"Your highness," I said in attempts to calm him down, "I intend to possess no threat to you and the crown."

"What bloody threat?" Adi said letting go of my collar in frustration, "The crown belongs to you!"

My eyes widened in surprise. 

Any other man in his position would've wanted to kill me. 

Even my own father wanted to kill me, those were the orders given to Sir Randheera but I am sure Adi was blissfully ignorant of that fact.

Bapu must've told Adi the lie he planned to tell him if he were to ever find out the truth ~ that the old King felt very guilty about his actions and ordered for Bapu to adopt me.

"We still have time," Adi continued, "We can tell the world who you are. I will talk to the ministers. You can be the king!"

"No, no your highness," I said holding his hand to stop him, "I cannot be the king. I know nothing about being a king! I only know how to battle. I am neither intellectual nor wise and I have absolutely no training."

"I will teach you," Adi said, "I will be by your side. I will make you the best king, the Nine Kingdoms could ever have."

"You are the best king the Nine Kingdoms could ever have," I countered, "You are the most noble and righteous man I've ever seen. I could try a lifetime but would never even come close to what you are capable of."

"But Nanda, you are the first born," the King argued, "the throne belongs to you!"

"The throne belongs to the one who is capable of ensuring it's continuity and bringing prosperity to the Nine Kingdoms," I replied, "and Adi you do it better than anyone else."

Adi fell silent the moment he heard his name. 

After all, he hasn't been hearing that since the old King died and as his friend I've seen his misery, his lonliness where even a palace full of people weren't able to give him a sense of belongingness.....and for him to hear his name after so long....might've felt....I shouldn't have done that.....having known the secret since my childhood....I've always considered him my brother at heart....and always called him Adi in my mind....but I shouldn't have said it outloud.

How did I make this mistake, when I was perfectly capable of holding myself back all these years.....and now my little brother looked at me with hope....hope of having someone he could call a family again....

"You really want me to take the throne, Nandu bhaiyya?" he asked like a little kid, adressing me as Nandu bhaiyya for the first time, "Will it make you happy?"

"It will make the entire kingdom happy, your highness?" I replied.

"No no don't call me that," Adi pleaded, "It makes me feel alone again." "Call...call me Adi..." 

"Your highness, listen to me..." I tried to explain.

"Not your highness, no," Adi shouted, "That's all I've been hearing for the past week. I don't want to be above anyone.....I just want someone to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be fine....that even after my father's unexpected death....I am not alone in this world....and that they are there to hold me when I fall and cheer me when I succeed...."

"As your friend, I will be there for you your high-" 

"But you are not my friend, are you?" Adi interrupted, offended, "You are my brother!"

"Holding your hand would mean letting go of the family that has been by my side for all these years," I said looking down, unable to maintain eye contact.

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