The meeting.

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Harry was woke up by the sound of his phone going off.

"Hello?" Harry spoke into his phone.

"Mornin Harry!" Paul calls out into the phone.

"What's up Paul why are you calling so early?" Harry asks tired as fuck.

"Early? Harry you do realize it's 11am and yall have a meeting with Simon at 12, get up!" Paul says.

Harry dreaded seeing that demon of a man today along with the boys who he has missed so badly. But they treated him like shit. For something he didn't even do.

Harry gets up out of the bed and goes over to his mini fridge in his room and grabs a shot of fireball and downs it. And gets ready.

Paul knocks on his door 15 minutes later telling him it was time to go.
He gets out of the car and heads to the building SYCO MANAGEMENT on the front of it. Chills were sent down his spine. He hated Simon. He never got to tell the boys about how badly Simon had been treating him.

They wouldn't care anyways.

He sees the door he's supposed to enter.

And enters it.

There sat all the boys and Simon.

Niall looked much healthier than he had in the band but Harry already knew that. He kept up with them unlike them who didn't ever even come to a concert of his.

Zayn looks good as ever, maintaining thr black raven hairstyle with a quiff.

Liam, looks more muscular but looked good nonetheless.

And Louis. Harry's Louis. Oh yeah he's not anymore. He looks so good. He's always looked so good. He looked GOLDEN.

Meanwhile Harry look like shit. Baggy eyes, permanently stained face from all the tears he had cried over something he didn't even do. as the fans would say LHH was back. He had hair down to his waist now not caring about how he really looked. What does it matter when the love of your life hates your guts for something you didn't do.

The boys all turn to look at him.

"Harry!" Zayn calls out and gets up to hug him. Harry who doesn't expect it takes the boy in an engulfed hug.

"Hi zayn" Harry says in a cold dead voice. That's the way it's been for years now. He no longer has emotions to let out. They took that away from him when he was still a boy.

"You've changed" Zayn says.

"I had to" I say and walk with him over to the table taking my seat next to him.

I look around and all eyes are on me. I meet each of their eyes in a sequence. Niall, Liam, Simon, and then Louis. All turn their face down to the table except Simon who has an ugly fucking smirk on his face that I want to slap off of him.

"Alright boys so here's the plan, tomorrow you'll be going on the James cordon show for the farewell of his show. One last carpool karaoke and one last spill your guts of fill your guts. Then you'll go to the studio for two weeks, and start your world tour while still going to the studio on your days off. Louis has requested that Freddie travel with you all in the hotels and your bus, his mother is a model and is taking a quite long trip. I have set up a dinner reservation for you boys tonight at nandos, which if I believe is Niall's favorite place. Anyways have fun boys! I'll be in touch" Simon says. Harry mentally slaps himself..

"See you boys later! Gotta go meet Gigi for Kai!" Zayns tells the boys.

"I gotta go too" Harry says.

"Wait harry!" Liam calls out.

"Yes Liam?" Harry asks.

"It's good to see you again" he says. Not understanding the effect it had on Harry.

"You too" and Harry was off.

Harry arrived back at his hotel and was mentally drained he wasn't ready for this tour.

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