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Sorry for the long overdue chapter. I got fired and had to find a new job. I've been trying my best to get myself used to the graveyard shift(late night shift for those who don't know) and didn't have time to work on this

Y/n pov

"You still haven't aged a day. Unlike professor Dumbledore. Which one?" My friend Newt Scamander asks.

I rest my head a bit. "Well as his name suggests he was dumb and didn't take up my offer. But I need Frank. I'll bring you to Arizona for this but we need a world wide obliviate that doesn't work on supernaturals. Vampires witches Wizards and werewolves have all been exposed."

"What about this Natalia and her team you've been talking to me about?" He asks.

He has never been blunt with me. Alvis and I helped protect him like a son when he was at Hogwarts.

"I have a plan I think will work but I need your help. Frank is the only one that can save us all." I say quietly.

"She's not supernatural this will wipe her mind too. You haven't told her have you? Have you even told Dumbledore? Asked for his advice?"

I was slowly getting angry, with myself more than him, but I could feel it bubbling below the surface of my skin.

"Watch your words newt. My anger is easy to provoke if you remember." I say softly remembering the incident that happened years ago.

It was newts 5th year at Hogwarts. A ministry official's son was bullying him for not being like his brother.

"You will never be like Theseus. He will rise the ranks of the ministry before you get your first job. You will never amount to what he will, filthy hufflepuff," the boy sneered and then spit on the ground next to Newt at the last sentence.

I was walking past and happened to hear it. "And what will that make you, boy? Will you be a cheap charlatan for the muggles to sneer at and look down upon as a scammer?" I ask him. "Power comes not from putting others down but from knowing when and where to choose your battles. This battle is not one that will end well for you. Not even your parents can save you from this fight. For I am not one of the people the ministry can control!" And with the last sentence I showed my hybrid eyes.
The words I had heard directed towards Newt reminded me of what my father repeatedly told Niklaus and I daily. The memories making my anger grow faster than anything.

Two days later the ministry was out for my blood and my job. They hadn't know that I was one of the originals and still didn't. They knew of vampires but didn't know there were some of us that could use magic so to them it wasn't something they needed to be concerned about when looking at teacher applications or interviews.
The boys father had reared his head during my meeting and I had just about lost it when this grown man had joined what his son started and put newt down while I was in the same room. In my eyes I had every right to hurt the man.
I had transformed into a part human part wolf creature and threatened his life in front of the entire ministry. After the school year was done I was excised from school ground for 20 years never to be around the children.
End flashback
"I apologize but you have to consider all options before thinking of everyone but yourself. You deserve happiness in this bleak existence you were forced to live!" He yells at me.

"You think I don't want her to remember me! You think I haven't thought about asking her to join me in my immortality?!" I yell right back. "Other than you, Theseus, and McGonaggal, She is the one thing on this earth I would give everything up for! You are all my family, but now that the vampire secret is out anyone who looks like they could've known about me before the reveal is in grave danger! The five are still around and are looking for an excuse to finally get their hands on white oak and slaughter us all!"

I calm myself before I continue speaking. "I would love to ask her to join me in this pitiful existence and I know she would say yes. But I wish to never subject her to watching her friends and family die while she lives on. She doesn't know what or who I'm asking for help. Or the consequences of me asking. But I will do my best to make it up to her. Even if it takes me years to get her back."

"Will you help me or not?"

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