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I know you cant wait to marry my hot ass in pink

0////////0 Mmm... damn straight I can't wait... seeing as you don't know what I'm wearing and ahhhhhhh!!

Okay but likeThe natural texture pack for Minecraft is legit so trippy

Y E S it is - *coughs* I don't have it but I want it... too bad I don't play too often or often enough for me to actually have the need to get it-

And I cant wait to see yours in that dress you showed me

*blushes bright red* oh you'll see it-

Shakes her

*is shaken and blinks as she looks at him* Jas, I'd love it if you didn't shake me o.o

Have you decided yet where we are having our honeymoon

I... havent... but I was thinking about having you decide because I've been busy with wedding planning mon amour... *scratches the back of her head*

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