Girl with the tattoo

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Sanji: hey listen here you old geezer i'm the sous chef in this place what do you mean you don't need me anymore

Zeff: You always get into trouble with the customers all the time. You flirt with every woman that walks in here and you can even cook a decent meal. Your worth less to me then the chum after brunch that's what I mean .

Khoine: that's a little harsh don't you think

He looks at me I stay quiet I don't think I can take what he thinks about me

Sanji: so umm

Chefs: heheheh

I shot them a quick look to tell them to shut up before I turn them into a meal

Zeff: oh let's not talk about how the other cooks avoid you like you were poison so go be a pirate 

Khione: It's not his fault that their all pussy get braver cooks dad like come one was patty and Carne the best you could get. You know what, never mind I'm going to my room don't bother me unless you want to apologize or some shit and I mean it I will cut your ass up so fast.

I said walking of and going to my room but I can't stop hearing their voice in my ear

???: you stupid brat

??: go died already why did we even have you your worthless

I sigh and lay down on my bed closing my eyes hoping for a little sleep


Khione: huh who's there

???: turn around Khi

Turning around I see a man that I've been seeing for a while with hawk like eyes and a big ass sword

???: you have grown so much khi why did you leave the house leave me huh khi

Khione: who are you how do you know me

???: you always had Those innocent eyes,

Khione: that smile on your face makes it easy to trust you

???: it's ok khi you'll remember soon

Jumping awake at the sound of an explosion I quickly ran to the main area to see patty with the meat cannon, Ghin's back with a broken arm  and brought his caption and Sanji's bleeding and people on the floor.

Wait sanji's bleeding and Ghin has a broken arm oh hell nah

Khione: Hey you king kong looking bitch I know damn well you didn't hurt my brother and break my Man's arm I'll slice yo ass up hoe!!

I go to run up to him but patty holds me back.

Don Krieg: don't defy me, I am the strongest steel arm more powerful than anyone's, a wootz steel-made body that is harder than anybody's and a diamond fist that can destroy anything. I have all sorts of built in weapons throughout my body. I have a fleet of 50 ships and a force of 5,000 pirates. I've won every battle in the past. I am Don and I am the only one fit to be called don.

Khione: sounds like a bitch to me without that suit and weapons you a bitch and a half

Zeff: out of the way kid

Said pushing the straw hat out of the way

Don kreig: When I give you slime balls and order you will follow it down to the last letter don't you ever disobey me.

Khione: damn is you not done yet

Dad slammed the food on the ground in front of the monkey looking bitch.

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