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"Soobin, will you grab me the big red
bowl from the top cabinet?"

"Sure," he says as he stuffs an eggroll
in his mouth. He marches his way towards the refrigerator. As he opens the cabinets above, his hand reaches out for the large red bowl that his mother had specifically requested. Once in his possession, he promptly carries it over to his mother, fulfilling her previous instructions.

"It's not polite to eat the food while you're preparing it and quit it with that attitude of yours, I don't want any of that when Kara gets here." His mother yanks the big red bowl from his grasp.

She begins to mix the cabbage pieces
with the spice paste, eventually turning it into kimchi. Soobin stomachs growls a bit. He could not wait to get a taste of that.

"Well, I'm starving." Soobin shrugs.
"And plus, you already know how this
dinners gonna go anyway." Soobin
sighs as he stuffs another eggroll in his mouth.

Soobin's older sister, Kara, can't seem
to tell the difference between trash
and men. Ever since she has been
old enough to date, she has brought
home the worst of the worst.

One's cheated on her, one's left her for some high schooler, one stole her credit card (thank goodness she canceled it in time), and another had triplets with his cousin. What's next?

He'll turn out gay? Soobin thought.

His mother gives him a dead look
with a hand on her hips and her face
scowling with annoyance, "I'm not telling you again. Quit. It."
Soobin shakes his head. His poor, dear

How can she be so blind? Before
he could steal another eggroll, the
doorbell rang. Soobin and his mother
looked right at each other

They're way too early.

"Dammit, I'm not finished yet.." His
mother mumbled. She hurried to take
off her apron, ran to wash her hands,
and fix any last-minute touches she

"I'll get the door and stall'em, Mom."
Soobin spoke. However, his mother was too preoccupied with her own thoughts to provide a response. Consequently, he nodded to himself, departed from the kitchen in order to open the door.

Soobin said, but his mother was too
distracted with herself to answer. He
nodded to himself and left the kitchen
to open the door..

There she was, Kara. And her new

Soobin put on a big smile, "Kara.. my
dearest. Don't you know when people
say to come at 4:30, they mean 4:30?"

Kara imitates his insincere smile, forcefully pushing him aside in order to gain entry. "Stop being annoying and learn how to treat your guests."

Soobin scoffs. Kara sprints to
the kitchen, leaving her newfound
boyfriend and little brother all alone.

I tried to stall her, Soobin sighed.

As Soobin turned his head to get a better view, he couldn't help but be curious about Kara's boyfriend who had just entered their home.

He observed intently as the unfamiliar face lit up with a warm smile in response to Kara's playful and enthusiastic demeanor.

Soobin's interest piqued further as the stranger, with a friendly disposition, introduced himself to him before promptly trailing after Kara, who was eagerly heading towards her mom. He introduces himself to Soobin and follows Kara afterward.

Yeonjun. Soobin repeated in his head.
He stared at Yeonjun's backside as
Yeonjun continued walking. Brown hair, ripped jeans, chains, and a croptop!? Soobin even recalls a lip
ring! Or was it a piercing?

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