trees. The rigid form of my brother was indication enough that he too was on high alert as he walked close in front of Blocking the sight of our mate, his head whipped back and forth, scanning the perimeter for any potential danger.

After the close call with the mountain lion, he was ready to take on anything, as was I if the situation called for it.

I couldn't even allow myself to think for a moment what could have happened if we hadn't showed up when we did. Right in the nick of time. If we had been even a second later...

I held my breath, hoping that there weren't any animals passing by. If anything made so much as a peep my brother would go absolutely ballistic. I didn't want to risk the sleeping girl in my arms waking up to that.

My guard was only let down when we rounded the familiar entrance of our bunker, located deep within the woods. With one last perimeter check Archer removed the objects covering the hidden door, quickly replacing the pile of brush in order to camouflage the passage.

We began descending down the dark staircase that led into our hidden home, passing through the stone walls that held the joint together. From behind me I could hear the clicking sound of Archer sealing the door behind us, before flicking on the light inside.

Emerging from the stairs into a medium sized room that held our living area partnered with the kitchen just across. It was furnished with the basic essentials; a couch and tv, a dining table with a set of four chairs, a few cabinets and shelves placed throughout.

For the past four years this is where we had called home. Before this, it was a long forgotten safe house remembered only by our mother.

Despite the disdain that we faced from our father and pack I knew that our mother still cared for us. She was only following my father's wishes, as she had always done. The both of us knew this even before she had pointed us in the direction of this place.

The hidden shelter wasn't much when we first came across it, but my brother and I had rebuilt it from the ground up, and no one has since come to bother us.

The three of us walked further into the living quarters. The room seemed brighter, homier. I knew the reason was because I was holding the brightest light in my arms. The missing piece of the puzzle.

Careful not to wake her I brought her to the largest room in the house. The only room that was left virtually untouched by my brother and I. Everything was systematically placed, the large king-sized bed neatly made, the furniture organized and unbroken.

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