Mintbite stared at Timberpaw in astonishment. Where did he learn all of that? He purred, feeling his chest warm with affection for the young cat as he touched his nose to Timberpaw's head. "You're wise beyond your moons, Timberpaw." He mewed and smiled when the apprentice's paws shifted with delight. "Will you do me a favor and keep an eye on the kits tonight? I'll be visiting the Moonstream and I don't want to have to worry about them escaping and getting into more danger."

"Of course!" Timberpaw nodded enthusiastically and sat up. The apprentice rose to his paws and strode over to stand next to the healer. "Do you think you'll see Briarslip in StarClan?" He asked, sounding nervous as he looked sideways at Mintbite. "Do you think he's mad at me for killing him?"

The medicine cat ran his tail along Timberpaw's back comfortingly. "I don't think he's upset with you, Timberpaw." He assured the troubled tom, smiling softly. "Briarslip was a very respectful and honorable warrior, and he would understand being accidentally killed in the heat of battle. I'm sure he's forgiven you as soon as he joined StarClan." Mintbite nudged Timberpaw with his nose, and the apprentice glanced up at him. "You have to forgive yourself. It's not easy, but it'll save you a lifetime of guilt and kicking yourself in the rear." Mintbite gave him a meaningful smile that Timberpaw returned. "Now! I need to get myself ready for the meeting tonight. I'll catch up with you later, scamp. Run along now, you must have your paws full with your duties, no?"

"I'll see you in the morning, Mintbite!" Timberpaw meowed and the two bumped their heads together. The tom trotted away, his fluffy tail held high as he met up with his littermates and fell into sibling shenanigans.

Mintbite chuckled to himself and headed back inside his den with a flick of his tail. Timberpaw was a good cat with a heart of gold and would make one of RiverClan's best warriors once Halfstar got his head out of the clouds and gave him his warrior name. I wonder what he'll choose. Humming along to nothing in particular, Mintbite swept a mess of herbs he'd gathered in the morning into one pile and began to stash them away. Watermint, some poppy seeds, a couple sprigs of chervil, and some marigold to restock his stores for the time being. He'd have to take the younger warriors out to properly replenish his herb supplies, but he'd take care of that at a later date. Right now, there was little reason to stock up on herbs unless SkyClan decided to launch a surprise attack on the RiverClan camp. A chill ran down his spine at the prospect of that happening. He hoped his tussle with Poppystar was enough to scare the grieving leader away for the time being. If not... then RiverClan would have to prepare for a possible war between the two Clans. Again.

He awoke curled in his nest after deciding to take a nap before leaving for the Moonstream meeting. The sun had fallen and the night air was crisp, but not cold. Mintbite stretched and stepped out of his nest, prepared for the possible tense meeting he had in store for himself. After checking over his den for one last time before his return, Mintbite headed out to start the journey. He politely dipped his head to Mossystripe as she guarded the camp entrance and set out into the territory.


Mintbite was the last to arrive. The scents of pine sap, oak leaves, and tallgrass made it known to him that he was the final arrival. Part of him was glad that they were waiting for him, but he also wished a few cats would've lagged behind to give him time to catch up with a couple of his friends.

"Ah- there he is!" The striking green eyes of WindClan's medicine cat flashed in the moonlight as Mintbite joined the other four healers. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

Mintbite purred with amusement and butted heads with the green eyed tom. "And miss seeing you? Never!" He teased and flicked Fringedrop's cheek with his tail, and the other tom giggled. Sweeping his gaze around at the other medicine cats, Mintbite's chest tightened when Sweetfur didn't meet his gaze. "How are things in your Clans?" He asked, trying to ignore the pain in his heart that Sweetfur didn't look at him.

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