Rehan Frontiers Become A Pups

Começar do início

Rehan: *Exhausted* I'm tired, oh man what harold gonna do with that crystal

Scene Change

Harold: Alright my power back!, i'm gonna rebuild my robot! *Laugh*

Harold: done!, now with the upgraded robot there's no way mighty pups can defeat me! "laugh"

Scene Change

After Eating leftover

Rehan: Man I hope I have a proper food

Harold Robot arrived at adventure bay and make a mess!

Mayor Goodway: how many time harold gonna make a mess!, I better call ryder

Scene Change
At Lookout

Pup Pad Ringing

Ryder: Oh hi mayor Goodway what wrong?

Mayor Goodway: You see harold back and make a lot mess here!

Ryder: Don't Worry Mayor Goodway, No mess is to big, no pups is to small (press the button on the pup pad) Mighty Pups To the lookout!

All pups: Ryder Need us!

All pups running toward the lookout

No wipeout

Marshall: Wow, this is rare!

While the elevator goes up the lookout transformed

All pups line up

Chase: Mighty Pups Is ready for action ryder sir!

Ryder: ok pups harold back and he make a lot mess in adventure bay

Zuma: Dude just why he always found a Mighty crystal?

Ryder: I don't know pups, so for this mission i need, Rocky I need you to hold the robot

Rocky: Green mean Glow

Ryder: And Rubble, I need you to use your wrecking ball to take the Crystal

Rubble: Rubble on the double!

Ryder: Alright Mighty Pups is in a roll!

All pups on their vehicle

Scene Change

Ryder: First we gonna make the robot can't go anywhere, Rocky use your magnet power to hold him!

Rocky: Alright Ryder!

Rocky Hold the robot up

Harold: Hey that not fair!

Ryder: Now rubble!

Rubble try to smash into harold robot and the crystal fly away

Harold: No!

Rehan: Oh my crystal! (Run into it) I'm taking it back!

Harold: You Pups!

Rehan Open his screen and take Double (W) driver

Rehan: You will regret taking my crystal

Double Driver: Cyclone!, Joker!, "SFX"

Rehan: Let's make you spin!

Finisher Move: Cyclone Maximum Drive

A green wind appear spinning harold

Harold: Plss Stop!, Forgive me!

The wind stop and Rehan back into his normal form

Paw Patrol Unofficial Story By Rehan FrontiersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora