"I lied." Syd tells him.

"Word of advice: Lying never helps anyone. It never worked well for me." said Leah. In an abandoned building, across from Dr. Rheas' laboratory, Jack and Syd were setting up their stakeout. "I can't believe that I have to spend time in this grimy hole." whined Syd, setting down one suitcase of their equipment.

"Yeah, well, whining in not gonna make it go by any faster." said Jack with Leah walking in behind him.

"I'm not whining. It's just so unfair." said Syd.

"Will you get over yourself?" asked Jack. "You'll have another birthday next year. And can we please get back to work?"

"Well, if you two don't need me, I'll be heading off. I'm getting my first mother/daughter bonding later today." said Leah. Jack waves her off as he looks through the binoculars as the window and she teleports out.

"Well, well, well. Commander Cruger failed to mention that Dr. Rheas would be so pretty." said Jack.

"Huh?" said Syd, walking over to the window and snatches the binoculars out of Jack's hands. "I guess she's sort of pretty."

"Sort of? Are you kidding me?" asked Jack.

"Oh. So you thought just because she's intelligent, she wouldn't be attractive as well?" asked Syd.

"I didn't say that. I was just noticing that..." Jack started to say.

"Can we just stay focused on the job, Jack?" asked Syd. At a beach, Bridge, Leah, Z and Sky were peering over a rock. "Cruger traced a strange reading headed towards this cave." said Sky.

"Give that dog a bone. He's right again." said Z.

"Remind me later to give him the crate. I have more on back order." said Leah.

"You always have stuff like that somewhere?" asked Z.

"I know a guy who knows a guy with a shipment. Plus he asked me if I knew anyone who can get him some." said Leah.

"Sinuku!" said Bridge.

"Hold on!" said Sky watching him walk into the cave. "Let's see what he wants in there first."

"If we're going to be completely honest here, his name sounds more like Sudoku than Sinuku to me." Leah muttered to no one in particular. Z flicked her cheek hard, knowing that she heard her. "What? I can't make fun of his name. Because that's what it honestly sounds like to me." Leah complained as she rubbed the injured cheek.

"Don't get smart with me, munchkin." said Z.

"Now I'm gonna have a bruise." grumbled Leah.

"No, you're not."

Once inside the cave, Sinuku looked over to a wall of rocks. "There it is." he said, then shoots electricity from his eyes to break down the wall. After the rocks fell, Sinuku went over and picked up a metal case. "Just where I left them." he said as he laughed evilly. As he was walking out of the cave, he said, "These should make Gruumm happy." That's when all 4 cadets made their move.

"Huh?" asked Sinuku.

"Put the case down and put your hands up!" said Sky, as he and the others had their weapons out.

"S.P.D. I thought I might run into you." said Sinuku, holding a ball of Krybots. He then throws it into the air. "Fortunately, I came prepared!"

"Why do you guys always want to do it the hard way?" asked Z.

"Attack!" ordered Sinuku and the Krybots ran towards the rangers. The rangers retaliated and attacked the Krybots as well. The 4 of them fought fearlessly when Z was tossed over Bridge.

Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now