Chapter Four

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George walked back into the storage room. He rolled up his sleeping bag and stuffed it in his pack. The two boys jumped down from their hiding place upon seeing the back of George's brown jacket and his dark hair with black jeans.

George didn't care to acknowledge them. Not until one of them spoke. "Tommy said that one of your friends isn't that much older than us. Do you think Sapnap would like us?" The one named Tubbo asked. He tilted his head to the left when he asked a question.

"We won't ever know. Dream and Sapnap left an hour ago. I'll be your sole guide to Boston. I need your complete faith in me. I have nobody to back us up right now. Everything will come down to life or death. I need you both to trust me without a second thought. Now come on. We need to start heading North."

George stood up. He gave the other two what he hoped was a reassuring glare. He began to walk out of the door that led to the front of the store. He stepped over the mess he made. Tommy and Tubbo hesitantly did the same. George grabbed a magnet from the side of the register. He walked over to one of the gas pumps and slid the hello kitty magnet as if it were a card.

The gas pump shut down just as George hoped. He picked out a Honda Civic that was a hundred yards away. It was a bit dented and had blood on it but it would work. The brunette pulled out a screwdriver that he kept in the side of his pack. He jammed it into the ignition and turned it slightly. Just enough to turn the car on but not start the engine. He shifted the car into neutral and hopped out.

George slowly pushed the car towards the gas station. Tommy and Tubbo were watching nervously, not sure if they should help or not. George pushed the car as close to the pump as he could. It barely reached but it was enough. George filled the tank up completely. He then went into the gas station and searched the warehouse until he found a gas can. He filled that up too.

George placed the gas can into the trunk of the car. "Get in and buckle up. It's going to be a long ride. As soon as I start the car, every zombie within a ten-mile radius will be on us. Since this car is low to the ground. I can't run them over. So be prepared to be thrown around a bit." George chuckled at his words. It was going to be fun. That's what he told himself. Tubbo piled into the passenger while Tommy climbed into the middle of the back seat.

George ignored the dried blood in the car's seats. He took his gun out of his pocket and placed it in the cup holder. His bag was thrown in the back behind the driver's seat.

George closed his door, locked it and put his seatbelt on before starting the car. The car started and George could see zombies in the distance perk up at the sound. He had to go through the infested town to go North.

George rolled his eyes. He pressed on the gas and tried not to act surprised. He immediately floored it as they rolled down the hill from the gas station to the main part of town. George spun the wheel to avoid whatever zombie or vehicle was on the road. Tommy was being thrown around in the backseat.

"Are you even licensed to drive in the U.S.?" Tommy asked as he was jerked around.

"Yeah no. Not in England either. I can't get a license in any country. I'm protan colorblind, so it's illegal. Good day to be living in the apocalypse." George muttered to himself to try to lighten his own mood. George swerved the car to avoid a traffic cone and the other cars parked in the middle of the road. Some were flipped upside down.

George winced at the phantom pain he felt in his leg at the memory. "How do you know where we are going without GPS?" Tommy asked, disregarding the fact George can't drive.

"We're going through Georgia, South and North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and worst of all fucking New York. I should have a highway map in my bag. If I don't, I'm sure we can figure it out with road signs." George calmly replied as he ran over a zombie. Tommy grabbed George's brown pack into his lap and carefully went through it.

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