I roll off the bed, opening my curtains, waiting for a response.

Yuna18: I'll see what I can do.


Yu's POV:

Why do I do these things to myself?

How the hell am I supposed to worm my way out of this? He said he was fine with no face!

I bite at my nails, scrolling through the internet.

I could always try to find a random picture. Then again, he's Yosuke; he'll have seen her face online more times than he can count.

So, what? I grow my hair out? Use cheap make-up? What the hell...?

But then I remember. I had a girlfriend.

I quickly open my camera roll, scrolling back a few months; back when I was home.

And there it is.

Me, my ex, and our friends, eating sushi outside of some fancy restaurant.

I could easily crop me out.

Yuna could be her.

I pause for a moment. Will this really work?

If he clicks on... Then this whole thing goes up in flames. But, why would he? He's never seen her before. All her social media is private, too.

She's new. She's a fresh face.

How far am I meant to go with this...?


Yosuke's POV:

Yuna18: One image attachment.

JunezPrince2000: holy fuk

She's borderline gorgeous. She's got this long, thick black hair rolling down her shoulders, and this smile like it came from an angel.

Baby blue eyes, just like she said. They're soft and kind. Not looking at the camera, but looking at something else entirely. It somehow makes her more attractive.

Her black tank top definitely highlights the finer parts of her body. Not that, y'know... I'm checking her out or anything...

Nah, screw that, of course I am. She's fucking perfect.

Yuna18: It's an old picture.

Yuna18: I haven't changed
much, though.

JunezPrince2000: god id giv
anythin to see u everyday

Yuna18: So... You like it?

JunezPrince2000: id be a dumbass
not 2

JunezPrince2000: why were u
so hesitant?

Yuna18: I don't like my body.

JunezPrince2000: ur crazy

JunezPrince2000: hell, ur driving
me crazy

Yuna18: That's sweet.

JunezPrince2000: its tru

JunezPrince2000: ur body is

Yuna18: Thank you.

I feel myself blush a little.

Now Suzuki knows. And I'll show him. Damn right I will.

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