Chapter 15 - A Romance Novel Ending

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(A/N: Congrats to the new longest chapter I've ever written!)


An organ began to play, as Emilien stood nervous yet joyful at the front of the room. Everyone turned and  were all in awe when they saw (Y/N) walking down the aisle. She held the bouquet of dead flowers in her hands, her beautiful dress the envy of all wedding dresses, smiling brightly as she walked towards her soon-to-be husband.

Her smile slightly faltered, when she looked to her side of the aisle and did not see Victor. Though she had dreamed of her wedding a thousand times, with the decorations and even the groom constantly changing, the one constant in her fantasies had always been Victor. He was always there, encouraging her and making sure she knew how happy he was for her.

But he wasn't here.

She shook off the thought and settled her eyes on Emilien, both grinning as they gazed at one another, more excited than anything to say their vows and finally say 'I do'. (Y/N) finally reached him and he gently took her hand in his before Elder Gutknecht began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved and departed, we are gathered here today to join this woman and this corpse in marriage."

As he spoke, Victor and Victoria had finally made their way to the church's entrance. Though Victor had been closer, he had kept his distance just to be on the safe side.

But, as their gazes locked onto each other, they smiled and relief filled them as they embraced. Victor ignored her wedding dress and the ring that wasn't his, only taking comfort in them being together once more.

"Oh, Victoria. I was so worried about you."

"Oh, Victor. We're together again and that is all that matters." They split apart and Victoria instantly asked, "What on earth is going on? I mean, dead walking the earth?"

"I don't know but let's find out."

Victor took her hand in his and they slowly entered the church. Their eyes widened when they saw (Y/N), in a wedding dress, preparing to marry the corpse that had dragged her away.

"(Y/N)?" Victor gasped out in shock.

He was immediately shushed by a skeleton and it prompted the couple to silently make their way around to the front. They weren't entirely sure what they were going to do but they felt they had to at least figure out what the heck was going on.

"Living first." Elder Gutknecht instructed, gesturing to (Y/N) to say her vows.

She turned to face Emilien, her gaze only filled with love and joy, as she raised her hand and, like in the woods, said her vows to the man she loved.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." She picked up the cup before continuing. "Your cup will never empty for I will be your wine."

"Now you." Elder Gutknecht stated, gesturing to Emilien.

He smiled as he too raised his hand and lovingly recited, "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." He grabbed the wine bottle and poured, tears in his eyes as he was finally going to get his happy ending. "Your cup will never empty for I will be..."

He stopped when he saw Victor and Victoria. They watched from behind (Y/N), gazing at the scene with worry and confusion. Victor couldn't believe his sister was going to marry a corpse and, in that moment, he couldn't understand why.

As for Emilien, as his gaze fell on the two, his determination diminished.

"I will be..."

He stared at (Y/N), unable to speak. She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to finish.

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