Chapter 2 - Meeting Victoria

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The front door opened, to reveal the Van Dorts. None were aware of this as Nell chastised her children, while the Everglots watched on in disdain.

"Look at the way you're standing. You look like you've got rickets or something." Nell commented, pulling Victor to stand properly before tugging at (Y/N)'s collar. "And look at this crooked collar."

"Mother, stop." (Y/N) growled, hitting her hand away before moving her gaze over to the open door and smirking. "They're watching us."

Her mother jumped practically out of her skin as she turned to face the Everglots, chuckling as she composed herself. They all walked in, looking around and admiring the Everglot home.

"Oh, my goodness. Such grandeur! Such impeccable taste!" Their mother stated in a flattering manner, trying to gain favour with the Everglots.

(Y/N) held back the urge to roll her eyes at her mother's words as they stood before the Everglots.

"Lord and Lady Everglot." The butler announced before turning to Nell and William. "Mr and Mrs Van Dort."

"Why you must be Miss Victoria." William stated, staring at Maudeline, in a somewhat confused manner. "Yes, I must say, you don't look a day over twenty."

Nell gasped, smacking him with her fan while (Y/N) covered her mouth to stop a laugh from escaping. Her mother turned and glared, but (Y/N) simply stood straight, smiling down at her mother, who narrowed her eyes but turned back to face the Everglots nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Lady Everglot stared down at the Van Dorts, unamused and her expression still quite sour. But she still leaned down slightly to whisper to her husband, "Smile, darling. Smile."

He attempted his best grin, struggling profusely at the action as if it were his first time. And, when he did finally manage one, it looked more like he was going to jump out and bite them rather than giving them a warm smile.

He then greeted them in a very forced, overly sweet tone. "Well, hello. What a pleasure. Welcome to our home."

(Y/N) and Victor glanced at one another, their eyes wide with fear. This same fear did not seem to apply to their parents.

"Oh, thank you." Nell gushed.

"We'll be taking tea in the west drawing room." Maudeline announced, as they all started making their way towards it. "Oh, do come this way, it's just through here."

"Oh, I do love what you've done with the place. Who is your decorator?"

"Nice tiles. Shame about the drapes."

"Oh, my husband says such foolish things, ignore him."

Victor and (Y/N) stopped moving, letting their parents' voices fade into the background as them and the Everglots entered the drawing room. The siblings didn't bother to follow, distracted by a stunning, grand piano.

Victor timidly pushed down on one of the keys and they both immediately looked towards the drawing room to see if any of the adults had noticed. The door just closed, giving them their answer.

(Y/N) grinned, instantly sitting and started testing the keys, her fingers slowly hitting them as she went up in an ascending melody. When there was still no interference, Victor smiled and joined her. And they soon both began to play a duet, the sounds they created flowing harmoniously and producing a very beautiful song.

It was a rare moment, one where they could be themselves without having to impress anyone or worry about what others may think. It would also probably be one of their last moments together, before Victor got married and left to live in his own house with Victoria.

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