Ch : Seven

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Amid the hustle and bustle of Priya's office, Ram's unexpected visit sent a ripple of surprise through the routine. Priya, with a quizzical expression, inquired about the suddenness of his appearance. Ram, wearing a reassuring smile, explained that he was merely passing by and seized the opportunity to suggest a spontaneous dinner together. Caught in the spontaneity of the proposal, Priya hesitated for a moment, contemplating the balance between work commitments and the allure of an unplanned evening. Observing her uncertainty, Ram, ever understanding, suggested an alternative time, allowing Priya the flexibility to choose. After a brief internal deliberation, Priya decided to embrace the impromptu dinner, expressing her availability. Ram, pleased with her response, guided her towards his car, where the engine purred to life. They navigated through the city's twilight, heading to a nearby restaurant.

As the dinner progressed, Ram, amidst the ambient hum of the restaurant, steered the conversation

Ram: (casually) So, who's that guy you were with earlier? You seemed pretty friendly.

Priya: (gently) Oh, he's just a new intern.

Ram: (curious) Friendly intern, I see. Smiles don't lie. Why the camaraderie?

Priya: (raising an eyebrow) Why this sudden interest?

Ram: (clearing his throat) Just wondering, nothing much. Anyway, would you like some desserts?

Priya: (chuckling) No, thanks. I'm not a fan of sweets. Help yourself if you want.

At this moment, Ram's phone rings, displaying Aliya's name. Priya notices and a slight unease sets in. Ram silences the call.

Ram: (nervously) Sorry about that.

As the phone rings again, Priya, sensing the situation, suggests,

Priya: You should take the call. I'll wait for you outside.

She swiftly collects her belongings, leaving the restaurant with a mix of curiosity and a touch of awkwardness lingering in the air.

In the brisk November evening of Delhi, as winter winds grew chilly, Priya found herself shivering slightly while waiting. Ram approached with an apology, explaining the delay due to a malfunctioning credit card machine.

Priya: (smiling) It's okay. Shall we head home now?

Ram notices Priya shivering and immediately takes off his coat.

Ram: Here, wear this. It's chilly, and I don't want you to catch a cold.

Priya: (declining) No, thanks. I'm fine.

They get into the car, and during the drive home, Ram senses Priya's silence

Ram: (concerned) Is everything okay? Did I do something to bother you?

Priya: (assuring) No, Ram, it's nothing. I'm just a bit tired, that's all.

Despite Ram's attempt to start a conversation, Priya remains quiet, leaving an air of subtle tension in the car.

Amidst the calm exterior of the evening, Priya found herself entangled in a silent whirlwind of inner turmoil. As Ram's phone displayed Aliya's name, a subtle pang of irritation swept over her. In the quiet recesses of her mind, Priya acknowledged the truth she had long tried to evade – this marriage was a transient chapter, a fleeting intersection of two lives destined for separate paths.

The realization settled within her, yet the unexpected surge of emotion caught Priya off guard. She questioned the source of her irritation, understanding that her heart had drawn lines it had yet to accept. Priya, in a moment of self-reflection, acknowledged the complexity of emotions entwined with commitment and unspoken desires.

As the evening unfolded, Priya resolved to shield herself from these thoughts, recognizing that dwelling on the ephemeral nature of her marriage would only breed discontent. She reminded herself to embrace the present, allowing the currents of time to carry her along. The city lights painted patterns on the canvas of the night as Priya navigated the delicate balance between reality and the unspoken wishes of her heart, silently weaving her own narrative within the tapestry of fleeting moments.

As Ram and Priya reached their home, a sense of normalcy hung in the air, only to be disrupted by the unexpected appearance of Ram's mother. She approached them with a demeanor that carried a certain urgency. With a gentle yet mysterious tone, she informed them that Ram's father wished to see them immediately.

Curiosity etched across their faces, Ram couldn't help but express concern for his father's well-being. Ram's mother, with a reassurance in her voice, assured them that his health was fine. However, a subtle tension lingered in the air as she gave a pursed-lips smile, hinting that the matter at hand was more than a mere health update. The unspoken complexity of the situation added an intriguing layer to the scene, leaving Ram and Priya with a mix of curiosity and a touch of apprehension as they prepared to face the unknown in the presence of Ram's father.

Upon entering, Ram and Priya found Ram's father engrossed in a book. As he set it aside, he acknowledged their potential fatigue but expressed the need to summon them urgently. With a mysterious air, he slid an envelope toward Ram, who, with a quizzical look, accepted it.

Ram's father, his eyes twinkling with anticipation, encouraged them to open the envelope themselves. As Ram carefully unwrapped it, a wave of surprise swept over him. Inside lay tickets for a European tour, not just for him but for Priya as well. The room filled with an air of astonishment as Priya, standing beside Ram, shared in the unexpected revelation.

As Ram quietly entered the room, he caught Priya engrossed in her night skincare routine. The soft glow from the vanity mirror revealed his reflection, prompting Priya to turn with a hint of surprise. "Ram, we need to address this; we can't embark on the trip like this," she asserted. Ram, looking thoughtful, responded, "I feel the same way. We still have a week; let me ponder on it." The room held an air of anticipation as they contemplated the preparations for their upcoming days.

As Priya returned home on the eve of their long-awaited honeymoon, she found Ram engaged in a heated argument with his father. Sensing the tension, Ram's dad turned to Priya, imploring, "Priya beta, Ram is set to leave tomorrow, citing office work. I can't let this happen. Convince him otherwise." The room echoed with the weight of unspoken concerns as Priya took a deep breath, preparing to address the dilemma that threatened to disrupt their pre-planned honeymoon.

Priya, understanding the gravity of the situation, calmly approached Ram's father. With a reassuring tone, she explained, "Uncle, this tour is crucial for Ram's career growth. Postponing the honeymoon won't diminish its significance, but it could impact his professional standing. Let's support him in this opportunity; we can plan the honeymoon for another time." Her words carried a conviction that resonated with Ram's father, prompting a thoughtful pause. Eventually, a nod of agreement marked the resolution, ensuring that Ram could embark on his career-driven journey while preserving the promise of a postponed but still imminent honeymoon.

As Ram entered the room, he noticed Priya occupied with preparing her bed. "Lately, you seem quite busy," he observed. Priya, furrowing her eyebrows, questioned if it bothered him. Ram denied, "No, it's not that. I've just been wondering..." Priya interrupted, urging him not to overthink. Ram persisted, "Priya, haven't you noticed a change? You often seem ready to pick a fight." Priya chuckled, "Why would I do that, Ram? I'm exhausted. I have an early meeting. Let's talk later." With that, she requested him to switch off the light and retreated to sleep. In the quiet room, Ram mumbled to himself, "Why even engage in conversation? Who am I to you?" The unspoken tension lingered, casting a shadow over their connection.

As Ram put the duvet on after switching off the light, the room plunged into darkness, mirroring the confusion within his thoughts. He couldn't shake the nagging question: Why was he expecting something more from Priya when Alia still held a place in his life? The weight of his own uncertainty pressed upon him, leaving him grappling with conflicting emotions. In the silence of the night, a sea of doubts and tangled feelings stirred within him, leaving Ram to navigate the complexities of his heart and the relationships that defined his present.

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