"This is such an interesting book." said Leah as she goes through it. "I swear I want to make some of these."

"Hahaha. I never seen anything like that. That big old monster crying." said Z.

"Maybe it was his birthday and no one remembered." said Bridge. The older rangers continued to laugh as Cruger walked in and boy he did not look happy. "Are you laughing at me?" he asked the rangers. Kat looks away from the monitor as Leah looks up at the scene.

"No, sir, we were just..." said Syd.

"May I remind you that you are in an S.P.D. control room?" he asked. "And I expect you to act accordingly."

"Sir, we meant no disrespect. We were just..." Sky started to explain but was cut off by the commander.

"If you cannot comply with my request, then I suggest you take your childish behavior elsewhere!" said the commander, raising his voice and Leah started shrinking towards the ground.

"Wait a minute! I don't care who you are." said Jack, standing his ground. "You can't talk to us like that."

"Standing up for your squad, Jack?" asked Cruger.


"It's about time you took on your leadership role. Now why don't you leader your team out of my sight?" growled the Sirian. When they didn't say anything, he shouted, "Out!"

"Yes, sir." muttered Jack as he motioned for Leah.

"And not a word from you either." he said to Kat, who was stunned as she left the command center.

"Okay, is it just me, or did Cruger just totally come uncorked?" asked Z as they entered the rec room.

"He's been cranky all week." said Syd. "I think it's too much stress."

"Look, I'm not agreeing with the way he handled it, but technically the control room is for..." Sky said, but the others gave him crazy looks. "You're right. It was a little uncalled for." he added.

"It could be fleas. I remember my bulldog had fleas. He was grumpy for weeks." said Bridge and made his face to look like a bulldog.

"All bulldogs look like that." said Z.

"Your face is going to permanently stay like that if you don't stop making that face." said Leah as she and Kat walked in. "Plus I don't think he has fleas this month."

"Oh yeah, your shampoo." said Bridge.

"Sorry, guys." said Kat.

"Kat, what's going on?" asked Sky.

"Years ago, the Troobian forces invaded Sirius. Commander Cruger...he lost everything." explained Kat, knowing personally what really happened. "That's not an excuse for his behavior, I just wanted to let you all know."

Digging through some trash, Piggy was scavenging around while a man can be heard on a passing stereo. "This lottery ticket is for 10 million bucks. Again, the numbers are: 5, 10, 15, 20 and 21." said the man. Piggy then repeated the numbers to himself before saying, "10 million bucks? Imagine all the valuable garbage I could buy with that."

"Huh? What is that?" he asked aloud, finding something that peaked his interest. He runs over to it and picks it up. "Good as new!" he exclaims as he picks up an old smelly sock. He then puts it on. "Fits like a glove. Must be my lucky day." Piggy was then grabbed from behind and tossed into bags of trash by Broodwing.

"You owe me $500." said Broodwing. "The information I bought was bad."

"Who me sell bad information?" asked Piggy, pointing to himself. "Perhaps you are mistaken."

Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now