And she hated to see what would happen if they were to refuse.

"Really?" Kaya turns to his wife. "Suna, what do you say?" As if they aren't cornered, but Suna knows her husband well enough to tell that he is excited for the little excursion too.

"I love the idea. Thank you, İfakat hanım," she responds graciously.

"I'd love to get some fresh air and see the ocean with my wife as well," Kaya says.

"Then it's settled." İfakat nods smugly. "I can have the helicopter ready by tomorrow morning. I'll have someone send you the details."

"Thank you," Kaya says.

"But of course," İfakat says. "It is my pleasure. You two are simply very well-matched. And for that reason...well, I hope we see a child soon." She looks pointedly at Suna, as if she wasn't just plotting to banish them from the mansion a few months before.

Kaya nods. "For sure, İfakat hanım. Soon."

As İfakat retreats, Suna frowns and turns to her husband. How can he say that while refusing to get her pregnant? It didn't make sense. Ah, if only İfakat knew. She'd probably tear her red hair out and go and give Kaya a stern talking-to. Suna shudders. She couldn't tell on her husband like that, complicating things further in the process. Think, Suna, think.

Well, fine. She wouldn't ask tonight—they would probably be busy packing and arranging their schedules. But she would ask tomorrow. When it's just the two of them in the hotel room at the resort in Marmaris. She hopes she finally has the courage to speak up, but everything seemed so confusing and complicated.

Kaya notices her angry look. "Ah, Suna. Don't worry. This won't be our honeymoon."

Now she's doubly confused. "What do you mean?"

Kaya grins. "I'm not just taking you on a two-night excursion to the beach for our honeymoon. Think of this as just a little trip. A pre-honeymoon. Do they have those? Anyway, for our real honeymoon, eventually, I'm taking you to more places I'm sure you'll love. For starters, I'll take you to London. I want you to see where I grew up, where I went to school. We'll take the tube together and have some nice strolls in Covent Garden. Oh, and you must see the English countryside! We can head to Stratford-upon-Avon and see where Shakespeare himself once walked the streets. You enjoy reading, I know. Then I'll take you to some other countries. You'll love France; I went there on exchange one semester, and while French people are rude, the place has a quaint, lovely charm to it. And Italy...the food is delicious and I think you'll enjoy the clothing there. Oh, and Spain—maybe you'd want to learn how to dance like them."

Suna feels overwhelmed by all this. Grateful, yes, but overwhelmed. It really is too much for her to bear. "Thank you, Kaya. I can't wait." She's somewhat pleased, but she's never gotten more mixed signals in her life.

He kisses the top of her head. "Anything for you."

They both begin to finish packing relatively quickly later that night; after all, they're only staying for the weekend. Suna is nervous; it's the first time they are traveling together alone. Living with someone, sharing a bed with them, and even sleeping with them was one thing. But traveling alone with them was a whole new test. Something newlyweds warned other newlyweds about. And Suna hopes to the high heavens that she can pass it.

She knows she is better than this. That Kaya is better than this. That life is not an exam, that no one will punish her anymore if she makes a mistake, a blunder. But she can't help thinking about her past, and at the same time, she can't help thinking if he moons about his past, too.

Love By Night - KaySunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora