5 - Miss Howard

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When we park at the school, we all get out of the car.

"We leave at 3:30! Okay?" Cole says to everyone. No one really responds but they just nod their heads and walk away. I wait for my sister.

Then the nerves set in as I stare at the school. It's so big. The ones in the city are small but this one has got to be three times the size.

I walk to the back of the car with the Nathan, Danny, and Jackie. Cole is already leaning on the back.

"So, what do you think?" Cole asks me.

"It's big." I say, sighing. "I'm definitely going to get lost."

"No you won't, we have almost every class together, I'll help you out." Cole says.

Then a girl wearing a dress and a little sweater walks over. "Cole!" She says. Cole smiles at her and then they kiss.

That hurt. I've known Cole for about 24 hours and now I'm jealous that he's kissing that girl.

Then he starts walking away with her. "Good luck. See you later." He says, smiling at me.

"Is it bad that I just got jealous?" I ask Nathan.

"Yep. He's a player, Claire. He has different girls in his room every night." Nathan says. "Don't be jealous of that. He's a douchebag." I nod. "Now let's head to class." Nathan says.

I follow Nathan and he walks me to class. I see Cole sitting by himself but I walk up to the teacher first.

"Umm, hi." I say. He looks up at me.

"You must be Claire, correct?" He asks. I nod.

"Alright, you can take a seat next to Cole." He says, handing me some papers. I go sit down next to Cole.

"Hey Claire." Cole says. "You're going to hate this class." He says.

"Yeah, History isn't really my thing." I say.

Then the teacher tells everyone to be quiet. "Alright everyone we have a new student today, her name is Claire Howard." He says. "Miss Howard can you tell us something about yourself?"

There it is. Miss Howard. That's what people called my mom. For a second I can't breathe.

"Uh, um. Well, I uh, I'm from the city." I say, stuttering.

"Oh, and what brings you to Silver Springs?" The teacher asks.

I freeze. I start to think about that night. I could be in the city in school right now with my old friends and my mom, and my dad.

"Umm, well, umm." I can't form a sentence, I don't know what to say.

Then Cole says something. "Probably just the peacefulness right? Since the city is so loud." Cole says, making eye contact with me.

"Y-yeah, something like that." I say.

"Alright thank you Miss Howard." The teacher says. I sit down and close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Cole gently takes my hand under the table and runs his thumb over the back of my hand to calm me down. I look at him and whisper, "Thank you." Cole smiles and nods to say you're welcome.

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