"How did you get to me so fast?" I asked as he laid down on the couch, pulled me on top of him, and started rubbing my back.

"Our conversation... you said you were at the gas station and I was already putting my shoes on because I was hoping you'd top me off in the whip. That's when I heard you say dude's name... I just.... I started moving. I wanted to make sure you were okay....." Iyron said quietly.

"Once again you were thinking with your dick." I said laughing. "I appreciate you coming though... you stopped me from killing him because right before you showed up I was.... Can you please remove your fingers from my ass?" I asked punching him lightly. "I'm trying to be serious...."

"And I'm looking for a distraction because 99% of the bones in my body are screaming for me to go back and kill him... What he did to you, the world would be better off without him and I hate dudes like him... he deserves death." Iyron said and for the first time, his mask slipped and I could see just how pissed he really was. "Look I'm tired... let's go to sleep." Iyron said closing his eyes but I knew he was trying to control his anger.

"In a minute... you said you wanted to figure out how you were going to deal with your lil problem, well this is the least I can do to help you out...." I said pulling his dick out and well Iyron went to sleep with the biggest smile on his face..............

"I got a contact with campus security... I can talk to him and see what we can do about getting HIM banned from campus." Kaevon said. We were all sitting in the living room of Pooch's off-campus house and for the past hour, we were brainstorming ideas on how to deal with my uninvited guest.

"I'm still of the mindset that we go find that nigga and beat his ass into a coma." Pooch said, that had been his only suggestion throughout the meeting, and while a part of me actually agreed with him... enough was going on and the last thing I wanted was for the rest of my family to make a trip up here to see what happened to their beloved Byron.

"If you want.... you know I can handle it." Alessio said and his way of handling it was murder... again I appreciated the offer, but I didn't want any of my brothers getting in trouble for me. I glanced at Trez who had been staring at his phone with the biggest smile on his face, I honestly couldn't remember the last time he smiled like that... it was one of those smiles that came from the heart.

"Nigga, would you put your damn phone up? As you can see we're trying to have a serious conversation over here and you sitting there smiling like a damn goof." Mikael said and I could tell he was annoyed with Trez's lack of participation in the conversation.

"Leave that nigga alone." N'Keal said. "So far, we've heard what Y'ALL want to do... but we haven't heard from Silas. How do you wanna handle this situation bro?" He asked and I was stuck, I was all for beating his ass, having him banned from campus, and even Alessio's suggestion... but what was best for ME?

"We still don't know why Rome was with Byron and what's their connection to Bell..." Trez said placing his phone on the table, and when it alerted him to a text message I could tell he wanted to check it but turned his attention to me and I knew he was thinking that there was a connection between Rome, Bell, and Byron regarding Derrick's murder.

"Why don't we pull up on Rome and just ask him? Fuck all this speculating, let's just go ask him." Pooch said and Trez looked a little nervous.

"Nazareth said not to... he said he'd handle it but... I don't know." Trez said and I could tell there was more to the story that he wasn't saying and wouldn't say in front of everyone. "Anyways, I think the best approach is actually a combination of everyone's suggestions... Kaevon can work his contact in campus security, the rest of us can pull up on dude, and get some answers out of them...."

"You mean torture him?" I asked and Trez shrugged. "Let's be real, who in this room has the stomach for effective torture?" I asked seriously because as much as I loved them all, they weren't killers... well Alessio definitely had that southside Chicago edge to him but the rest of us........

"At the very least beat his ass...." Trez said shrugging. "I'm just saying, we gotta do something, and sitting around on our thumbs isn't accomplishing a damn thing."

"Bro, who the fuck is blowing you up?" Mikael asked as Trez's phone continued going crazy. Trez acted like he didn't hear the question and continued staring at me, pretty much giving me the final say.

"Kaevon, talk to your friend in campus security... as for my cousin, I'll handle it. Don't worry about it... if anything else comes up then we can discuss moving forward with...." I glanced at Alessio who seemed to understand what I was hinting at.

"I guess... anyways, are we done with this conversation? I got pussy waiting and as much as I love y'all... none of y'all can do shyt for me." N'Keal said standing up. "Ayy I need a wingman for her busted roommate..." He said tapping Alessio, who rolled his eyes but stood up and walked out.

"So what are y'all doing?" I asked Trez, Kaevon, Pooch, and Mikael.

"I got this couple coming over... this girl in my Environmental Science course, she get's off on seeing her nigga get fucked while he's eating her pussy... Then she wants two inside her and I'm more than willing...." Pooch said smiling.

"I guess I'll link up with my contact... or Cassius, I haven't decided yet." Kaevon said shrugging.

"Professor Bush has been on my ass about my paper, so I guess I'm going to be redoing it..." Mikael said shaking his head, and I knew that feeling... Professor Bush was chill for the most part but he expects the best from the men in our fraternity. I turned to Trez who was back smiling at his phone, he was so wrapped up in his conversation that he didn't even realize everyone was staring at him.

"I guess I'll head over to Iyron's...." I said and with that, we all went our separate ways and within twenty minutes I was knocking on Iyron's door. "Hey, I was thinking we could hit up that taco truck on the other side of campus... I haven't been there in we...." Before I could get the words out Iyron pulled me inside, pushed me up against the wall, and started kissing me.

"I know I just saw you earlier but I've been missing you like crazy...." Iyron said and given the way he was grippin my ass, I'm guessing his hand didn't hurt as bad as it did earlier. "I MAY have smoked a blunt earlier... don't judge, the offseason is the one time I'm allowed to indulge." Iyron said smiling, and looking at him... his eyes were red as fuck, so earlier must've been within the last hour.

"No judgment from me... I'm just hurt that you didn't call me." I said kissing him, it was a little peck but somehow it turned into me straddling his lap on the couch with his hands grippin my ass.

"Now what were you saying about food?" He asked and I was about to say fuck the food, but I was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Give me a second... It's Coach.... wassup?" Iyron said and after a few seconds, the smile on his face melted. "Aight... I understand...." Iyron said quietly, he tapped my leg, indicating that he wanted me to get up.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as Iyron walked around his living room gathering his clothes.

"Uhh yeah.... no..... Basically, there's a warrant out for my arrest because of the incident last night. Coach is going with me so I can turn myself in but they wanna talk to me beforehand... Umm just wait here, I'm going to call my cousin and I should be out in a couple of hours." Iyron said kissing my cheek and walking out. As the door closed, I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault..........................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Jerian, Dralen, Kaevon, Eamon, or Egypt?

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