The Monstrous Nightmare

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The Vikings around the arena.
Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!
Well I can show my face into public again! Stoick laughs.

Stoick: If someone had told me that in a few short weeks, Hiccup would go well from uh being Hiccup.
To placing first in dragon training, well I'd tied him to a mast, and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad!

And you know it! Stoick laughs.
Stoick: But here we are, And no one is more surprised or more proud than I am.

Hiccup is shown in the arena next to the entry way. Holding his Viking helmet.
Stoick: Today my boy becomes a Viking. Today he becomes one of us!

Y/N and Astrid walk up to Hiccup.

Y/N: Be careful of that dragon.
Hiccup: It's not the dragon I'm worried about.
Astrid: What are you and Y/N going to do?
Hiccup: Put an end to this, I have to try. Hiccup looks back to Y/N and Astrid. 
Hiccup: Y/N Astrid if something goes  wrong,just make sure they don't find Toothless.

Y/N: We promise.
Astrid: Just be careful Hiccup.
Y/N: Just Promise us it won't go wrong.
Gobber walks to Hiccup.
Gobber: It's Time Hiccup, Knock 'em Dead.
Hiccup takes deep breaths before putting on the Viking helmet and walking into the arena.

The teens cheer at Hiccup.
Yeah! Show them how it's done!

The crowd Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!
Hiccup walks over to the weapons and Picks a shield and a dagger.
Stoick: I'd gone for the hammer.
Hiccup holds up his shield.
Hiccup: I'm ready.

The cage opens and the Monstrous  Nightmare came out all fired up.
The Monstrous nightmare claimed on the walls and then the chains.

It looked at Hiccup and crawled down towards him.
Viking Man: Go on Hiccup!Give it to him!
Hiccup drops his weapon and Shield.
Hiccup puts his hand out towards the Monstrous Nightmare slowly.

Stoick: What is he doing?
Y/N Looks concerned for her friend in the arena.
Hiccup: Hey, it's okay, It's okay. Hiccup tries to calm the Monstrous Nightmare.
Hiccup takes off his Viking helmet off of his head.
Hiccup: I'm not one of them. Hiccup throws his Helmet off to the side.

Y/N and Astrid look at each other frightened.
Stoick: Stop the fight.
Hiccup: No! I need you all to see this.
They're not what we think they are. Hiccup says.
We don't have to kill them. Hiccup says to the crowd.
I said stop the Fight! Stoick yells. And slams his hammer on the chains.

The Monstrous Nightmare went out of his calm state and went to charge at Hiccup.
Hiccup yelps and then runs from the Monstrous Nightmare.

Back at Raven Point Toothless hears Hiccup screams.
Stoick: Out of my way! 
Y/N: Hiccup!
Astrid: What are you doing!? You're gonna get yourself killed!
Y/N/ I'm going to save my friend!
Y/N gets an axe that was on the wall and uses it to open the gate.

In Raven point Toothless struggles to get up at the rock. He's trying to climb to get to Hiccup.
He jumps on the rocks and then uses his sharp nails to keep study on the rock to get up.

Hiccup runs again as he saved himself from the fire the Monstrous Nightmare shoot at him.
Hiccup: Ahhh!
Hiccup grabs a shield but then the Monstrous nightmare destroyed the shield and the other weapons.

Toothless is now running in the forest to get to hiccup at a very fast speed.
Hiccup! Y/N yells. Y/N looks for a weapon and picks up the hammer and throws it at the Monstrous Nightmare.

The Monstrous Nightmare growls at Y/N and then Chases her. Stoick then opens the other gate.
This way! Stoick Yells.
"Y/N!"Astrid Yells. Worried for her sister.
Y/N made it to Stoick and Astrid Hiccup right behind her, 
but then the Monstrous Nightmare stoped him.

Ahhh! Hiccup screams. as the Monstrous Nightmare takes hiccup in his claws.
The Monstrous Nightmare Sniffs Hiccup then starts to Fire at Him.

Toothless Shrieks as he did a plasma Blast at the Arena to save Hiccup.  
Night fury! Gobber says shocked.
Toothless and The Monstrous Nightmare fight over Hiccup.
But Toothless wants Hiccup Safe.

Toothless knocks over the Monstrous Nightmare off of him to protect Hiccup.
They both growl and Snarl at each other.

Toothless then jumps at the Monstrous Nightmare to scare him and he backs up scared.
Hiccup gets off the ground to go to Toothless.

Hiccup: All right Toothless, go Get out of Here.All the Vikings start to jump into the Arena to get the Night Fury.
Hiccup: Go. go!
Y/N: Stoick No!
Stoick grabs a Hammer to fight the NightFury.

Hiccup: Dad, He won't hurt you!
No don't you're only making it worst!
Toothless kicks the other Viking that are going after him,
then sees Stoick and jumps on him.

Hiccup: Toothless Stop!
Toothless Start to do a plasma Blast.
No. No! Screams Hiccup.
Toothless Stops then looks at Hiccup.
Stoick hits Toothless with the hammer and toothless wines.

Y/N and Astrid run up to hiccup Y/N holds Hiccup back.
Hiccup: Please don't. Don't hurt him. Hiccup pleas.
Stoick: Put with the others.
Stoick throws Hiccup into the Great Hall.

Stoick: I should've known, I should have seen the signs.
Hiccup: Dad?
We had a deal! Stoick yells at Hiccup.
Hiccup: I know we did,
That was before... Aw know it's all messed up.
Stoick: So everything in the ring, was a trick a lie?
Hiccup: I screwed Up. I should have told you before now. I just... take this out on me, be mad at me,
but please just don't hurt toothless.

Stoick: The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people's you
almost  killed?
Hiccup: He was just protecting me! He's not dangerous.
They've Killed Hundreds of us! Stoick yells.
And we've killed thousands of them! Hiccup shouts back

Hiccup: They've Defend themselves. That's all!They raid us because they have to.
If they don't bring enough food back,they're eaten themselves.

Hiccup: There's something else on their island. It's Dragon like...
Stoick: They're island? So you've been to the nest?
Did I say nest? Hiccup questions
Stoick: How did you find it?
Hiccup: What no, I didn't. Toothless did.
Only a dragon can find the island.

Hiccup: Oh no, No dad. No please it's not what you think.
You don't know what you're up against. It's like nothing you've ever seen.
Stoick pushes Hiccup out of the way.

Dad? Hiccup says.
I promise you can't win this one!
No. Dad no.
Hiccup runs up to Stoick.
Hiccup: For once in your life would you please listen to me!
Hiccup grabs Stoick arm but then Stoick pushes Hiccup back.

Stoick: You've thrown your lot in with them. You're not a Viking. Your not my son.
Stoick walks away and out the door.

Stoick: Ready the ships! Stoick closes the great hall door.

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