Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth...

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Phoenix's POV

    I rang Edgeworth's phone for the upteenth time. Of course, there was no response. I didn't expect there to be, he never answered his phone when I called. However, this time I had a feeling something was off.

    If Maya were here she'd tell me I'm worrying too much and call me a name. I wished she were here to lighten the mood up a bit. She had left to practice spirit channeling, something common for the women in the Fey Clan. As much as she annoyed me, I missed her, not like I would tell her that. She'd call me soft.

    I got up, pushing in my desk chair. My desk is a mess and I need to tidy up but I haven't found the motivation to do that. I let out a small sigh as I left the office.

    I grabbed my bike and rode over to Edgeworth's office. Knowing him, he had to be there. What else could he be doing during working hours on a Tuesday. I'm sure he'd say every hour is a working hour.

    I leaned my bicycle against the wall, I don't have a bike lock because I simply don't want to waste money on it. I walked inside of the building and got inside of the elevator and pushed the button that said 12. I wasn't going to walk up all those stairs. Floor twelve office 1202. I could feel my heart beat faster with every passing second, I was so worried and didn't know why.
    Eventually the elevator would ding and I would step out. I walked down the hall, laying attention to the numbers on the doors. 1202. That was it. Edgeworth's office. The sound of my heart drowned out everything else as I turned the knob and let myself in.

    It was pitch black. Great. This meant he wasn't here. I did notice a note on his desk. Maybe it was Maya rubbing off on me but I went over to snoop. I wish I hadn't, not like it would have changed anything.

    "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death."

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