2.Not all evil is Demonic

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     Tobias had to drive me home, but I could not. Shakey hands, my aunt's voice roared in my head repeatedly. She fell and couldn't move or talk. Elliott drives Caitlin to his house in her car while Tobias is with me. Gavin volunteered to help with Katie. I am waiting for the form to be sent for more precise information. My home is nothing special, a mobile home in a trailer park a bit run down, but the rent is cheap. I stepped out of the vehicle and thanked Tobias. He followed me inside instead of going to his car. Kicking off my shoes, I sat on the couch, fighting the urge to pack a suitcase and flee to Colorado. I texted Caitlin, but she has yet to reply. Don't blame her for handling grief in her way. Mom is still alive, but for how long is the actual question? My aunt at last brought me the form, and I read through it; the house is not that old, 2005, and she did not do much research. Sounds of footsteps, doors slamming, shadow figures, and mom being pushed down the stairs were some of the many paranormal events she listed.

It is a small three-bedroom home, considered a narrow lot town-style dwelling. The inside with photos looks much larger, cozier, actually. She even sent me copies of the camera footage from what she and her mom caught during her two years in that house. Elliott has the footage and is currently investigating it at this time. He does most of the evidence review, has more patience than myself, and Caitlin has severe ADHD when it comes to evidence review. She falls asleep or becomes too fidgety and gets up ten million times during the review. My job is to contact the blog company that helps us with our channel to convince them to fund us in Colorado. We have side jobs, our main jobs, but truthfully, I need to get to Colorado. Tobias sat beside me as I waited for our meeting on Zoom. My hands shook nervously as I held my aunt's forms, hoping it was convincing enough. At last, our boss's face arrived; she wore her thick frame glasses and her hair in a bun, sitting at her desk beside a male who appeared to be younger than her, much younger,

"Awe, Safiya, it is a pleasure to speak with you again. How is Ms. Livingwell?" She asked

"Evening Veronica, she fine. It wasn't a ghost. It was a gas leak. The growling she heard was the furance, and the rotten eggs were the gas leak," I explained, her eyes wide. "She was fine; no medical treatment was needed. She, with her family and her son, fixing the furnace,"

"Great news! So, you need funds for an emergency in Colorado? Oh, dear, I am rude. This is Pastor Michael Evans," Veronica said as I nodded. "Your form was alarming; I thought we needed a professional,"

"No, I am sorry, not to be rude, professional?" I asked, shocked. "Pastor, Priest, or Rabba, what makes him a professional?" I asked as she sighed. "I am speaking to you about my mother and the paranormal events. Elliott and Gavin are going through Evidence, which is crowding. Her security cameras have captured not once but twice a shadow figure in her house, footsteps, voices, and doors opening and slamming on their own. He has sent me evidence of electronic disturbance while my mother was out doing volunteer work; what makes him a professional?" I asked

"I have helped many investigations in my past and current ones; what I have witnessed to seems darker, more malevolent," He said

"Oh, so a demon?" I asked, mocking, but Tobias smacked me

"Perhaps not a demon per se, but something dark," He replied as I sighed. "Your mother's injuries are grave enough; your aunt isn't talking to us,"

"No, she won't. She is talking to me. She scared," I explained. "She trusts me right now; she tried to get help to no avail and was told she was crazy," I explained. "Tell me, how'd you like to be told you were crazy instead,"

"I understand that. However, Miss Safiya Williams, it is most important we discuss the safety of this investigation," The pastor pressed as I crossed my arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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