Chapter 8 Her Emotional Drama

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After changing myself into something comfortable, I turn the knob to open the bathroom door, but it doesn't open.

I try it again, but nothing happens.

"This is my revenge for you locking me in the balcony last night." A deep frown appears on my face as I hear Grace's words from the other side of the door.

Will she stop messing up with me?

I stay silent and take out my phone from my jogger's pocket to call a maid, Maria. I ask her to unlock me from the bathroom and disconnect the call.

Grace is mistaken to think that she can lock me in my own house.

Once I come outside, I'll make her pay for this move.

I hear the faint sound of Maria's footsteps approaching, and when the door finally unlocks, I step out of the bathroom with a glint of triumph in my eyes. She stands there, irked that her attempt to lock me in the bathroom failed.

"Thank you, Maria." I say politely to the maid, and she leaves after bowing to me.

I approach Grace with a menacing presence, narrowing the gap between us. Her expression remains defiant as she stares at me with fire in her eyes.

"You thought you could lock Steve Grey in his own territory?" I ask, my voice is low and dangerous.

She glares at me, unshaken by my anger. "Just a taste of what's coming, Mr. Grey."

I step closer, our bodies mere inches apart. "Mark my words, Grace. This marriage may be temporary, but I'll make sure you regret every move you make against me."

Her defiance remains unwavering as she smirks. "I'm not the one who will regret it, Steve."

I roll my eyes and march towards the bed to sleep. The constant battles between us have left me exhausted.

As I lie down, she grabs a jar of water from the table and threatens me, "If today also, you don't let me sleep in bed, I'll again drench your bed."

I finally give in, realizing that these fights are getting us nowhere. "Fine! Let's make a deal."

She looks at me with a hint of suspicion. "What deal?"

"One day, you'll sleep on the bed, and I'll take the couch, and the next day we'll switch. Okay?" I propose, hoping that this might put an end to the fight of sleeping on the bed.

She hesitates for a moment, considering my offer. Her expression softens, and she finally agrees, "Fine, we have a deal."

"Now, can we please have a night of peace without more battles?" I ask, frustrated, pulling up the comforter over me.

I sign with relief as she doesn't argue further. She grabs a spare blanket from the closet and heads to the couch.

As I stare up at the ceiling, I wonder. This temporary marriage has already proven to be more challenging than I ever imagined, and I have a feeling that neither of us is going to make it easy for the other.

But one thing is certain: I won't let Grace get the upper hand in this twisted game. I'll crush her arrogance.

Jace's P.O.V.

At night, as I arrive at that restaurant girl's apartment, a maid opens the door and invites me to settle in the hall.

However, my attention is immediately drawn to the captivating sound of a piano playing in the distance.

I can't resist the enchanting melody, so I follow the music and find its source. There she is, seated at the piano, fingers dancing over the keys with grace and skill. The music she creates echoes in every corner of the entire mansion.

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