Confidence- Request?

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"Take your robe off for me babe?" She stood up and untied her robe leaving her in her under garments and jewelry

"Okay.. what else?" She looked at him

"Can I touch you now?" He gently asked


"your body is amazing, but that's not why I love you.. it just so happened to come with you." She relaxed and allowed his hands to wonder her figure

"Is it?" She laid her hands on top of his.

"Yes, like these." He lightly grazed over her boobs

"What about them?"

"your boobs are nice to look at, but I prefer them when I'm lying on your chest, listening to your heartbeat when we cuddle"


"Of course.."

"What else?"

"Your voice.." He dragged his fingers over her neck

"Go on.." She smiled at his touch

"I love your voice when you're moaning, but it's so much more impressive when you're singing and speaking your beautiful words to me."

"Is there anything else?" She gently kissed his hands.

"So much more.."

"Tell me about them.." She whispered

"I love your hair when its a mess for me but it's so much better when you do it up all nice." He ran his finger through her hair.

"Yeah I like it too.." She giggled

"Not as much as me." He smiled

"Did you run out of compliments?"

"Never.. Your legs are gorgeous on my shoulders but they're better for me when they carry you for our long walks together on the beach." He tapped her thighs and she looked down at them with a pleasant facial expression

"Babe-" She said but he cut her off

"I'm not done." She rolled her eyes playfully

"You're hands look so stunning above your head but even better when they're intertwined with mine" He flipped his hands to lock in with hers

"I love you so much." Her eyes clouded with tears and they dropped as her smile got wider

"I love you so much more than you know."

"What else do you like about me?"

"Your eyes." He held contact through the mirror

"What about them?"

"you're eyes are precious when they are full of lust for my body but they are even better when they shine the love you have for me." She leaned back against him and he held her close.


"I promise.."

"My hips are-" She started to complain but her stopped her

"-beautiful to hold but are more gorgeous when they move to the rhythm of music"

"What about my arms they-"

"They look great pinned at your sides but I prefer when im wrapped in them."

"I like being in your arms too.. a lot."

"My lips though are a little.."

".. your lips are amazing for pleasure but its an even better feeling when you use them to kiss me."

"Really?" She wiped her tears

"Yeah, and this beautiful face, so many things to say about it and your soul, it's precious beyond comparison." Michael held her tight and she was content again with not only who she was but what she looked like.

Liz's POV

"Michael.. you are.. implicitly the the best thing that has ever happened to me.." She smiled and cuddled up in his lap.

"I can say the same and more for you my pretty girl." He whispered lightly against her skin.

"There is however, one more thing I like."

"What would that be baby?" I asked

"I like you.. sitting with me.." He kissed my shoulder

Michael's POV

"What's your favorite part?" She made contact with me in the

"The quality time, your presence is special to me, everyday." She blushed at my response

"Really?" Her eyes glistened in happiness

"Absolutely.." He kissed her shoulder again

"Promise?" She smiled


"I needed this.." She admitted

"I know babe."

"Can we get back into bed?" She whined

"Yes my love." She put her robe back on and I put the mirror back and got in bed with her.

"Thank you." She sniffed

"What for darling?" I asked rubbed her head that she laid on my chest

"Everything." She whispered before we drifted off into our dreams

Mizabeth oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin