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"Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D
Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Isabelle Harvey, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn, Darren Rivers, Quinni Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggott and Malakai Mitchell."

Everyone walks into the classroom and takes their seats. Isabelle sits with Missy, Sasha and Harper. "Bell, you coming cemetery tomorrow night?" Spider asks her, "yeah, save me some drinks." she replies back turning back around to talk to Missy about their outfits. Cash comes walking in and Spider and Ant go eshay and stupid shit which I don't understand because he's everyone's dealer so why would you make fun of him, plus Cash is my ride or die he's been one of my best friends since we met. I smile and wave to Cash as he sits down at his table on the other side of the room as he smiles back. Everyone's conversations stop as Woodsy and another teacher who I later found out was called Miss Obah but to call her JoJo, came in. "Sexual literacy tutorial"  I stare at them confused "SLT so we're sluts," I say and Spider and Ant chant "Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!" while humping the air, my face cringes as I look to Missy hoping she's on the same page as me and luckily she did the same thing and we laugh about that. Maybe not the best choice to have Mason hang around him.

"Izzy, time to get up we have to move the tables and shit," Missy says to me and I zoned back in and see all the tables being moved. Spider comes over and moves our table for us, as Missy and I move our chairs to the side. "Thanks, we could've done that ourselves though" I thank Spider who comes and stands next to me and Missy adds "yeah, we're strong confident woman we don't need a man to do shit for us." "Now I want everyone to walk around in a circle and choose three people and shake hands with them now" when no one moves she says "shaking, shaking." We all start walking round in a circle and the first person I come across is Harper so we shake hands and continue on walking. I hear someone clear their throat behind me so I turn around and the new kid puts out his hand. "Hi, i'm Izzy," I say shaking his hand "Malakai," we finishing shaking and let go of each others hands "so how'd you end up in here?" I ask with a questioning look on my face he smiles and says "don't know just got called over the speaker and now i'm here" he chuckles and I laugh "well welcome to hell" I say. Spider watched Malakai and Belle converse and he hurriedly walks over clenching his jaw and bumps Malakai out of the way "sorry bro, didn't see you there" he says as Isabelle gives him a look "that wasn't nice Spence." He smiles and takes her hand and brings it up to his mouth to kiss the back of it. Isabelle has a small smile on her face as he lowers her hand back down but doesn't let go. Unknown to them Dusty and Ant were snickering to each other about how whipped their best friend was.

Everyone comes to a stop and face Woodsy and JoJo. "Spencer you have genital crabs, hand up Spencer," everyone snickers as Spider doesn't raise his arm "checks out" snickers Darren causing everyone to laugh "not in real life, thank you Darren," Woodsy shakes her head turning back to stare at Spider "put your hand up Spencer." Isabelle nudges him and he slowly raises his hand. "hands up who shook hands with Spencer," Ants hand shot up while Dusty's and Isabelle's went up slowly before Spider grabbed her hand and shot it up smiling down at her while she poked her tongue out at him. "And who shook hands with them," Woodsy continues causing more hands to raise until everyone's was up in the air except for Amerie's. "You all have genital warts." Woodsy finishes with a smile on her face while Spider snickers "I thought it was crabs?" Malakai asks causing Woodsy to turn to look at him with a confused look on her face "right. crabs, thank you, um- "Malakai" "you all have genital crabs. except for you, Amerie. well done." everyone snickers looking at her coward into the corner more. "Now, what does this highlight?" Woodsy asks and everyone looks at her confused for a moment before Cash says "stay away from Spider, he's chat" Isabelle laughed at Cash's remark causing Spider to cross his arms "fuck off guys." he grumbles. Turns out it meant no condoms which made little sense in the heads of Ant and Isabelle.

The bell rings dismissing the class and Isabelle goes over to where her bag is and starts packing everything back into it, telling Missy to go on without her as she's be there for a bit. Dusty, Ant and Spider also stayed behind going over the map seeing who they are connected to. Amerie starts to walk out when Dusty pulls her aside to ask if they hooked up and what this gold line meant connecting their names, causing Isabelle to laugh bringing everyone's attention to her. She walks over to them and zooms in on Dusty's phone to show him the line connecting them, "gold line means destined, doesn't mean you did anything," she says hitting him on the head with a nearby book going back over to sling her bag over her shoulder "yeah like destined to be, she wants you Dusty," Spider chuckles as Amerie walks out of the room with Malakai and Isabelle close behind her. "Don't worry bout it, the maps stupid, it's just to bring everyone down and own up to everything," Isabelle tells Malakai when she stops next to him watching as Amerie runs off. Malakai looks at her as they turn around and walk off to the canteen. Spider watches as she walks away with him. Ant and Dusty come trailing out of the classroom noticing their friends sudden change of attitude "what's wrong bro?" "nothing" Spider replies following in the direction Isabelle just left in. Dusty and Ant give each other a knowing look and follow after Spider who was acting like a lost puppy. Spider finds her in line at the canteen with Malakai behind her, a little too close behind to Spiders dismay. He walks right up to them and starts playing with her hair curling it around his finger as he talks to her about anything and everything making sure she didn't remember about the guy stood behind them watching this show of affection that the biggest dickhead was showing not caring if anyone saw. Isabelle swatted his hand away as he kept twirling her hair around his finger with a smug grin on his face. She pushes him away when it's her turn in line and ordered her food and before she could pay Spider quickly tapped and paid for her lunch getting himself a roll as well. They walk outside to sit at a bench where Dusty and Ant were arguing about Spider paying for her lunch as she took sips out of her slushy and when she would talk to Spider telling him she was capable of paying for her lunch he took sips of her drink, as she rolled her eyes at him. Before walking off to sit with Missy, Sasha and Harper telling them about what happened as she rolled her eyes huffing at his antics.

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