1 - New Start

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"Hey mom, I think we're going to be late." I say, in the back seat of my parent's car heading to meet up with my sister, Jackie.

"We'll be fine honey, we're only a few minutes away." My mom says.

I sit and lay my head on the window and look outside at the city lights on the streets. I've always hated the city. Mean people, loud cars, and it's just really gross. I've always dreamed of getting out of the city and riding horses and living in the country.

"Hey Claire, can you grab my purse from the back please?" My mom asks.

"Yeah of course." I say. I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach over the middle back seat to get my mom's purse. Then it happened.

It all happened so fast. I hear a screech and then a crash and then I feel the force of gravity and inertia yank me out of the car feet first out the front windshield and I feel my leg crack out of place as I hit the ground. Then everything goes black.

That was six months ago. Now Jackie and I are moving in with my mom's best friend and her huge family. Apparently they have a shit ton of kids but they live in the country. That's what I'm excited about.

Me and Jackie look about the same. Same skin tone, same hair color. But I'm taller by an inch and I'm older by a year and a half.

I think about my parents a lot and the fact that I can't play track anymore because of my stupid leg injury that left me with a limp. I've always dreamed of becoming a track runner. But this limp just slows me down.

I really do miss my parents though. Jackie was always the most focused on and smarter one but I know that they loved us both the same.

Jackie and I get off of our flight to Colorado and we take our luggage. I'm wearing a brown cropped tank top and some light blue jean shorts with converse. Jackie is more of a professional typed person and she's heading a little bow and a dress shirt and vest with pants.

Then the Walter's walk up to us. Just the husband and the wife. I forget their names.

"Hey, Jackie and Claire." The woman says. She hugs us both. "I'm Katherine, if you forgot of course." The woman says, laughing a little. Then she puts her hand on her husband's shoulder. "This is George." She says.

"Nice you see you two after a while." He says, grabbing a few of my bags for me.

Then we walk to the car. Ever since that night, I've just been really panicky or nervous when I get in a car. So, on the car ride there, I try to just scroll on social media and ignore the fact that I'm in the car. I check my seatbelt every few minutes because I just don't feel safe whenever I'm in a car. All I get on social media is people in my dm's who were obsessed with my fashion famous mother and just videos and videos about her and her death. I turn my phone off and just breathe in the fresh, country air.

I watch as the grass and fields go by. Something that you barely see in the city. Besides the small parks here and there.

Then we drive up to the house. It's huge. I also see a barn and some horses. Now that's got me excited.

The Cole Effect - Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now