New room

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A/N: this is an idea I came up with on my own so I hope you enjoy! 

I came back from archery practice to find My father standing outside my room with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I've been thinking," he said, "your room could use a bit of a makeover."

The next thing i knew, Thranduil had transformed my  room into a sport enthusiast's dream! My bed was now flanked by a sleek, modern workout station complete with weights and a yoga mat for your morning stretches.

My closet was filled with new sports clothes from the best Elven tailors, perfect for any kind of activity i could think of. There were comfortable joggers for my  runs, sleek suits for swimming, and even some elegant archery gear.

Next to my bed , there was a rack holding various sports equipment - basketballs, tennis rackets, and even a brand new bow. The walls were adorned with posters of famous Elven athletes, inspiring you to push your limits.

My  shoe rack was filled with all sorts of sports shoes - running shoes, basketball shoes, even a pair of climbing boots. Thranduil had thought of everything!

The biggest surprise was the corner of  my room that my dad  had turned into a mini basketball court. It was complete with a hoop and a line marking the three-point zone.

I were speechless. It was more than i could have ever imagined.My dad  just smiled, "Every athlete needs their space. I hope you like it."

From that day on, my room wasn't just a place to sleep, but a place where i could live out my sports dreams. It was the perfect reflection of your love for sports, all thanks to My dad. 

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