Ch : Eight

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As Priya anxiously left her office following the urgent call from Ram's mother, she found a waiting car outside. Tensions ran high as the vehicle took an unexpected turn, prompting Priya to inquire about their destination. To her surprise, the car arrived near an airport. Confusion etched across her face, Priya spotted Ram standing there, a mixture of relief and concern written all over his features. In the midst of uncertainty, the airport's hustle and bustle framed the unexpected encounter, leaving Priya to unravel the mystery behind this unforeseen rendezvous.

Amidst the surprise of seeing each other in the car, Ram and Priya exchanged bewildered glances. As they shared the details of their respective calls, the driver handed them a letter. Ram unfolded it, revealing a plan orchestrated by his parents for a weekend staycation at their farmhouse near Manali. The letter carried an earnest request, almost an order, insisting that they embark on this impromptu trip, given the escape of their previously planned honeymoon.

Caught in a dilemma, Ram, eager to retreat, instructed the driver to turn back. However, Priya, contemplating the bigger picture, interjected. She reminded Ram that fulfilling his father's wish was more than just a trip – it was a way to honor the bonds that brought them together. If they refused, it would break his father's heart, a realization that tugged at the core of their shared commitment. In the face of this unexpected turn of events, they decided to proceed with the weekend staycation, honoring a familial request.

Ram, on a journey, received a call from his dad. Concerned about the circumstances, he inquired if everything was alright. To his surprise, his father laughed and revealed that Ram and his wife had been attempting to delay their honeymoon for him. His father reassured him that a brief staycation wouldn't harm and urged Ram to spend quality time alone with his wife. With a light-hearted tone, he insisted that Ram should get closer to his wife. The call ended with a warm encouragement for the couple to enjoy their time together.

After hanging up the call, Priya inquired about the conversation with Ram's father. Ram proceeded to explain the situation, and Priya nodded in understanding. A palpable silence enveloped them, the city's neon lights softly peering through the window, casting a gentle glow on their shared quietude. The ambient stillness lingered, creating an atmosphere where unspoken thoughts and emotions reverberated in the air between the couple.

As the night enveloped the quaint outhouse nestled in the serene landscapes of Manali, Ram found himself entranced by the sight of Priya peacefully asleep, bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. Her serene expression mirrored the tranquility of the night sky above. Ram hesitated, not wanting to disturb her slumber, but the sudden voice of the driver announcing their arrival shattered the moment. With a gentle nudge, Ram roused Priya from her dreams, bringing her back to the realm of wakefulness as they stepped out into the crisp mountain air of Manali.

As they descended from the vehicle, Ram instructed the driver to rest before continuing the journey, ensuring his well-being before embarking on their own. Together, they made their way towards the small cottage nestled atop the peak, guided by the soft glow of moonlight. Along the path, Priya's gaze fell upon a narrow staircase leading upwards, beckoning them to ascend together.

Yet, just as they began their ascent, fate intervened, and Priya stumbled, her delicate balance faltering. With a gasp, she felt herself teetering on the edge of a fall, but before she could succumb to gravity's pull, Ram's strong arms encircled her, holding her steady. In that moment of vulnerability, their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them, as if the universe had conspired to bring them closer than ever before.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Priya swiftly composed hersel, and she removed her broken sandal. Though awkwardness lingered in the air, their shared experience forged a newfound connection, binding them together amidst the uncertainty of the night. And so, with determination in their hearts, they continued their journey upwards, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the echo of the doorbell faded into the night, a weary yet kind-hearted middle-aged man emerged to greet them, his eyes betraying the weariness of the late hour, yet his smile radiating warmth and hospitality. With a gentle nod, he assured them that everything had been prepared for their arrival.

Ram, ever mindful of others' well-being, offered his apologies for the disturbance, urging himto rest after having waited up for them. However, to Ram's surprise, the he waved off his concerns with a chuckle, revealing that he had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of priya after so many years.

Ram : You should take rest now kaka we can manage

K : But you both must be hungry let me serve you some food first

Then priya interrupted and said

P : i had my dinner at office already so dont be so bother i am going upstairs now

And she left from there so ram said

R : She must be feeling sleepy

K : Its okay beta i know she is tired

After Ram returned to the room and found Priya still standing there, he quizzically asked, "What are you doing here?"

Priya, with a perplexed expression, replied, "How do you expect us to share this space? There's only one bed and nothing else. Where should I sleep?"

Ram chuckled softly before responding,

"Why is this such a problem? We can maintain some distance while sharing the bed. It's only for a couple of nights. Plus, if we switch rooms, Kaka will surely inform Dad, and that will just complicate things. Can't we just adjust for the next two days?"

Priya nodded reluctantly, acknowledging the practicality of his suggestion.

As Priya settled onto the bed, creating a makeshift barrier with pillows, Ram emerged from the washroom. His lips tightened at the sight, but he managed a wry comment,

"Priya, that's quite a clever idea. I'll do my best not to encroach on your territory."

Priya nodded in response, adjusting her hair into a bun.

Suddenly, Ram's voice broke the silence,
"Priya, about dinner... you said you ate at the office?"

Priya confirmed, "Yes, with the colleague you saw. He insisted; it was his celebration."

Ram's expression shifted, "You've become good friends quickly."

Priya agreed, "He's just very outgoing. Please, could you turn off the lights?" With that, she lay down, leaving the conversation hanging in the air.

As the sun peered through the curtains, Ram stirred from his slumber, only to find Priya absent from the room. Puzzled, he descended the stairs to find Kaka bustling about the kitchen. Inquiring about Priya's whereabouts, Kaka informed him she was in the guest room attending to official matters. Curious, Ram set off to find her, but en route, Priya emerged in a rush, engrossed in a phone call. Their paths collided, and Ram instinctively pulled her into a firm embrace. Caught off guard, they locked eyes momentarily before Priya apologized, citing her haste. As she attempted to depart, Ram's watch snagged on the thread of her kurta, halting her in her tracks. Turning back, Priya's gaze lingered on the unexpected connection between them.

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