I accidentally press down a little too hard on the gas. We lurch forward sharply. With a sickening crunch of metal, we run straight into the van.

I'm thrown back, but I remember to turn the wheels and hurriedly stop the car completely. "I told you to be careful!" Sparky reprimands.

I lift my hands from the wheel, staring wide-eyed at the damage. We were going so slowly that it was like two snails hitting each other—but it's still done some damage. The back of the van is all crumpled and dented. I did a real fender-bender on that. The front of Mnisi's car isn't as damaged, with only a single large dent.

"Oh my god," I say.

The van halts suddenly too. I hear the passenger door slam open, someone stepping out. I unbuckle my seatbelt, opening the door.

When I look up, I nearly fall over.

It's Jasper.

My heart picks up pace. I just hit Jasper's car. I literally just hit his car. Sparky should've never let me drive.

Jasper seems just as shocked to see me, his eyes widening and his eyebrows creasing in confusion. Then he looks at the back of his car, assessing the damage. Then he looks back up at me. I can see the gears turning in his head. I'm frozen. "What the—" he begins.

"What's going on?" a voice cuts off, the driver's side door opening as well.

It's a middle-aged man. He must be Jasper's dad. Even if he has brunette hair, I can see the resemblance. His face is lined but friendly. He wears almost the exact same thing as Jasper—a dress shirt and khakis. Jasper's dress shirt, however, fits him much more loosely. It's not helped by the fact that he's unbuttoned it slightly again. My gaze strays to the small scar curiously before I remember what situation I'm in.

I glance at Sparky, but he's already gotten out of the car. "I'm really sorry," Sparky says, walking over to look at the damage. "My daughter just hit your car."

Jasper's dad whistles, examining the damage. "She sure did."

Sparky looks at Jasper's dad. "Hey, I feel like I know you from somewhere. We met at the parent coffee, didn't we?"

Recognition dawns on Jasper's dad's face. "Marco, was it?"

"Yes. It's good to see you again, John!" Sparky says. The two of them exchange a firm handshake. I blink, still stunned. That changed tones very quickly.

"How have you been? Are you here in Monaco for the yacht show?" John Rochester asks.

"Good, good! We are; I assume you're here for that too. I'm terribly sorry about my daughter hitting your car. Valentina just doesn't know how to drive. I tried to get her to practise, but, well, it's a stick shift and you know kids these days. Nobody drives stick shifts anymore."

John laughs heartily. "Oh, no, no, I do understand. Jasper was like that at first too. He's a great driver now though, so practice does make perfect! Jasper, have you met Valentina?"

Jasper looks at me with pure contempt. "In passing," he mutters.

Sparky slaps John on the back in a friendly manner. Unlike me and Jasper, they seem to be getting along just fine. "John, we should go catch up sometime. You coming to Anathi's party tonight?"

"Of course! Anathi's a good guy."

"That he is. Well, we're in a hurry to go get changed at our hotel, but let's talk at the party. You want me to send you something for the car?"

John waves him off. "You're good, you're good. Water under the bridge. We'll see you there."

And then the confrontation is over. John and Jasper get back into their van. Jasper seems to be holding back words. He settles for shooting me a dirty look. I meet his gaze steadily with my own. Then, they're gone.

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