Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Beep.....Beep.....Beep.....Doctor Richards: "Please call the Wilsons at this time." Nurse: "Yes, doctor, right away." She replies. Nurse: Hello, have I reached the Wilson's? This is Nurse Monica. I was instructed by Doctor Richards to ask you all to come to the hospital now, please. Mona: "We are on our way." Mona goes to wake up Nissa. Mona: "Nissa wake up the hospital called, and we need to leave right away." Nissa: "Okay mom let me throw on my clothes really quickly." The Wilson family makes the 20-minute drive back to St. Luke's Hospital.

Mona: "We are the family of Fatima Wilson we were called by Doctor Richards nurse Monica to come right away". Yes give me one moment Ms. Wilson so I can page Doctor Richards for you Ma'am the first desk nurse states. 15 minutes later Doctor Richards comes out. Doctor Richards: "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Wilson. I have an update for you all regarding your daughter's health condition." Anissa: "Doctor Richards enough with all the small talk what is going on with my damn sister please." Mona: "Nissa you better watch your damn mouth before I pop your ass in it." Nissa: "Ight ma. I just want to know how Tima is doing damn." Jason: "We know that Nissa... if you let the doctor speak we can find out what's going on. Doctor Richards: "So your daughter woke up briefly, but she has now slipped back into a coma." Mona: "God no not my baby.

Doctor Richards: "I understand that you all are going through a difficult time, but we have made a bit of progress with your daughters condition" Doctor Richards states. Mona: "Well what is it Doctor?" Doctor Richards: "I'm not sure how to break this news to you all, but in running multiple tests on your daughter it looks like she has Cancer." Anissa: "Doc what the fuck you talking about my sister has Cancer? "Run them damn test again cuz ain't no fuckin way Tima got that shit doc." Jason: "Are you sure?

Doctor Richards: "Yes we are sure we have run the test three different times to make sure we are correct in our findings." the doctor states. Mona: "Well did the test determine what kind of Cancer our daughter has?" Doctor Richards: "Yes it looks likes she was Ovarian Cancer." Jason and Mona say in union "What'?

Anissa: "Does your test determine how long my sister has had this form of Cancer?" Doctor Richards: "From the test we conducted it looks likes she has been battling it for a little over a year." Mona: "Oh my god my baby.... why wouldn't she tell us this? Jason comes over to his wife which is now crying in his arms. Jason: "Baby calm down you do not want to get yourself worked up. Tima is going to be just fine. She's a Wilson and you know what that means she's a fighter.

"Anissa: So, doctor what's the next steps with my sisters recovery? Doctor Richards: "Well at this time we cannot do anything for your sister until she wakes up." Anissa: "What the fuck you mean you can't do shit for my sister? That's some fuckin bullshit if I ever heard anything damn." Mona and Jason tell Nissa to shut up and let the doctor talk. Doctor Richards: "Yes, as I was stating we cannot do anything for your sister yet until she wakes up because we need to speak with her regarding what treatment she has been undergoing and we need to coordinate with her primary healthcare physician. Doctor Richards states. So, as of right now things are in Fatima's hands. We do have her on pain medication if she is feeling any distress in her state."

Jason: "Alright Doctor Richards we appreciate you so much for giving us an update on our daughters condition." Doctor Richards: Your welcome now what we do is wait and see when she wakes up so we can move forward." Mona: "Yes thank you again doctor again." Doctor Richards: "Not a problem at all it is my pleasure." Doctor Richards walks aways to give the Wilson family some privacy. Anissa: "I cannot believe Tima just wait until that girl wakes the fuck up I got something for that ass on God I do." Jason: "Nissa calm your hot-headed ass down before I put my foot in your ass child." Her father states. Nissa: "Damn daddy why you gotta do all that extra please. Mona: "Cuz your ass the extra one child and nobody got time to play with you right now." Anissa: "Anyway I want to know why Tima thought she could not come to her family and tell us she has cancer?" It's been over a damn year, and she didn't say shit to anyone of us.... what the fuck up with that damn bull shit...she fuckin no better what's her problem? for real."

Mona: "I know your upset with your sister but right now is not the time for that. We have to stay focus on her waking up right now" her mother states. Anissa: "I can't believe you too like y'all her damn parents and she didn't say shit to y'all and you all okay with that shit?" Jason: "Nissa that's a fuckin enough right now shut up please.... Damn.... God...Anissa gets up and walks off leaving her parents alone. Jason: "I did not mean to yell at her like that. Mona: I know baby. We all are running off high emotions. Anissa will be fine. Mona: "She does have a point why didn't Fatima let us know she was sick?" She has been dealing with this diagnose for over a year suffering alone in silence. I can't deal with the fact that I was not there for my baby her mother cries out....

Jason: "Sweetheart I understand how you feel that's our daughter, but we have to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point lets table this conversation until she wakes up and can explain to us why she chose to hide from us that she has cancer. Mona: "Your right baby. While Fatima parents are talking Nissa walks back to her parents in the waiting area and sits down with her head down. Jason: "I'm sorry pumpkin for yelling at you.. I know we all want answers as to why your sister hid her cancer from us but I'm sure we will get the answer soon. Anissa: " It's fine daddy. Really I just want Tima to be okay she says crying. Her father comes over and hugs his youngest daughter. We all do honey he says. Paging doctor Richards to room 1502 over the intercom the Wilson family hears. They look up and all they see is Doctor Richards haling ass down the hallway quick. The Wilson family all looks at one another and starts crying. Fatima please be okay.......

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