Night Fury!?

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Hiccup Runs out of the house while he finds Y/N and Gobber walks Away

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Hiccup Runs out of the house while he finds Y/N and Gobber walks Away.

Stoick: Either we finish them or they finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them.
If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave, They'll find a new home!
One more search before the ice sets.

Viking: Those ships never come back.
Stoick: We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me!

Viking: Count me out.
Another Viking: Todays no good for me.
I have to do my axe returns.
Stoick: Alright.
Those who stay will look after Hiccup and Y/N.
Then all the Vikings raises their hands.
A women Viking: To the ships!
Viking man: I'm with you!
Stoick: That's more like it.
Gobber: Right. I'll pack my undies.
Stoick: No you need to stay and train some new recruits.
Gobber: Perfect. And while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall while Y/N is in dragon training with the others.
Molten steel, razor-Sharp blades, lots of time to himself.
What could possibly go wrong?

Stoick: What am I going to do with him Gobber.
Gobber: Put him in training with Y/N?
Stoick:No I'm serious.
Gobber: So am I!
Stoick: He'd be killed before the first dragon is out of its cage.
Gobber: Oh you don't know that.
Stoick: I do actually.
Gobber: No you don't.
Stoick: No I do.
Gobber: No you don't.
Stoick: Listen. You know what he's like.
From the time he could crawl, he's been different.
Stoick (sighs)
He doesn't listen.
He has the attention span of a sparrow.
I take him fishing and he goes hunting for trolls!
Gobber: Trolls exist! They steal your socks. But only the left ones. What's with that?
Stoick: When I was a boy.
Gobber: Here we go.
Stoick: My father told me, to bang my head against a rock and I did it. I thought I was crazy, but I didn't question him.
And you know what happened?

Gobber: You got a headache?
Stoick: That rock spilt into two.
It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber.
He could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas!
Even as a boy. I knew what I was, what I become. Hiccup is not that boy.
Gobber: You can't stop him,Stoick.
You can only prepare him.
I know it seems hopeless, but you won't be always be around to protect him.
He's going to get out there again.
He's probably out there now with Y/N.

We see Hiccup and Y/N walking together while Hiccuo crosses X's on his book.

Y/N sees Hiccup getting angry and crossing the X's and scribbling on the page.

Y/N: Hiccup? It's okay. Y/N smiles Sadly.
Hiccup sighs
Oh, the gods hate me.

Hiccup: Some people lies their knife, or their mug, Not me.
Y/N:Don't be to hard on yourself Hiccup.
Hiccup: No not me. I manage to lose an entire dragon.

Y/N sees a branch in front of hiccup.
Y/N: Hiccup? Uh there's a branch in front of you.
Hiccup then hits the branch and it hits him in the face.

Y/N: Hiccup. What did I just say.
Hiccup: Sorry Y/N. Im just frustrated.
Y/N: It's okay. And remember I will always be here for you.
Hiccup and Y/N smiles at each other.
But then They both look at the tree and realize it has a broken branch.
Y/N:Do you think the Night Fury hit the tree Hiccup?
Hiccup: I don't know. But let's check it out.
Hiccup and Y/N look down and sees lots of broken down trees and starts to head down the path.

Hiccup looks down while Y/N is behind him, and sees the Night Fury. And he Gets down and pull Y/N with him.

Y/N: Is the Night Fury there hiccup?
Hiccup: Yes. But stay behind me okay?
Y/N: Okay.
They both take there heads out and see the Night Fury tied up from the shot.
And then we see hiccup take out his life and put his other hand in front of Y/N to protect her.

Hiccup:Oh, wow. I did.
Hiccup and Y/N walks close to the Night Fury and still has his hand in front of Y/N.

Hiccup:Ohhh, I did it. This... This fixes everything Y/N! Yes! Hiccup looks back at Y/N
Y/N smiles at Hiccup.
Y/N: Careful Hiccup.
Hiccup: I have brought down this mighty beast!

Hiccup put his foot on the Night Fury. Y/N gasps and puts her hands on her mouth.
Y/N: Hiccup! Be careful!
Hiccup: I will Y/N don't worry the dragon is shot down!

Then the dragon shoved Hiccup off.
Hiccup and Y/N both get scared. Hiccup protecting Y/N.

They both see the dragon looking up at them. While Hiccup has his knife point at it. And Y/N behind him walking slowly.

Hiccup: I'm going to kill you, Dragon.
Then I'll cut out your heart and take it to my father.
Y/N closes her eyes and puts her hands over them.
Hiccup: I'm a Viking.
I am a Viking!

Hiccup looks down and sees the dragon accepting its fate.
And Hiccup is about to kill the dragon but looks down at it. And hesitates.

Y/N then opens her eyes to see if Hiccup killed the dragon but he didn't. And she's happy that he didn't kill it.

Hiccup: I did this.
Y/N help me unite the Dragon.
Y/N nods and goes to help Hiccup.

The dragon opens its eyes and sees the human cutting the rope off.
Y/N whispers: Hiccup. Hurry.
Hiccup is going as fast as he can while Y/N is help taking the rope off.

The dragon gets out and pins both Hiccup and Y/N and looks at them.

Y/N covers her eyes and has her head against Hiccups Shoulder.
The dragon then yells and flys away.

Hiccup: Y/N you okay?
Y/N: Y yeah I'm fine. Just a little shaking up.

They hear the dragon whining. They can kinda see it trying to fly from behind the trees.

They both stand up and fall back down in their face and lay thief for a while.
Y/N: How is anyone gonna believe this Hiccup? Y/N says looking at hiccup.
Hiccup: I don't know but I am shaking up just like you.

Hope you guys like this chapter! Words, 1099

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