Chapter 7

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Fatima: "Thank you, Doctor Richards. I'm feeling a lot better now."

Doctor Richards: "Again, Fatima, that is excellent news. I love to hear." There are some things that I would like to discuss with you. Would that be okay with you?

Fatima: "That's perfectly fine with me, Doctor Fatima responded. Okay, so from the medical record, I show here that you were diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer about a year ago. Is that correct? Fatima: Yes, that's correct, doctor. It's been a little bit over a year now, I would guess, about a year and three months this past April. Fatima looks over at her parents and sister sitting on the couch in the hospital room, and they look so disappointed and fearful. This is why I did not want to tell them in the first fucking place, Fatima thought.

Doctor Richards: So, can you explain to me, Fatima, what you and your primary physician have discussed? Fatima: "Well, my physician, Doctor Stevens, has informed me that the second round of treatment I have been going through is not currently working. I'm supposed to see him next week when I return to Atlanta to discuss my next steps, " she says. Doctor Richards: "Okay, Fatima, thank you for answering my questions. I know I'm not your doctor in this case, but I recommend chemotherapy at this time.

Mona: "Doctor Richards, is that really necessary at this point? Doctor Richards:" At this stage, your daughter is battling stage three ovarian cancer. At this point, her bloodwork is showing that the cancer is progressing very rapidly. Jason: "Doctor, are there no other options at this time? Doctor Richards: "I understand that you all are her parents, but I recommend chemotherapy as soon as possible so we can get a handle on the disease before it starts to spread to other parts of Fatima's body he states.

Anissa: "I can't believe this shit is happening right now." Oh god. Please tell me that you all can save my sister Anissa cries. Mona goes over to her youngest daughter and holds her tight. Fatima looks over at her mother and sister, embracing tightly, and she thinks to herself this shit is so unfair for them to be going through this right now. This shit is all my fucking fault. Doctor Richard: I'm just a physician, but there is always God; remember that. At the end of the day, it's Fatima's decision as to how she would like to proceed. Again, talk to your primary physician and act quickly because time is of the essence here, Fatima.

Fatima: "Thank you, Doctor Richards. I will speak with Doctor Stevens and let him know of your recommendation." Doctor Richards: "Not a problem at all, Fatima. Please keep me informed. I would like to know how you are doing. With that last statement, Doctor Richards leaves Fatima's room, and she looks over to her parents and sister and asks Mommy and Daddy, what should I do? Fatima asks. Jason: "Sweetheart, Doctor Richards recommended that you start chemotherapy. He is not your primary doctor, so don't worry too much. Please wait until you speak with Doctor Stevens and see what he thinks the next steps in your diagnosis will be.

Mona: "Fatima, your father is right. It would be best if you didn't get yourself worked up until you see what your doctor thinks is best.:" Fatima: Mommy, how can I think about anything else when sick and possibly having to start chemotherapy? I hate this shit. I'm just 21 years old; she cries out and screams. Anissa runs over to her big sister to give her some support. Anissa: Big sissy, I know this is hard. I cannot imagine what you're going through right now, but we are here for you. Please know that."

Fatima: "Yes, sissy, I know that. Again, this is not what I have envisioned for myself at such a young age. I will start my new job at A & D Associates next month. I won't be able to take off working that much, seeing that I will be a new employee. Damit Fatima screams. Jason: "Babygirl, try to relax. We will cross that bridge when you get there."

Mona: Try and relax, baby. I know things are uncertain, but we, as a family, will help you figure out what to do next. Is my baby hungry? Fatima: "Yes, Ma'am, I am. Fatima asked if someone could go out and get me some chicken and waffles from Mama D's Chicken & Waffles.

Jason: "Sure, baby girl, your mother and I will go, and Nissa will stay with you. Is that okay? Fatima: "Yeah, Daddy, that's great. Nissa, sweetheart, what would you like? Mona asked her daughter Mommy; you can get me whatever. I don't have that much of an appetite. Mona: Okay, girls, your father and I will be right back. Call us if you all need anything their father tells them. The girls respond with yes, sir, and watch their parents leave.

Anissa: "How are you feeling about everything the doctor told you today?

Fatima: "Not good at all. I'm scared to death and don't know the right decision. Anissa: "Babes, I know you are scared, but we are all here for you, and we are all gonna fight like hell for you. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Fatima: Yeah, baby sis, I hear your loud ass mouth. Damn, Fatima is laughing so hard at her sister's antics... God, she thinks to herself, I needed this and my family. Nissa: "Don't think I forgot about your ass whooping I'm giving you as soon as your ass gets released from the hospital. Fatima: "Sick or not, I will whoop your little scrawny ass, and you know it. Nissa: "Stop the bullshit. You know I can fold your ass, period.

Fatima: "Ight play with yo ma and not me." Nissa: "Ain't nobody scared of your ass anyway." Fatima: "Anyway, girl, you know not to play with me." Nissa: "Girl, where are mama and daddy at? I'm fuckin hungry as fuck bitch.... Damn, Fatima says you're right. I need those damn waffles; I'm so hungry... Fatima: "Real talk I'm pissed that I got sick during daddy's birthday weekend that's some bullshit man... Nisa: "Sis, Daddy is going to understand. He is not going to be upset. It's just a birthday. You're his daughter. His main concern will be you, his daughter, and your health. Nothing else is going to matter, so do not beat yourself up, okay, sissy? We are about to eat some good ass food and enjoy the rest of the weekend. The girls continue to talk about everything and nothing at all, and they look up, and finally, their parents walk through the door with the most delicious-smelling food ever.

Fatima and Anissa both say to their parents finally, we both hungry as fuck they say in unison. Jason: "Okay, you two watch y'all fuckin mouth before I smack y'all dead in y'all shit.... The girls both look at one another and say dang daddy calm down it was just a joke. Mona:" Alright, everybody, that's enough with all the damn shit-talking. Please let's pray over our meal and enjoy each other's company. Jason: Alright, honey, we hear you. Fatima and Anissa both say yes, Ma'am.

Fatima says I will say grace. Everyone boughs their heads, and Fatima says, "Heavenly Father, we come to you right now in your holy name to give you all the praise. We want to thank you this afternoon for all of the mighty blessings you have bestowed upon this family, and I want to thank you for waking me out of my coma and giving me another day of life to spend with my loving family. I Want to say there is nothing too hard for my god, and nothing here on earth happens that is not in your will, oh lord. I know you will not put anything on me that I could not bear. Oh lord, again, we come to you to thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for us. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Everyone says amen in unison. Thanks, Mommy and Daddy, for this food. I have been craving my hometown cooking. Y'all know Mama D's Chicken & Waffles never miss, period. Anissa:" You damn right about that, sis, cuz I have to hit them up at least once a week. Fatima: "Dang, I miss this so much, just us as a foursome hanging out. Nissa: "Bitch you gotta come home more often." Jason: "Your sister is correct. Now that we know what is happening with you, my sweet girl, we need to see you more often. Mona: "Yeah, Babygirl, we will see you a lot more. Fatima: "Yes, Mommy, I understand.

Jason: "Fatima, has the doctor told you when you will be released from the hospital yet?

Fatima: "Not yet but I know one thing I'm ready to go. I hate hospitals. Mona: "I know baby hopefully they discharge you in the morning. Fatima: "I hope so. "

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