A Tour and a Insane Sleep Deprive Blue Fox

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Hazel's pov:

Lambert left to continue his crusade in Anura leaving me alone with his followers.
I finished making the potion and decided to keep the bowls of potion in Lambert's hut for now until I can find a better place to keep the potions. I felt something tapping my leg and looked down to River.
" Excuse me Hazel was it? I just wanted to thank you for helping me calm down in the temple. No one except my sister Lake has ever comforted me when I'm having an anxiety attack." River said softly with a small smile.

I smiled at the dark gray cat "No need to thank me River! I just knew what to do and was at the right place at the right time." I said

"Hey, since you're new here, why don't I show you around the cult?" River offered it to me.

I thought about it for a second.."Okay show me around the cult." I said and started to follow River around the cult.
"Over there is the cooking fire that's where the leader makes our meals. Over there is the Lumberyard and Stone Mines where we work and collect logs and stone.
And over there is the farm where we or our leader plants and harvest the crops. And here are the outhouses and over there is the Refinery where we refine raw materials." River said while pointing and explaining the structure.

"Over there is the graveyard where the leader buried dead followers. Sometimes the leader harvests the meat from the dead followers instead of burying them." River explained showing three filled graves.

I followed River to the very center of the cult and we stopped in front of a lamb statue made of sticks and a few followers praying to it.

"And last but not least this is the Shrine. Where new and old followers come to worship it. Leader told us if we keep praying to it then it will get stronger and if it gets stronger then the cult will get better and if the cult gets better then the leader will become stronger!" River said while panting because he said that entire sentence in one breath.

"Any *pant* *pant* any q-questions Hazel?" River asked while panting.

"Uhm.. yeah uh.. where do you keep followers that are injured and sick?" I asked River.

"Oh! I accidentally forgot to show you the Healing Bay! It's right next to the temple. Just look for a bush with red flowers on it and a flag with a cross on it!" River told me where to find the Healing Bay.

"Okay my second question is what's that near the Shrine?" I ask River pointing at the two boxes and a sign with a picture of a mallet on it.

River turned to see what I'm pointing at.

"Ohh! That is where the leader builds new buildings and creates decorations for the cult!" River explained to me.

"Do you have any more questions Hazel?" River asked me.
I tried to think of any more questions but couldn't think of any more questions.

"No, I don't have any more questions for you River." I told River.
"Okay then! Well I got to get back to chopping wood. See you around Hazel." River said and ran back to the Lumberyard.

"Bye River!" I yelled and decided to check on the three unconscious followers' conditions.

The Sun started to set and the Moon came out and everyone started to head to their sleeping bags to turn in for the night.

Everyone except one blue fox follower named Jamar who was still working.

I walked up to them and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Hey Jamar." I said while tapping their shoulder.
Jamar turned around and faced me.

They looked exhausted.

"Oh hi Hazel. Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" Jamar asked, struggling to keep their eyes open.

"Shouldn't I- shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" I asked the exhausted fox.

"Oh I haven't been able to sleep since the great leader gave me this necklace as a gift. Our leader is so kind and thoughtful!" Jamar said with a tired smile.

"Uhh.. Jamar I think the necklace may be the reason why you can't sleep anymore. Maybe you should take it off." I suggested to Jamar.

Jamar suddenly snapped awake and quickly backed away from me tightly clutching the Moon necklace in their hand.

"No! Why would I take off something that the leader gave me?! Even if it's the reason I can't sleep anymore, taking off or rejecting our great leader's gifts is like being unfaithful to him. It's basically a sin to reject his presents!" Jamar said with an angry and crazy look on their face.

Then they slowly started to smile and laugh insanely.

"Oh now I see why you wanted me to take off my necklace he-he..you're just jealous because the leader didn't give you anything special! So if I take off the necklace you'll wait for me to fall asleep and STEAL IT!!!" Jamar yelled and started to insanely laugh at the Moon.

Jamar started babbling about how they must be the lamb's favorite follower and that they and the lamb were always meant to be together and that they'll marry the lamb and toast with a glass full of the four bishops' blood.

They started talking about how many children they'll have but I didn't stick around to hear them finish their insane marriage life with the lamb.

I started to back away from them slowly repeating the word 'Nope' several times in my head.

That poor poor insane sleep deprived blue fox.

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