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I decided to Sit on stairs  watching as Sanji brings food to the customers

Sanji: Hey Nesi, get over here and help me. You know that all the waiters got up and left.

Khione(sigh): find i'll help but you owe me

Sanji:  yea yea I know food

After that I heard a loud sound coming from my Fathers room. I decided to ignore it knowing that he can  handle whatever it was. At that moment the door slams  open a man with pink hair and a marine lieutenant outfit on. Along with a blond woman with a beautiful red dress on. He looks around for a bit and then smirks while  leading the woman inside, they sit at the table next to the window. I see Sanji walking towards their table I decided to follow him

Him plus a lady equals another fight waiting to happen I wonder what gonna lead to it

He poured the wine into their glass.

???: Hey, look just as i thought, that man sitting there is Lieutenant Fullbody

What kind of name is that

???: look kids a big shot from hq

???: He's so handsome and elegant

Handsome where is he handsome at

???: your famous everyone in here is looking at you

Lieutenant Fullbody : no your wrong their definitely admiring you

They tap their glasses together and then takes a sip the man now know as
Lieutenant Fullbody looks at the glass and says how good it is while putting his hand up

Lieutenant Fullbody : This flavor, This scent, this may be the scent of the soil
Of Micquo of the North land bitter with plenty of body, a tad sour. This wine must be the famous Iturutz Burger Stein.

Is this man mentally ok like damn just eat the food and let us go about our day

I see Sanji looking at me oh I know that look welp it's just harmless fun

Sanji slams the bottle on the table

Lieutenant Fullbody : Tell me waiter was i right

Grabbing his hand i decided to step in

Khione: Hell no not even close, now eat up this soup is best when it's hot and trust me I know.

Putting the spoon in his hand before walking away

Sanji: oh and by the way sir i'm the sous chef all the waiter ran out as of yesterday

Walking off me and Sanji heard everyone laughing and talking about how confident he was and stuff like that, What an idiot.

Lieutenant Fullbody: Waiter hey get over here

Sigh this guy again he's getting on my nerves

Sanji : i believe i already told you i'm the sous chef

He looked over at the woman

oh lawd here it comes

Sanji: oh how beautiful you are would you like to join me elsewhere for some wine

Khione: Sanji are you kidding me 
Lieutenant Fullbody: Hey what is this, do you serve bug soup to customers or is it just me

Khione: huh you got bugs!?!?

I said while stepping back before understood what he meant

Khione:Now I made it awkward. Why did you let me do it?

I said to Sanji before the man started talking again

Lieutenant Fullbody: what the hell is this bug doing here in my soup huh

Sanji: I don't know sir kinda looks like it's floating

Khione: I don't know Sanji it kinda looks like it's drowning

At this point multiple people was laughing

Lieutenant Fullbody: Don't mess with me Waiter!

He stands up and brakes the table

Khione: I know damn well a grown ass man is not have a temper tantrum, and you better pay for that table.

Sanji; If you'd just remove the bug, then it wouId've been edible. It took me three days and nights to make that soup.

He steps on Sanji's hand

Oh hell nah

Putting my hand on my sword just in case

Lieutenant Fullbody: I'm a customer! A customer who paid you money!

???; Fullbody  stop it

Lieutenant Fullbody : shut up!!

Throwing her off of him I immediately went to check on her.

Sanji: You think money will fill your stomach?

Lieutenant Fullbody: What?

Sanji: I said Will money fill your stomach?!

As Sanji said that , I knew he was finna attack this man. He didn't even stand a chance. Sanji kicks hurt like a bitch if anyone knew it would be me and those crooks he kicked. Sanji is now holding him by the throat. The noise must have caused the other chefs to come out and see what was happening

Sanji: Don't ever waste food near me again. At  sea if you ever provoke your cook you're signing your own death warrant. Remember that.

I'm putting the song lyrics in the chapter as I go because why not plus I'm just really really bored

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