Chapter nine

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Louis' POV:

Morning comes abruptly, cold, and utterly alone. I open my eyes to the sound of an alarm that I didn't set, but with further inspection I see the spot next to me empty, the covers pulled up over my shoulders and my phone plugged into the charger. My heart flutters a little, something I'm learning that I can't control, but would really like to know how to.

I sigh as I push back the covers, and lean over to turn off my alarm. The memories of the previous night come rushing back as the cold air hits my skin. Harry was actually here last night. It wasn't a dream. He cried in my arms, he talked to me like I was a friend. Last night made me feel like I was a teenager again, sneaking around the castle with Harry being young and stupid, all just to end up in the same bed talking about nothing or everything. But that was after things calmed down last night.

The earlier parts of the night reminded me of how I felt when Harry was slipping through my fingers and I just let him because I was too afraid to do otherwise. I always wondered what would've happened if things ended up differently, and last night gave me a look into just that. Or maybe I'm all in my head and this is nothing like what life would've been. It wouldn't have worked. I thought that then and I still think that now. Yeah, that's it.

So now, it's nearly 9:00 in the morning, and I'm left alone in a bed that is way too big for one person, and I'm trying so hard not to be hurt by the action, because it shouldn't even matter in the first place. Not when we hate each other beyond what we used to think was possible. So with that I will get out of the too cold bed and go about my day like everything is normal, because it is.


As I make my way across the room I notice the infamous poem book opened on my desk and turned to a specific page, a pen weighing it down.

His heart was full of depth, but he chose to let it hide, and masked his pain with pills and smokes and jokes and lies.

I thumb the page as I read, the words practically screaming back at me "Harry! Save Harry!". It isn't until I finish reading the poem for the third time that I notice something written in neat handwriting at the bottom of the page.


Thank you for last night. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother. You helped me more than you will ever know. Meet me tonight in the pool room, 11:00. I have something to show you.


"Cryptic much?" I mutter as I set the book down, but not before reading over the note one more time including his nickname at the bottom. Then I reread the poem once more. He didn't just flip to a random page. He meant for me to see this. He's screaming, fighting a silent battle that only I know about, or at least I'm the only one who cares to notice. I shake my head and head towards the bathroom, ignoring how blood courses through my veins a little warmer than it has this past week.

After performing a whole concert set in the shower, putting on the most uncomfortable clothes ever, and then styling my hair to make it look like I just woke up, I make my way down to breakfast. I can smell the cinnamon in the air, bacon frying in a pan, and loud noises coming from the kitchen, no doubt just Margaret being her lovely self. I feel the grin on my face grow wider as I near the kitchen, my mouth watering in unison.

I pass Harmony who is walking down the hall back to her room, with a toy cell phone in her hand that has makeup on the inside. Ah, eleven year olds. I hear Faith's laughter in the distance peaking my interest, so I quicken my pace and continue walking towards the kitchen.

When I get inside, I see Faith sitting on a bar stool laughing and Maybelline on the other side of the table showing her something on her phone. They both look up at me and wave before looking back down at Maybelline's phone. I grab a plate and pile on a variety of different foods that Margaret prepared, then head into the dining hall. There aren't many people in there, mainly because my father has them all in meetings, but there is Harry, Collin, and a few of the other men my father works closely with. My mother isn't here, but I assume she's watching the girls or talking with Harry's mom. I've noticed those two have become fast friends, which might end up being beneficial in the future.

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