End of the journey plus recap

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Lambart's POV:
I was coming back from Silk Cradle feeling very victorious, because I just defeated the final bishop Shamura, the eldest bishop of war. And I am glad I finally defeated them. The last three bishops were easy but Shamura was impossible. I'm guessing it's because Shamura transformed it into a giant spider, and the spiders are known to be quick with their eight legs.
When I arrived back at my cult, all my followers and best friend Hazel were waiting for me. I knew what they were waiting for so I pulled out Shamura's still beating heart and they all started to cheer and throw confetti in the air before returning to their duties or talking to each other leaving me and Hazel alone.
"Congratulations little Lamb you did it you killed the final bishop that means you can finally free Narinder." Hazel said as she followed me down the stone stairs.
"Yep! It was a long painful journey but I finally did it.
Narinder is going to be so proud of me." I said as I started to make a pedestal for Shamura's crown and place it right next to the three other grounds I've collected from my battles.
"Actually, little lamb, I've been meaning to ask you something. What do you think will happen to you, your cult and your followers when you've freed Narinder?" Hazel asked but I was so engrossed with making the pedestal for Shamura's crown and adding spider webs that I didn't hear what Hazel said.
"HEY!" Hazel yelled while shaking me by my shoulders. "How about you focus on me and finish making this pedestal later OK?" Hazel asked and I nodded my head in agreement.
Hazel moved her hands from my shoulder and started talking. "Ok good now what I'm trying to say is what do you think will happen to you,your cult and your followers when you free Narinder?" Hazel asked me.
" Well, I believe that he'll be really thankful and that he wants me to rule by his side as the new faith of the forest now that the old faith is dead." I said.
"Little lamb you need to open your fucking eyes and see the truth. Do you really think that Narinder the Bishop of death would need you to rule over the forest now that he's free? I bet when you go up to him for the last time he's gonna want the red crown bac-..." Hazel's voice started to fade away as I stared into Hazel's fiery blue eyes. To be honest I have developed a huge crush on this strong Wendigo. I first developed a crush on her a few months ago during a crusade and she saved my life...again and something about her easily dominating me in a fight makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine and send shivers down my back. And I've started dreaming about her. Sometimes the dreams are cute, sometimes they uhh a little inappropriate.
"LAMBART!!!" Hazel yelled as she was violently shaking me. I'm not even on the ground anymore.
"Huh?! Y-yes Hazel!" I said with a nervous smile.
" You zoned out again dammit!" Hazel said with a snarl.
" I did? I'm so sorry Hazel you can tell me whatever it was you were saying to me again I'll listen this time. Promise!" I said with pleading eyes. But Hazel just sighed and put me down gently. " You know what nevermind. Look, it's been a long day and the sun is going down. Why don't you go to your tent and relax while I get started on making dinner for everyone alright?" Hazel said as she petted my head and I leaned into it.
"Ok Hazel just let me put the finishing touches on this pedestal then I'll go straight to my tent ok?" I said. I could tell that Hazel was smiling and she nodded her head in agreement. "Ok little lamb." She said softly as she went straight to the kitchen.
I finished the pedestal and placed Shamura's crown in the center and decorated it with a little bit of spiderwebs and I headed straight for my tent to relax and start to reflect on everything that happened up to this point.
Like when I first started the cult and I got my first follower. And the time Hazel found me after I got ambushed by Leshy's followers and she fixed the red crown and the time a giant demon attacked the cult and me and Hazel agreed to share the power of the red crown so she can defeat it. And we agreed that she'll be the co-leader or my second in command. Plus having Hazel going on crusades has been amazing . We just kill all the bishop's followers without breaking a sweat but it seems like the bishops and Hazel have a past of some sort. Because every time we meet the bishops, and Hazel there, they always referred to her as the creature, the beast, and the unholy terrorizer but I just shrugged it off. I tried to ask Hazel, but she kept dodging or ignoring my questions, so I stopped asking. But a part of me still wonders what happened between her and the bishops?
"Dinnertime! Come and get it!" Hazel shouted, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Coming!" I yelled as I ran straight to the kitchen.
I finished dinner and went straight back to my tent, as well as everyone else including Hazel who went to her grand shelter.
Everyone else had a shared shelter but Hazel requested. I just made her a grand shelter instead because she didn't want to share her shelter. The only thing that's unique about it is that there's a little bed for the red crown to sleep on just like my tent.
As I went to sleep, and the red crown floated to its bed and went to sleep as well.

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