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"Xander, is that safe?" Rebecca said worry in her eyes.

"Is anything Xander ever does safe?" I glanced at the machinery he was working on.

"Safety is but a concept! A boring one at that." Xander said moving to the other side of the machine.

I examined the machine, its towering structure adorned with various components, all converging onto a single surface. "When I want to crack an egg, I just hit it on a bowl or table." I mumbled.

As we stood there, contemplating the grandness of Xander's egg-cracking contraption, Jameson entered the room, a bemused expression on his face. His piercing green eyes surveyed the scene before him, and he couldn't resist a chuckle.

"What are you making Xan?" Jameson asked, his curiosity piqued.

Rebecca, still with a touch of worry in her eyes, explained, "Xander's attempting to revolutionize egg cracking."

Jameson raised an eyebrow, glancing at the towering machine. "Is it safe?" he inquired with a playful smirk.

Xander, taking the question in stride, responded, "Not even close. But don't worry; I've got it all under control."

Jameson smiled. "I want to try."

I couldn't help but shake my head at the unfolding spectacle. "We were supposed to be working on our project," I reminded them, gesturing to the untouched materials scattered across the table.

Jameson joined our circle, eyeing the scattered project materials and then the elaborate machine. "Well, this looks more entertaining. What's the project, anyway?"

Rebecca sighed, "It was supposed to keep an egg safe from breaking, but Xander happened."

Xander grinned mischievously, "Happens all the time."

"Now we happen to be doing the exact opposite." I pointed out. 

Jameson's eyes sparkled with amusement as he considered the new direction our project had taken. "Protecting an egg, cracking an egg—either way, sounds like an adventure. Count me in."

Rebecca shot a disapproving look at Jameson. "Are you serious? We're trying to create something useful here, not witness the chaos Xander's inventions usually bring."

Jameson laughed, "Come on, Bex, where's your sense of adventure? Besides, we can always circle back to the original idea later. Right now, I want to see if this egg-cracking monstrosity lives up to its reputation."

Before anyone could protest further, Jameson rolled up his sleeves and took his position next to Xander. The room buzzed with anticipation as the two brothers exchanged a knowing look.

"Ready for some chaos?" Xander grinned.

"Always," Jameson replied with a wink.

I exchanged a resigned glance with Rebecca, realizing that our meticulously planned project had taken an unexpected turn. However, as the machine whirred to life and Jameson and Xander prepared for the egg-cracking spectacle, I couldn't help but lean in to watch. We watched as multiple things started moving as the machine whirled to life. It took a minute before a hammer slammed down on the egg sending shell and yolk everywhere. 

"Xander was this supposed to happen?" I asked looking at my clothes that were now covered in egg.

Xander examined the invention. "It wasn't not supposed to do that, I guess I'll have to add a box to contain it." 

"I have that box from class earlier will that work?" Rebecca asked, Xander nodded before following her out of the room. Leaving only Jameson and I standing there.

Jameson walked over to me, "You have a little something on your face." he said smiling wiping egg off my face.

"I have a little something all over me."

"Xander probably has a towel in the bathroom."

Jameson and I made our way to the bathroom, both of us trying not to slip on the now-slick floor. He rummaged through a cabinet, finding a stack of towels. "Here you go," he handed me a towel with a grin.

"Thanks," I said, attempting to salvage what I could of my now-egg-soaked clothes.

As I cleaned myself up, Jameson couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I joined the project, but it's definitely more memorable."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. "I have to agree."

He set the towel down, "How do I look" he asked probably asking if the egg was gone. He looked perfect, in one way. He still had eggshell in his hair.

"One second." I picked a couple pieces of eggshell out of his hair before realizing how close we were standing and stepping back, "There." We left the bathroom.

Walking out of the room, my mind buzzed with a myriad of thoughts. The memory of standing so close to Jameson replayed in my mind, and I couldn't deny the gentle flutter of excitement it brought. His laughter, the way he effortlessly wiped egg off my face, then my stomach plummeted. He liked Emily not me.

Rebecca's voice broke through my thoughts, "Well, that was a disaster turned triumph. Who would've thought?"

Xander grinned, "The best inventions come from a bit of chaos."

Jameson turned to me with a playful glint in his eyes, "And you said protecting an egg was a safer bet."

I laughed, appreciating the banter, but my mind couldn't shake what I was feeling. As we dispersed, heading our separate ways, I couldn't help but replay the events of the day. 

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